I want to become chad

Instead of complaining about Chad all day, I thought it would be more productive to use that energy to turn into Chad himself.

How does one become Chad? What does he consume, what gym routine does he follow, what keeps him going?

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>become Chad


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I`m sure it`s possible, after all even Chad started somewhere. His advantage was that he started sports early

>t. "the virgin"

Cement level IQ post.

Jow Forums would be a lot more helpful. But Chad isnt just a body type its a state of mind

>bbbbeeecome cccchaad

Yeah, but the state of mind follows with your body. Chads are mainly and going to the gym makes you produce more testosterone.

Sam Hyde for instance made the transformation too

This is the funniest thread I saw in a while. You are hilarious op

Thx. I`m serious though


The physical limit of robot endurance will allow you to become a Brad, and that is only if you are nearly a normie. Realistically, you'll cap out at Paul or David.

t. pretends to be amused but is actually crying due to his inability to get up from his fat ass while others surpass him.

Yeah but with time your robot endurance become the Chad endurance. You have to envision the future user.

You can't exceed limits. Most of your genetics is set in stone on birth, you can't change that. If you continue thinking like that, the only thing the future will hold is disappointment and Chadhood will be as far away as ever.

The surgeries required to become Chad haven't been invented yet. Give it a few years

But maybe my genetics aren`t even that bad. Maybe I just need my lazy ass out there and start pushing myself to the limit for once

Why not surpass Chad and become a gentleman?

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Huehue noice. I`ll pass though

develop a go getter attitude

Okay how (origonello) ?

set goals for yourself. go get

Thanks. Sounds useful. Should I saet small time goals, or big goals or both?

Wow, look at this thread. Robots are absolutely scared shitless. One robot actually figured out that nobody is born a Chad but becomes one through hard work. So many desperare posters in panic trying to pull him back to robothood.

OP, I was no Chad but ended up becoming one. Ask me what you want. I am here to help you.

break down long term goals into smaller ones so you feel you're achieving frequentlyand get addicted to it

start going to the gym man, don't worry about being judged, the people there are really friendly and supportive and willing to help you on your form, exercise and such, just develop the habit of going to the gym. You should start slowly with full body split so you can build some muscle mass on every important area of the body then feel free to do as you wish. Diet is also important, you need proteins to help your muscle healing process and don't workout too much, take a 1 day break if you are feeling too sore, so your muscles will recover. Then, after workouts drink a raw egg you will get those juicy proteins you need, most importantly, have fun man! I wish you the best, and ignore these peeps mocking someone for wanting to better themselves

That`s cool. Can you give me 3 things you changed once you truly decided to change yourself? What motivated you to change yourself? How do you overcome struggles? Do you remeber your beginner routine and what you ate once you started?

Go walking, lifting is great but cardio does a lot more for you in the long run

get a job, don't worry if its a shitty dishwashing job or whatever, having any kind of legit money is great

Get into drugs, here's the tightrope act you have to play, drinking and getting high is fun, but it's easy to get carried away and you can easily fuck your own life over, but drinking alone gets you in the good grace of so many people and weed does a shit load as well, to a lesser extent acid and coke but that's on you if you want to go that far.

Get a car

Stop drinking soda, stop eating fast food, help people out, and just be cool.

Also get good at something, doesn't matter if its vidya, cooking, origami don't give a fuck

t. Friendless loser who had nothing and now has a social group begging me to hang out, a hot girlfriend 7 years younger than me who travels out of state just to see me despite having virtually no personality.

Thx. I`m 180 centimeers, and not too sure if I`d call myself skinnyfat, but definetly skinny. Should I bulk the first year, or just focus on defining my body?

Is there a routine you`d recommend to me, if you still have a good one in your mind and typical food you consumed throughout the day?

Also this

Kill yourself retard. Unless you get plastic surgery you can in no way become a Chad

>don't drink soda oh also do as many drugs and alcohol as you can and get as much estrogen into your body as possible it'll definitely make you a testosterone ridden bull aka chad
this way of thinking would imply you have cognitive dissonance, or maybe FAS or some kind of cranial contusion.
In other words you're retarded

Sorry but you`re delusional. WOmen care more about personality then looks and I`m not even meming here. Just make sure to get wide shoulders, confidence and goals that you vehemently follow

Not drinking soda is objectively and literally good advice, even outside the context of this thread soda is terrible, like sure it's not like you're drinking bacon grease but you ay as well.

Fuck off retard

Here's how to make a robot into a chad.

>Brain transplant. No more autismo, schizo, other mental illness and depression/suicidal tendencies. Also, no more bad memories or negative reinforcement that keeps robots down.
>Lots of facial surgeries.
>Somehow develop a social/friendly and confident personality.
>And least importantly, gym. Have fun working more for less results because of trash level genetics.

It's easy and quick.

They think those high income poo in the loos in america are banging 2/10s

I was never a robot so take note of that. But the main thing is that I just didn't know or use my potential. I had self esteem issues and was insecure. Nothing to do with going to the gym or changing a routine, of course those help but in the end it's all in your head, when it comes to being Chad.

1. Know you are awesome, why you are awesome, and act it.
2. Do things you can be proud of. Not to brag about them but you feel proud on the inside and boost your self esteem.
3. Don't take it so seriously. Shit happens, get over it. Enjoy life. Be positive.

Pretty generic stuff but if you want to talk more I'll be glad to.

They`re mostly banging prostitutes user. Let`s be real here

I feel like whatever advice you give me, I just gotta start doing them in rl already, instead of just reading up on it.

What about supplements? Should I take them?
How do you deal with struggles in the gym? Like I started doing some pull ups with a friend, and after some reps I just had this burning senstation of wanting to quit and never doing it again- How do you set your mind to overcome it, or do you not think of anything at all while doing the excercises? Thx

prostitutes, regular women. there's no difference nowadays. they just swipe right and eat dick the same

that is not something you learn, that's something you're born with

All the degrees and plastic surgery in the world cant fix shortness....

What about Sam Hyde? He joked about how he practically became a chad by wrestling or something and he definetly acts like he doesn`t give a fuck and pretty chad like to me

Chad may not be possible for you OP, but with time, persistence, gymaxing, and confidence building, you can at least become a Brad.

I started going to the gym only a lot later after becoming a Chad. Are you going by yourself with no program and no idea what to do? Then you will lose motivation quickly. I went to a gym where everyone gets a personally tailored specific program at the start. A trainer helps you get started, then you repeat the program, the same machines, whenever you go. It is way easier to stay motivated that way. Go to the gym, do your routine, leave.

I don't take protein drinks, eating high protein foods has the same effect. So I go to the gym before lunch, then have some chicken or whatever for lunch.

Damn. I knew I forgot something in Might as well add a disclaimer that it only works for 6' 0'' or taller.

If you are 150cm then it's hard to become a Chad. Otherwise you just ignore the retarded manlet memes. Remember those 190cm guys on Jow Forums are virgins too.

Kill yourself and hope their is reincarnation. Repeat this process until you become Chad.

so, i recently(this week) started using the following routine: monday: biceps and chest(pushing), tuesday free day, wednesday: triceps and back(pulling exercises), thursday free day, friday abs and legs, then weekend break (i used to have the following workout: monday arms tuesday chest, wednesday back, thursday abs and friday legs, i changed it after a more experienced gym user told me i should try it to build some more muscular mass before i can properly focus on split muscles). and as far as bulking goes, i chose to define my body(i have more fat than i wanted) and i cannot answer you on that since i never tried it. about foods i stay away from sodas, if you are craving something sweet go for a banana, it is a good antidepressant as well, i get a good breakfast(your usual breakfast), for lunch i get some natural stuff all home cooked, snacks between meals should be fruits or some nuts they are good for you, and for dinner a light salad, i hope you find this helpful

Okay. I can`t go into the gym until I move into my new university ( october)
What effective shit can I do at home and how do you keep track of what you want to eat/ how much you need of it without getting overwhelmed? Thx

Not him, but when I started I did push-ups, abs and pull-up at home. When you are starting you will gain very quickly. But also don't forget to have at least 1 day of rest between sessions when you begin because you muscles will be sore as fuck

Hello OP, I have an unironic hint for you if you're serious about becoming a Chad:

Don't be fooled by the site or the subleddit's name.
This is neither a place for political topics, neither does it carry the narrative of Leddit as a whole.
"Redpilled" is the term that encompasses people who know the nature of women, the subleddit focuses on self-improvement and gaming.

OP; give TheRedPill a serious shot and you WILL see changes.
No bullshit.

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hm okay user, ty origigigigionellyigigigigi so

bumping this cuz want morree advice