Is $13 an hour decent for a college student?
Should I ask for more?
Is $13 an hour decent for a college student?
Should I ask for more?
>white people stay colonizing
>implying she doesn't secretly, shamefully love it
As a student just take what they give you, if you get greedy mr shekelstein knows there's a million others he could replace you with instantly
Why do non-whites think colonizer is an insult? My ancestors dominated and killed your ancestors, destroyed their culture, and took their land. Get fucked lol
Considering I make $0 an hour as a grad student, yes.
Im also white, but those aren't MY or YOUR people. Anyone who bases their identity and achievements on race or their ancestors is a pathetic faggot. You either make something yourself or you dont, I dont want my fucking life achievments to be claimed by some degenerates just because we have the same skin color.
>your ancestors achievements aren't yours
>but their sins are yours
Liberals everyone
Of course, OP--Vector Marketing is a great opportunity.
I make 18.50 an hour and I didn't go to college nor is it a union job. I live in the midwest.
Thats literally not enough money to live in half the country
dunno about your country but since you're just a student I'd say your wage should be equivalent of an uneducated peon. after you graduate then it's another story
some grad students get paid to go to school
is this an entry level job? that's pretty bad. depends what the work is
Im not a lib. I don't think that their sins are ours. Only normies group themselves into libs and conservatives.
reddit spacing, please leave and kys
I don't. I am on probation so scholarships are fucked.
>Everything I don't like is Reddit
> leaves a break between green text and regular text.
> reddit spacing
This is reddit spacing.
It's when you break.
Normal line breaking is just typical internet etiquette and style since before you were probably born.
I'm having a hard time believing you autists really have a problem with occasional spacing for clarity, especially ONE space between greentext and his opinion of did greentext. This has to be larping, nobody is this fucking stupid.
But he didn't say that
>It's fucking original you stinking bastards
Probably redditors. Anyone that knows reddit well enough to be offended by a posting style that comes close to resembling reddit frequents that site far more than I do. I have been on the internet for 20 years and only get referred to reddit through web searches. The place does not interest me at all. At least chans are anonymous in spite of being boring, repetitive shitholes.
>Make America Brown Again.
Heh, have fun once you realize that you'll literally be your own slaves to keep society running, if at all.
Un;ess you actually NEED the money, there's no point working when in college. You'll get paid 2-5x as much for sitting on your ass all day vs manual labour the second you graduate.
t. worked at tesco, waste of time