Name a more Jow Forums character

Name a more Jow Forums character

Attached: muscle.png (692x475, 637K)

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Attached: 373721_6.jpg (630x630, 46K)

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He is even a 30-year old boomer and beta orbits a girl he has no chance with.

Attached: download (20).jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

Gr8 taste op

Attached: Screenshot_20180729-214515__01.jpg (1080x1277, 344K)


Attached: saitama-one-punch-man-wallpaper-by-lennachan.png (2832x2497, 3.08M)

Was just reading this last week.

Attached: images.jpg (301x168, 14K)

How much does he weigh?

Probably like 150-160lb. The dude can literally create giant ass canyons and change geography with a single punch though.