What's Jow Forums's stance on Universal Basic Income?
What's Jow Forums's stance on Universal Basic Income?
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It's a nice idea, but only practical in very low-wage countries. I could see the EU or US providing some places in Africa with a few bucks a day or something to help, but there will have to be massive societal, political and economic change in order for it to work. I'm not hopeful
i am neet so i dont care
If you want your NEETbux, you should have to atleast fucking apply for them.
Neetbux is welfare you're all hypocrites
i never said otherwise? i really dont care about the mindless chatter that is Jow Forums, as long as it benefits me im fine with whatever
Huh, I always thought UBI stood for Universal Blacked porn for Incels.
thats actually kinda funny, good job user
i want an ancap society like a late 90s cyberpunk nightmare no social welfare or benefits of any kind
Useless welfare, I do agree that all programs should be consolidated though.
The state will use it as a major tool to control the population and bc it will mean the death of the working class there will be no economic power behind the masses, thus the political elite will be able to get away with horrors not seen since.
The only way it wont end up in a dystopia is if its married with a reformation of democracy.
>giving random negroes in FOREIGN COUNTRIES "free cash" (aka your own citizens tax money)
yeah nah
if the elite become a problem to large we just start killing them off. Rather simple they cant be a problem if they aren't breathing
we give random people cash all the time, vegas recenty sued the government because the dollar had vegas's statue of liberty on it. Tax dollars never go to where they are needed so they are basically a joke
Eliminate all other forms of welfare and I'm for it.
>therefore we should give random negroes free money
pull that black dildo out of your ass
>Random white guy uses me NS of tax money for his mansion
But it's all cool
My keyboard is dying
It's completely incompatible with the idea that you need constant growth for a functioning economy, which is what most western societies are geared around. Even if you had the means of producing enough resources, energy, goods and services without having most of your adult society in the workforce, you would NECESSARILY need to drop the idea that society has to keep growing, which, in the west, means no immigration.
Seeing as proponents of UBI are typically the same proponents of increased immigration, this conflict will never be reconciled and any attempt to implement a UBI would quickly fail.
I'm not saying we *should* do that, I'm saying that if you *wanted* UBI, that's the only type that would work in today's world. In fact, there are existing programs like this already that seem to help.
aye im fine with giving up neetdom if everyone else has to work to, thats very fair.
>nobody mentions blacks
>user starts talking about taking black dildos and have sex with blacks
user if you want a black bf so bad just go get one, stop this weird fetish shit already.
just take a pic of the keys and then take it apart for a decent cleaning. Its almost always because its just got like oil gunking it up
absolutely for it, would be far more efficient than paperwork-laden, highly-specific, abusable existing welfare systems, provide better motivation for work and education for neets as it won't cause increased money made to reduce payments, and it will importantly assist the most vulnerable and important class in society, the youth, who, lacking the experience and past 'investments' of the older people, would stand to gain the most, being largely dependent on either government or family in this modern paperwork society, enabling them to access education, essentials and mobility. the gov needs to invest in giving youth opportunities to develop and use their abilities, being the future of the nation.
hmm, why did the captcha make me do three puzzles?
I want free money. So yes.
Goodish imo, doesn't cause problems for people who want to work to gain more money. Its not like its a lot of money, just enough to survive
When full automation comes it would be only reasonable solution desu
>tfw born just one or two generations before that
fuck me
Get a fuckinng job kid
If we can afford to pay $22k on each criminal in a federal prison, we can afford to pay for law abiding citizens down on their luck.
Only if i get more than other people.
It's far worse than that in Cali
The US houses 716 prisoners per 100k people. That's not even a percent. So spreading that out among everyone, each person would get less than $200 a year.
Thanks user will do
>Flipping fitting gallopingly unoriginal
Impossible until we hit post-scarcity, if that ever happens (it won't). Though it would be nice in the sense that I'd get to just fuck off and do nothing. I think the idea that it'll make society as a whole more productive or creative is laughable though.
You are forgetting welfare for chair jockeys in the armed services.
I still wouldnt pursue my dreams or do anything with my life
That has nothing to do with prison budgets
I'm against it, mostly because I'm all for weaklings getting purged from our society.
But it's still government money that can be used for people in need.
Nonsense. Most companies know good ways around it and if your country really depends on a "basic income" then something is definitely wrong with its economy.
sounds great in theory, but we have a lot of work to do on how we monitor, tax, and enforce regulations on banks and large corporations before we go into giving everyone $15k a year unless the real goal is massive inflation.
I'm waiting on it to happen so I can remove all stress from my life. Then maybe I'd actually feel like trying. or if not it doesn't matter.
If you want that, just fund euthanasia instead of being a cruel darwinian retard that thinks "survival of the fittest" even comes close to applying in this highly artificial industrial welfare society.
Can you imagine being a professional with an important job and losing your car keys in the asshole of some bimbo, right when you're supposed to attend a meeting?
I am completely okay with getting free gubment bux.
I understand that it will ultimately destroy the US economy but I really don't give a shit, ill kill myself before anything effects me lel
plus stealing money from wageslaves is hilarious to me haha
Better than welfare, but it should only be applied to people with the additional responsibility to perform any public service at the state's beckon call. You take from taxpayers, you give back to the taxpayers.
You should enlist then, my friend.
That's ironic since most of the homeless people I see on the street and on the buses are fucking survivors and would BTFO normies in a real apocalyptic SHTF situation. Weaklings are the ones with cushy white collar jobs that they got through nepotism and social posturing and for which they can basically get by playing minesweeper, shitposting and laughing at funny internet videos all day
It's a really dumb idea that wouldn't work at all and if everyone died who thought it was a good idea the world would be a better place.
I would if I wasn't 40 and need the quietest of environments to sleep every night.
i know what you mean, mate. I'm 40s as well, getting old is a bitch.
NEETs benefit from UBI
Never gonna happen in our lifetime, at least in the US.
Good, avatarniggers don't deserve it.
For it. I grew up in a shithole and it is so, so fucking hard to get out without everyone dragging you down. Everyone should have a chance and I don't mind paying for it.
t. 1 percenter (or 0.1 considering age)