White nationalists and crossposters from Jow Forums

What do you have to offer white women that is unique to everyone else in the dating pool, other than having white children?

In my experience, non white men treat me with more respect while in a relationship. Many non-white men think dating white women is a prize, and thus treat us as such. On average, they're less entitled and more willing to date their own attractiveness range.

>inb4 IQ. Asians are higher.

Bread is in response to

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I take care of myself and while I did struggle in my youth, because of a shattered household, I forgave my paretns for it and thus the anger I once had turned into energy I could use to transform myself into ambitious, self loving, women respecting individual I am today

Fuck off roastie

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>I'm a whore for whoever gives me better gibs and complements
If this is truly your mentality, then you don't deserve your genes.

Hopefully, next life you will be a nigger.

Why would a normalfag female actually make a post like this? Nah this is a guy larping.

You know even the average inexperienced person has an 80% success rate telling your gender from your posts right? You aren't fooling anyone but yourself.

Filth like you are exactly the reason why white men treat white women like shit.

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>4 inch cock
>38 and NEET
>280 pounds
>no hair
>14 diseases

"You don't deserve these genes roastie REEEEE!!!"

You are not even getting relationships though. You are riding carousel with whatever brown dick comes all your youth.
Dunecones fuck you gladly but mostly marry true, niggers mostly run off or occasionally do not mind breaking your jaw.

Only then you consider boring betabois for dosh, and wow they are sure entitled!
Wanting to have a girl as you were back when you fucked for fun instead of the coalburned tattoed mommy.

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>You are riding carousel with whatever brown dick comes all your youth.
I'm a virgin, and it's non-white men who tend to respect that I'm waiting until marriage. Many of them are waiting as well. Every white guy I went on a date with pressured for sex within the first 3 dates.

>coalburned tattoed
You do realize blacks aren't the only type of non-whites out there, right? Also, tats are degenerate and I don't have one, nor ever will.

Dude fuck off. This board is shit enough without your godawful trolling attempt.

theyre extra nice as compensation for non white genetics.

if thats an acceptable trade for you

>white women
>you have to offer something to "deserve" them

Why are white women so entitled?

non whites are extra nice to white women as an indirect effect of the status of white men.

>wants a gf for nothing
>hes not the entitled one

>small tits and ass
>educated in women's studies
>wears cakeup everywhere
>14 sexually transmitted diseases
>depression/cluster B mental illness
"HOW DARE HE (non-chad) ASK ME OUT!!!!!"

Silly roastie, white women are inferior to asian women. No one wants to "deserve" a whiney entitled bitch.

Good luck with it then, get happy by it.
Seems you are proven far too wonderful for us terrible wastes then, oh precious vagina.

In a world that has your muttchildren and your sense of belonging in general, I would prefer to not raise any kids in the first place so atta girl.

I am a woman you absolute faggots.

Yes, you have to have something to offer if you think white women should only date white men.

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I make 90k a year in my mid twenties and my career caps out around 500k a year. I can offer far more than any racemixer.

>Names herself black lady
>is a ginger

Just date whoever you want, you`ll come begging for white cock eventually. I wish you the best though

You uploaded the photo upside down

God damn it, can women do ANYTHING right?

>possible MtF

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Black Lady is the name of an anime character.

The photo was right side up when I uploaded it. Blame Jow Forums.

You sound like you want dog for a husband, and honestly that is fine op..
Hell, if you live in a nice country get an immigrant and he will be so grateful you will be able to feed him only actual dog treats.
In all seriousness tho, all relationships have an element of that, from both parties at different times. But what you're discribing sounds so incredibly unbalanced it wouldn't last a year.


asian women are good to you because of your looks. do you think asian women are as nice to their own men? the way asian women treat their men mirror how white women treat their men.

so in truth, youre the male version of op. just stating facts. if being personally treated better is more worthy than having white children thats your decision.

You look transgender, to be honest.

>Yes, you have to have something to offer if you think white women should only date white men.
I have zero interest in who white women date. Only ugly beta virgins from Jow Forums care. They're extremely ugly, fat on average, dumb on average. You have nothing going for you but the literal fact that you're white, which appeals to white nationalist incels. Yes, I heavily encourage you to date minorities if you feel it makes you happy. You may say, "you need to offer something if you want X thing." Yes, it's true, but then it's like you're trying to advertise a pile of dog shit and asking for $100. There's a large assumption that white women are worth dating.

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when you hate white women, reminder youre hating on women like them.

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I don't hate white women nor am I attracted to them, but most of them are annoying and entitled like OP. they exemplify roastie behavior. if you put them on a pedestal because you think they're beautiful, despite their attitudes, then you're a delusional beta male. surely you know you'll never have a relationship with a model looking girl like that.

>white woman defending racemixing
Typical. You can't see what's wrong with it because you're stupid

you're a black lady dumb fuck

Why are gingers such subhuman racemixers?

>You have to have something to offer


I am not interested in being your "better deal" or polishing my peacock's feathers for you.
If you feel you desire me, and more so then you think you would any shitskin, I am game.
I am rather interesting to be around, i've been told and I get shit done when I set myself a goal.
A life with a LOYAL wife that I could trust would be such a goal. Females as a collective and racemixers in particular are not doing very well at gaining that trust though.

But since you look to buy some good life deal from anywhere and do not like what you see on offer with me, go take your business elsewhere.

Low quality bait
You're not cool go slit your wrists
And film it

no, all women have this attitude. if you found a non white woman that treats you good, good for you. op is talking about the inverse, non white men treating her good exactly like non white women treating you good.

youre parallels of each other but youre more mad than op.

>Ohhh please my queen let me buy you jewelry and kiss your feet! It would be my pleasure, my queen!
Fuck off thot, I ain't no fuckboy who's gonna treat it like dating you is a prize, damn ass thot.

If you are a mentally ill autistic waste of white space, you have a better chance of improving the genes of your offspring by mixing with the furthest gene pool from you than you do sticking with your own race. Race mixing is not recommended for chads, but for robots, if you can land a brown or black qt, knock yourself out. That's my plan. I have some good traits like height and semi handsome as a teen and young adult, but the autism and anger issues are crippling. Maybe they will be nullified if I mix them out.

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Are you Irish?


thats her point - non white men unironically treat white women like princesses.

I'm guessing you're going for middle eastern dudes if not black dudes? if so, don't bother, they like to date white women until they reach their 30s, then they look for some arab girl to settle down with. they're basically the male equivalent of white stacies

uh maze ing

wrong. shes talking about asian dudes

Lol what country do you live in OP? Most white guys don't give a fuck if a girl is white or not. They just want the hottest piece of ass they can procure and then cheat on relentlessly until they find something hotter or she gets disgusted and leaves.

Don't forget to wear your irish glasses while being in public with your nonwhite bf.

This is what Bobby Sands died for.

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You must be a mouth breather with bad reading comprehension. OP is correct for dating minorities if "she" or is happy from that. She's not correct for demanding something to offer from men who don't want her.

>all women have this attitude
If you've never been outside of your mom's basement you might think this. A lot of women will date literal trash for men. Drug dealers, high school dropouts, broke dudes with no jobs, the list goes on but women in general don't necessarily have high standards just because they're a woman. Hell, there are women who like serial killers.

Nothing wrong with that. I was mad cause i thought she was talking about mixing with animals

>A lot of women will date literal trash for men. Drug dealers, high school dropouts, broke dudes with no jobs, the list goes on but women in general don't necessarily have high standards just because they're a woman. Hell, there are women who like serial killers.
That's because women like sociopathic, evil men. They love the dark triad

so you're a beta male basically

I'm an omega male. Betas get gf at some point. I'm a Quasimodo

do you expect people to read your mind? maybe youre bad at elaborating your thoughts without a person to dig it out of you. so what im getting is youre mad that op even "dared" to ask a question.

forget your anecdotes, theyre useless.

I'll date you. I have a thing for gingers. I'm half Chad half robot.

Damn, so non-white men are fuckboys? I assume blacks are the exception, but are Asians and Indians actually like that?

define "fuckboy". do asians and indians treat white women well? yeah

>you're mad
The first thing a beta male says when he's mad lmao. Defending the OP like a good little white knight won't get you laid, microdick. entitlement and arrogance from women is something people naturally react badly to. it takes an especially spineless inferior beta male to overlook a bad attitude because someone has tits.

The type of man that would treat the woman as a queen, buys shit for them while never expecting anything in return, very beta, only getting used for money, probably okay with getting cheated on. Ultimate thot sympathizers.

Honestly, you shouldn't even consider the Jow Forumstards as potential mates. Most of them are russian bots or kids. I'm not a racist so I have the basic logic skills to know why it's silly to divide people like that when trying to find someone to date. Hapas or mulattos or whatever are fine. No one cares outside Jow Forums.

anyway, obligatory be my non racist gf

>beta male
>ad hom ad nauseum

k we're done here, youve got nothing more worthy to discuss.

in that case no. just your first sentence would be accurate.

And yet you won't answer the fucking question and explain why, typical.

I'm not a natural redhead.

That's fine, your answer is reasonable. My question is aimed at those who hate race mixing so much they would physically restrain white women from dating out of their race if they could. If white men are the better option, I'd like a white nationalist to actually explain why, as a whole. You just explained why you personally were better, and not really from a racial point of view.

Good luck, hope you find someone user.


I'm mostly referring to Asians, although Hispanics, Arabs, etc. are included. One side of my family is middle eastern, I don't think settling down with one would be too hard.

United States.

>She's not correct for demanding something to offer from men who don't want her.
I'm only demanding something from white guys who expect me to date them because they're white, and not someone who treats me better.

Yes user, she is a potatonigger.

you should try to find a good white guy to date. but theyre probably hard to date because all women want them too.

There is no doubt you're an inferior beta male. No normal man white knights so hard for female approval. being an ass kissing bitch doesn't turn women on.
>ad hominem
That implies there was ever an argument, you dumb fuck. There's no ad hominem, it's an accurate observation of your lifestyle, that you're beta.

>more ad hom after ive politely ended the discussion

keep reaching.

There's a girl who's actually into Quasimodo here. You should try to talk to her.

True. I think any decent looking white male with a nice personality and/or a stable job is going to have a line of girls.

>I'm only demanding something from white guys who expect me to date them because they're white, and not someone who treats me better.
Don't listen to the beta males then, as someone who thinks you're annoying I agree with you. I want you to date minority men, I really don't mind. No one owns you, only a little bitch would care who you date.

oh well more white guys for me
t. non-white femanon

I'm a straight dude and I'd still fuck quasi out of pity

Why are you so insecure about your own preferences that you literally have to ask on a a vietnamese, anime character drawing forum?

What abomination are you? Asking in the most polite way possible, of course

Do you get more attention from white guys or your own race? Do they only like you for your race or in spite of it?

Found a picture of this guy

>ad hom
It's still true. Only a beta faggot would say that shit on Jow Forums, where everyone insults everyone. You clearly don't belong here, redditor. Also you ignored everything I said, beta. Do you have a defense for your cuckold white knight behavior or will you just ignore everything like a little bitch and run away?

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>stays wrong

you just like to talk, because it makes you believe that youre intelligent. nevermind that any core discussion ended long ago.

>why are you ignoring me!


Imagine all of that exept harder because of your skin color.

prove you're a woman and not just loser leftie.

I already posted my pic in the thread. As for politics, not sure how I'd prove that? I voted for Donald Trump.

I can tell you every detail of Silent Hill 1,2,3,4, Dark Souls, and Bloodborne while I suck on your titties. I give you permission to offer your personal information now.

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How could a girl be into a Quasimodo? Doesn't she realize that by giving him affection he ceases to be the very thing she wants?

>You just explained why you personally were better, and not really from a racial point of view.

Perhaps, but I see it as a failure and damage in you that you can even desire other races. Your view is probably just the opposite about me, so whatever.

>they would physically restrain white women from dating out
So would I, if it were possible. I just feel it is rather impractical for me, laws being as they are.
So I'll hate your guts for being and spawning another reason the world becomes imo worse, my own guts for being unable to do anything about it even if that is illogical, and go my way.
2018 after all, a good dose of selfhatred is trendy.

Wouldn't be surprised if there is violent retribution in some countries about this before long, arabs are already exporting that sort of habit and our lads will want to make news too. But that is a game that young idiots who think they can change the world play.

I don't really see the issue considering I'm mixed anyway, as many Americans are. My grandfather is a native american, born on a reservation; my mother's side is Mediterranean and Arab. Would it really be a loss if I married and had children with a non-white?

>What do you have to offer white women that is unique to everyone else in the dating pool, other than having white children?
Every individual is unique and has his own quirks, skills, talents, passions and hobbies. Personally, I am very good at video games (I know 99.99% of women don't care, but it comes in handy at logical thinking or bonding with coworkers if you work in the it industry), like cycling, playing piano, climbing and writing poetry.

So the question is, what do YOU have to offer to deserve a person you personally like? That's the question every individual should ask themselves.

>Many non-white men think dating white women is a prize, and thus treat us as such. On average, they're less entitled and more willing to date their own attractiveness range.
It differs from individual to individual, you absolute moron.

>In my experience, non white men treat me with more respect while in a relationship.
Oh no, it's just a nigger loving bait anecdote. Disregard everything I said. You're either larper or an extremely damaged woman.

Are white supremacist just scared of loosing their exclusivity of being "white" or something.

In todays time it's easy to travel and see people from other countries this will only get easyer as time goes. Race mixing is absolutely inevitable so why do they care?
Imo Asians are superior but you dont see them trying to make walls and be Asian supremacists.

I dont get it. Are you guys that insecure?

Of course people are individuals, I'm asking from a racial point of view for those who think whites are the superiors race. What superior qualities AS A WHOLE do they have that justifies limiting my dating pool to only them? You illiterate fuck.

>nigger loving
AGAIN, non-white. That refers to a substantial number of races, not necessarily black you stupid cunt.

what color are your eyes? if theyre blue yes, if theyre hazel/brown then mix away.

Heh, not me.

apologies. #notallnonwhitemen

>I'm asking from a racial point of view for those who think whites are the superiors race
Then disregard my replies altogether. You don't need to argue with me because I don't fall into that category.

> What superior qualities AS A WHOLE do they have
To answer this: Whites are on average more responsible, smarter, fatherly. On contrast, on average, niggers are dumber, less inclined to take care of their children, more prone to abandon their kids, more likely to commit crimes. But hey, at least they have a bigger dick on average, so there's that. I guess that's where your argument comes from: dick size. Retarded shallow bitch.

You can also date asians. They are pretty much a trade between dick size and intelligence compared to whites. Still a significantly smarter choice than niggers.

>You illiterate fuck.
>you stupid cunt
I think we already established who's the stupid cunt here.

Yeah Jow Forums is proof of that

You're not white to begin with lol.

try Jow Forums instead.

Are you a beautiful young qt as your pic suggests? origionelly so

It's because no women like white men. If there was an ethnic group of women that desired to racemix with white men as much as white women want other men, then there would be no problem. But instead white makes are becoming sexless drones that will kill themselves

>original poster's face when

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Any girl "white enough for me" that would rather carry another phenotypes child I see as a loss, yes. Imprecise way of putting it, but what did expect new nuremberg laws?

Looking at .. fuck yeah looks a loss Fuck you gingers for having that darkskin prey-pattern so often.

wrong. stay mad

>On contrast, on average, niggers

She literally said she didnt just mean black people. Im pretty sure she implied Asians and Hispanics at some point.

>But hey, at least they have a bigger dick on average

You just exposed your insecurities famalamadingdong

Well i guess we now know why white supremacist dont like black people.

I think we established who the insecure little closet fag is here.

oh, hey rabbi. what brings you here at this hour of the evening?

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Not wrong, that's why I'm against racemixing. Cause I'm a white males and that's universally disgusting to women

HAHAHA bro most guys on fit don't get laid because they're ugly as fuck which is why they take weight lifting so seriously. LARP central

muscles are the least important physical factor

wrong. stay wrong

some of them are legit slayers, the virgin ones still get invited out they screw up for beings spergs not for being ugly.

Why is that the only thing you focused on in his post? He's completely bashing on niggers you pencil dick mongloid. YOU'RE the only insecure one here.

>She literally said she didnt just mean black people
And I addressed asians below that paragraph.

>You just exposed your insecurities famalamadingdong
I was pretty certain someone was going to bite on this. I have a 7 inch dick and my gf is extremely satisfied with it. I wouldn't want it to be bigger by any means.

>white supremacist dont like black people.
What did you mean by this? People don't like black people. They commit an atrocious amount of crime. Look up some statistics. I am willing to bet most people dislike niggers but are afraid to say so. And anyone who looks up crime and abandonment statistics will have the confirmation that niggers are inferior human beings, ON AVERAGE. That doesn't mean anything when it comes to individuals. It's just a belief that weeds out certain black people faster, as in you'll have less patience to put up with certain black people than you would have if said people were white/asian/hispanic/whatever.

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