/r9gay/ - #393

What would you do to cheer him up if he was having a bad day?

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first for tfw no gamer bf

I'd comfort him the best way i could. I'd do anything for him so he would feel better.

Well i don't really know. Someone just somewhat bigger than me (Doesn't have to be taller) would be nice physically. Good hygiene is also important.
Personality wise I'd love someone sweethearted, loyal and just smarter than me would be nice.
I really don't know user, that's all i can really give you, sorry.

But if I'd give you some fictional chars that i really liked I'd say Leorio or Uvogin.
What about you user? What kind of a bf would you like?

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Start a nice comfy bath and we'd get in the tub together and I'd wash him and cuddle him and tell him everything will be okay

I'm laying in bed feeling especially lonely and useless ;-;

I was doing my little jog around the block I do a week ago and a guys german shepard grabbed my foot and wouldnt let go, it bit through my shoe and fucked up my foot, had to go to hospital and get heaps of shots, it hurts to curl my toes :(

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I sure as hell try to but every single time I try to help him better himself, it comes back to bite me in the ass because he thinks he's not good enough.

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Like, someone more masculine, perhaps muscular?
I don't think that's a bad answer, it doesn't do well to be too specific or you'll never find someone who lives up to whatever idealised vision you have.

I'm torn between whether I'd want someone more or less masculine than me physically, I tend to flip flop on that a lot. Either way I feel like I'd need someone patient and understanding, loyalty is obviously paramount and someone who had some optimism and energy to them would be nice but it's not a deal breaker or anything.
I'm not very good at putting these things into terms of fictional characters, unfortunately. Do you watch a lot of anime, then?

Someone more masculine than me for sure, or just chubbier. Being a skinny boy doesn't make that hard though.

Yeah i watch a decent amount of anime, mostly because it's a good source of escapism. Also play a decent amount of vidya but nothing to play recently. Do you watch anime or play vidya? If so then what do you play and watch.

>he's completely vanilla

Skinny boys are top tier, I'm pretty jealous of you. I always struggle to stick to any sort of diet or exercise regime to make that happen.
I don't watch too much anime, mostly because when I'm not busy with school I'm at home and have to hide my power level too hard to watch anything except in the dead of night, so most of my escapism is through vidya these days. I mostly play a lot of roguelikes and strategy games since I'm not a huge fan of spending money on new games. What sort of stuff do you play?

>he isn't into chastity

>hes not at least 25y old

But i am
>he isn't into sounding

What the fuck is sounding?

What are you listening to today r9gay?

Urethral toys AKA pisshole fucking


I dont want to hurt my benis.

It doesn't hurt. It feels nice and weird. Meant to use plenty of lube and special thin toys

Sadly i ain't short, i am average height. I don't really have a fixed diet or anything but i do cardio everyday so at least I'd look somewhat decent physically. I'm blessed with a body that can't get fat, no matter what i do.
I play allot of roguelikes and some strategy games myself, I love story based games though, oh survival games!

What do you study if i may ask?
The Made In Abyss ost as usual.

I like anal more desu.

>tfw bfs parents are both obviously disappointed he's not dating a girl

I want a trap bf so bad, bros.

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Forgive me if I'm finding it hard to give you much sympathy.

what body type do you want for a dream bf? justify your answer.
and follow up--how important is personality vs an amazing body? because clearly for everybody there's a breaking point between the two

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Small (

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Taller than me (above 6'0)
Masculine and takes really good care of his hygiene

Personality is so much more important though. I'd gladly date a user who was the same height or even shorter, was chubby but had the perfect personality.
That img already made me flustered, god damnit why did you have to post that

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Average height is still good, although I find that can have a highly variant meaning depending on who you ask. I have a good inch and a half on the average height in my country but it never really feels like it when I'm out and about. Having that body must be nice, I'm thankfully not fat by any means but I'd kill for a flat stomach.
I'm not entirely sure on what counts as a story based games, but games with good stories can absolutely consume all my thoughts on the rare occasion that a story really hits home for me.. Survival games aren't tooo much my thing but that's largely because I don't really have anyone to play them with, ahah. Got any particular favourites?

I'll be going into a masters degree in Mathematics after this summer. Are you in school, or work, or just living that sweet NEET lifestyle?

Too bad they tend to only like other traps. Same with femboys user. May as well give up hope.

i don't save many images, but the ones i do are guaranteed to fluster. it's like, my style man.

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Add me on steam for sexy chat, I'm into anything gay with boys.

Average height sucks, too tall for short boy lover and too short for tall boy lovers. Having a skinny body is nice yeah but i still hate my body, I'm never happy with how i look like.
Fav games in general? Warcraft series, Metro series, Stalker series, The Witcher series, Borderlands series, Rust, Dayz, Arma series, Rust. I'm probably forgetting something important but screw it. What about you user, what are your favorites? I would of listed some roguelikes but that list would of gotten too long.

Going to school real soon, right now I just have a part time job for the summer.
And damn, mathematics? You are a smart one aren't you? I wish i was smart, maybe i wouldn't be so depressed and would have a decent life.
off you go. shoo shoo.

u literally just told that guy to fuck off to and then blogposted hard af
come on man

I have a img that always makes me really flustered and at the same time depressed.
God i wish i was in that position, i want to be that cute boy.

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Oops. forgot to..damnit.

Just talking to another user, user.

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Please yes I need this

Would your bf being suicidal be a deal breaker?
>pic related
As long as he's bigger than me, it's all good.
And I agree with the other user that personality is important.

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mascfags confirmed AGP

Wanted to post this exact post myself, wow. guess I'll just see what replies you get.

No it'd be the ideal. I wanna die with someone so that'd work out perfectly. Unless he wanted to not die and actually get better. that may be a problem.

probably desu, being with someone suicidal is very mentally and emotionally draining and it will always, in the best case scenario, damage a relationship

AGP? what? user, please explain.

There are average height boy lovers out there, too! Or at least people that don't really put any stock in height, I know I don't.
I don't think that anyone is truly happy with how they look, but if you're skinny and not outright deformed then you're probably doing alright on that front.
Out of those I've only really played Borderlands but I've heard good things about most of those, so I'd say you've got a good selection there.
Some favourites of mine are Civilization, Stellaris, XCOM, and on the less strategy side of things I've really enjoyed NieR: Automata, Dishonored, stuff like that.

What're you going into school for, if you don't mind me asking? I should have got a part time job or an internship or something myself but I left it too long, alas.
I feel like I'm the archetypal airheaded smart guy, to be honest. I can be a total ditz sometimes at the simplest stuff.

Honestly I have the same thoughts sometimes, but I think it's disgusting that I even think it.
What if he didn't want to die, and just wanted to be loved and comforted?
And suicide pacts are definitely romanticized, but I can still see the appeal, and wouldn't mind doing it, but trusting someone to go with it is probably beyond me.

You do have a point there yeah. There are for sure people out there who don't care about height. It's not that I'm not happy with my body, it's that i hate myself in every way possible.
>>Not outright deformed
>Tfw you have funnel chest

Civilization and dishonored are really nice games, haven't tried Stellaris yet but 've heard meany good things about it, really want to to try it out someday. XCOM and NieR never tickled my fancy sadly.

Well seeing as i am a total and utter brainlet, the only thing that i saw myself being successful at was cooking. Already have lots of experience with it and love cooking.
What other hobbies do you have btw?

>what if he didn't want to die, and just wanted to be loved and comforted?
I mean personally it wouldn't be a deal breaker but as you said I've romanticized the idea of spending time with another depressed boy and have our relationship build up to the time we decide to quit life rather than improving ourselves and prolonging existence. But I don't know it wouldn't be an immediate dealbreaker I guess. Also yes trusting someone would be a colossal requirement and difficult one to achieve considering the nature of seppuku with someone else. Which is what in my ideal situation the relationship is for, building up and establishing trust as well as making the time you spend waiting for death a bit more enjoyable. I don't really think it's disgusting to think about though user if you feel like dying there's nothing wrong about wanting someone similar to share that with and ideally make the transition from living to dead a bit more palatable.

>he said i was ugly and walk away with another guy :(

>call a woman a lesbian because she doesn't want to fuck a slob
>your entire department is fired and you're buried in the seabed like nuclear waste
>call a guy straight because he doesn't want to fuck a slob
>lol owned

ah, I see

Self hatred can be a powerful thing, but that makes it more important to hold on tight to any positive you can find in yourself, right?
I suppose I stuck my foot in my mouth a little bit there, my apologies. Still, there are far worse things than funnel chest, especially mild cases, and there are surgeries for it, but how easily you could get that will depend on the healthcare where you live.
I don't play Stellaris too much any more, there was a time when I was playing an unhealthy amount of it, it's the sort of game I'd like to hot seat single player with someone.
Cooking is a great thing to be able to do! I'm far too clumsy to be any good at it, I'll always burn or scald or cut myself and I'm not great with timing.
I also fancy myself a little bit of a musician, I like to play it and occasionally try my hand at composing a piece or two. How about yourself, regardless of how good you think you are at it what do you enjoy doing?

>tfw went back with my manchild ex
wow, this is what being a retarded stacy feels like?

>m:yaoi m:rape l:english m:feminization m:"mind break" -shota
when did it all go so wrong?

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I don't know what you're talking about, user, it sounds like everything's going perfectly.

is where is went wrong

I miss school
back then id hug 5+ people daily and had people pinch my butt and grind on my cock :(

very much this

>m:feminization m:"mind break"
There's your problem.

Pedos and prison gays please go.

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what's wrong with mind break?

What is mindbreak? I keep seeing it in random places but don't want to look up fetishes.

I don't see a single problem at all, user.
But I respect your opinion.

Breaking someones mind with cock

brainwashing, complete change of personality

straight guy ends up becoming a slut and cares about nothing but the cock of his master would describe the plat of the last doujin i read

I'll never have a cute boy to shower with love and affection.
I'll never come home after work and hold him in my arms because I missed him
I'll never take him out on romantic dates and embarass him in public
I'll never pull him close in bed

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Oh that makes sense I should have figured it'd be something like that with the word mind in it.

you're making me hate manly dudes
this thing you're doing is having the opposite of the effect you want

If you don't like manly dudes you're not gay.

you're inventing this "gay" category, pretending we want to be a part of it, then trying to make taking your dick the toll

every time you post, I like them less, and I'm at "put them on the ol' ISIL elevator" levels of not liking them right now

>18 year old prison gay wont like men that he doesnt like already
WOW, were finished

Mind break isn't bad by itself, although usually it's too simple.
Like becoming a complete cockwhore after being pounded for a few hours is stupid, you gotta take your time over weeks and months, and slowly but surely pound the love of cock in them.
Feminization is trash, and mind break combined with feminization is even worse.

There's this great harada doujin where the sub is isolated, starved, and tortured until he slowly embraces being a whore, and by the end begs to be fucked. That's how it's supposed to be done.

You don't need to be into manly men, you can be a whore and still be a fucking man, not some shitty imitation. Crossdressing and feminization is disgusting.
If I wanted to fap to someone who looks like a girl, I'd fap to a girl, I don't know how people can delude themselves to like cock but not everything else that comes with a man.
If you like women, stop this shit, and just go look at straight porn, there's nothing wrong with it.
Look, if you like the idea of not just having sex, but dating and living with a man for the rest of your life then keep going, otherwise don't fap to garbage it won't do you any good.

the guy who ran billy over didn't do anything wrong and if you meet a manly dude it is 100% morally acceptable to beat them until they can't walk or go to the toilet unassisted

I don't care if you like masc guys, I'm just telling you that you're not gay.

I don't want to give you my dick. I'm gay, I like actual men. Not whatever you are.

>like less masculine/more neutral looking males
>don't like succubi
>not gay
so what am I amigo?

Hi Nyantezu I hope you're fine and your cat is still going strong.

>There's this great harada doujin where the sub is isolated, starved, and tortured until he slowly embraces being a whore, and by the end begs to be fucked. That's how it's supposed to be done.
this one?

>so what am I amigo?
You are prison gay amigo.

you're trying to hog an entire orientation for a bunch of mid-30s furfag shitlibs and it's obnoxious

even fucking women don't like these fags and you're telling me I can't call myself what I am if I don't literally fuck the garbage refuse of our gender? fuck you get shot in a nightclub my guy

so gay then. The prison meme makes no sense if you're not interested in succubi to begin with.

Yeah, I love all of Harada's stuff.
>tfw there's no as109 tier artist that would do yaoi of actual adults and not loli and shota
His suffering and art quality is the best I've seen.

Sorry for the very late response, I did my nighttime workout session and then had some fun in the shower exfoliating and such. Sorry.

Sadly enough the only thing i like about myself is my ability to cook, determination to maintain my body and pain tolerance.
No need to apologize user, It's alright. And yeah i know funnel chest ain't the worst but it bugs me. Also getting the surgery for it means i wouldn't be able to exercise for 3 months or so, and that would be really bad.
Yeah, It's nice and all but It's the only thing i am good at. Oh and if you want to get better at cooking then just watch videos and practice allot.
Musician? That sounds interesting.
Mostly have chan related hobbies, other things i enjoy is world building and camping/ outdoorsy stuff.

Tfw no ohio bf to talk to while im at work

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It's telling that cuck and sissy have done more for the whole "masc" meme in like three years than bara has in a decade.

How do i qualify as a cute boy? I want to be your cute boy now.

The reason why I enjoy feminisation is because I like the thought of being degraded and dominated and nothing degrades and asserts a man's submission more than being forced to become a woman by another man.

Why does /vp/ have the cutest user like literally all of them are hot or cute

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>be a boy
>be cute
thats all you need

They wouldn't be posting pics if they weren't hot or cute. That's how this shit works.

Are you being dense intentionally or are you just naturally stupid? I'm not talking about 'garbage furfag shitlibs' or whatever retarded shit you have in mind I'm talking about normal ass men. Guys with beards and body hair. Fit muscular men. Tall and broad with deep voices and strong hands. You know, men. I'm a man and I like other men. If you only like slim, young little femme boys that crossdress and preen like women you probably aren't gay.

Go chase a tranny or something, feed your unhealthy obsession with dickgirls.

I'm a boy but how do i know if i am cute? What qualifies as ''cute''.

Are you cute? Originally of course.

I said neutral looking men are my preference though not trannies or traps. I just like normal looking males not masculine or buff ones.

yeah, guys who get fired if they look at a woman
you can't tell me to like a thing and then use all of your resources to punish it in every other context. my boypussy is not your sexual market subsidy

Theres a specific look
send me a picture on discord. iowa#1179

If you have to ask you're not cute.

>tfw forcing bears to fuck chicks at gunpoint
>tfw they're both crying and puking
Redistribution, perhaps? A means of, let us say, redressing inequalities?

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>normal looking males
>not masculine


>multiple boys have called me handsome
>still think I'm ugly and they were just lying to me
Why do I do this?

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Pokemon autists are surprisingly attractive.

I'm not sending a random pictures of myself. Hell no, you creep.
What if you have low self esteem and your self hate is strong? How is a person like that supposed to rate his body?
Are people legitimately dumber than me?

You know, a normal person who isn't muscular. When I think masculine I think a generic bearded muscled type of bloke rather than an average dude.

>fatty mcqueerstudies freaks out and shits on the chick he's supposed to be fucking which makes him cry even harder

Send me a pic and I'll give you my honest opinion user.