How the fuck do you get friends?

How the fuck do you get friends?

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IRL friends, online friends, work friends, or close friends?

You don't.
Stop trying, even if you managed to do it, they will ghost after some time anyway.
Just forget about it.

you should listen to this user if you want to never ever have friends and also be alone. He is an expert on pushing people away

in high school or college

Just be yourself worked for me haha

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I'd say I have work friends but I don't think it will go past that, I don't have a clue how to get any of the others, I guess online friends are preferred so we can play videogames and stuff, most of my time is spent on the computer anyway.

girlfriends oregano

>meet people at work
Easiest option. You will be stuck with them for hours at a time and already have something in common.
>friends at school
Not as easy as option one. You will be stuck with them but cant talk as easily at work. Consider after school activities like clubs
>hobby meet ups
The hardest option. You can probably find a group of locals who share an interest in something that you do to (MTG, D&D) but people who do the locals meet ups are usually spergs, though I have met some neat people at Friday Night Magic

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Help other people , find common interest.

Yoi have to show threm your dick. At the sight of it they instantly know the strategic importance to ally and go into a frinedship with you. Be wary of the eternal roastie though, she won`t let go of your dick until your balls are completely drained empty

what kind of videogames do you like to play? If you do pc im not doing anything today

I don't know either op. I tried walking up to a few people and asking if they wanted to be my friend in high school but that didn't work so I gave up.

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Just sorta meet em I guess

Low IQ post.
If you are in the position in which you acattually have to ask how to make friends, the main issue is that others naturally push you away. He's going to be alone regardless, he might as well not waste his time trying to change that.

yeah bro just go outside and meet some epic bros lmao just b urself

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Except they are the ones who push me away.
Both irl and online.
But at this point i think it's better to be alone anyway.

Don't worry OP, just find something else to do, people are shit.

you guys sound like emo teenagers who got rejected for the first time in your life.

You have to be someone that people like to be around, contrary to popular belief nobody wants to be around a smelly NEET who has no money and watches only anime

My roommate is cheap as fuck so he doesn't do anything so we don't hang out because I've already watched a movie with him at least twice and he also only wears basketball shorts and thrift store t-shirts in public

Being a solitary hunter is a survival advantage because you need to find only enough food to sustain yourself

it also limits you to smaller game and relying only upon yourself. Packs support each other and can take on larger prey

Your roommate sounds like a swell guy and one I'd like to hang out with, you on the other hand sound like a whiny effeminate consumerist bugboy, maybe even a female, the type that takes more than half an hour to get ready to go anywhere

>hobby meet ups
>The hardest option.
threadly reminder that as an adult, this is the onlu option. get it while the getting is good, kids

>rejected for the first time in your life
More like, for the last 5 years.
Try it out and then tell me about it.

never played any p&p rpg's but I've always been interested, nobody to do it with though

If you don't naturally make friends and actually have to put effort in it, why even try? You're meant to be friendless, it's not like you miss much.

Not if you are 23 and up going to college later in life or work for a living friendo

No joke but I people in school told me that I could come to them.

Unless you live in literal bumfuck nowhere and have no internet then there are options for you.
Local gaming stores offer official WOTC events for D&D like Adventurerers League and open house nights.
Roll20 is an online application that always has games looking for new members.
You can get the books for free from the general threads on /tg/

Adding to this but it never hurts to ask if someone is interested even if you think they arent. I have had some chads join some of my games and it was great

You don't, quit trying and give up on that idea already. Just consume media and never think about that meaningless stuff.

>More like, for the last 5 years.
i doubt it, you are way to winy to have been rejected for 5 years straight. If you had been rejected for 5 years or even over a duration of 5 years you would have built tolerance to it like every male ever.
You are just some 18 year old who wants his problems to be big enough that others will comfort him and help him through the suffering so you can get back on track.
But you actively telling people to give up because of your own bad experiences is retarded and not anything anyone should listen to.

Download tinder, turn on the option to get matched with other men, type no homo in your description and that you're looking for friends.

Talk to them a bit and maybe you can find a buddy to go out with to get bitches.

It's better than anything else I've tried when trying to find male companionship.

thanks man i'll start looking into it, it was reading /tg/ screencaps that got me interested in the first place

Thats actually kind of genius

No fucking way, that's clever.

Bet there's a 50/50 chance of getting your ass railed though.

>the reason i've been seeing male for male on tinder with no homo is because retards are trying to get friends on an app for dating and sex
thank you user this has cleared up alot of conversations that i thought had just been jokes

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The community for those types of games can be pretty welcoming, /tg/ is about as elitist as it gets and they are the best board on this site.
Hell, i would even offer to play with you if I had the time anymore.
If you are looking for tabletop content give The Adventure Zone and Critical Role a listen.

ok fuckface, have fun going solo to clubs and group gatherings like some autist in the hopes that you'll be able to join in an already established social group as an outsider.

If you never made any friends during childhood/adolescence, you are pretty much fucked. All you can hope for are coworker acquaintances, maybe study partners if you're in college, but that's it. None of these people will ever be true friends, either, just people that know you and sometimes may hang out with you. Nothing replaces that connection of sharing a childhood together, you will never have a true friend you can call at any time to pick you up from whatever location or help you out with something.

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it is pretty fucking funny that you are looking for friends on an app that is about fucking in the gay section of it.

I'm curious how successful people are doing that. Is it a common thing or is user talking out of his ass?

i've made more close friends as an adult through videogames than i had through my childhood or sports in highschool.
I'm sorry its rough right now user but lots of friendos are still out there wanting to hang out with you

Some of the closest friends I have made were as an adult. Granted I was in the military at the time

>t. guy who was ghosted on an got hurt
>it ended bad for me so it'll end bad for you too fallacy
OP, if you are seriously looking for friends, don't listen to faggots telling you shit like this. Sure you have friends that will stop talking to you but that usually happens online, although it can happen irl. This guys just exaggerating scenarios because he's clearly been hurt in the past, which is fine, we all get hurt sometimes but this isn't a positive way of attacking this situation. It's like the teenage girl scenario that gets her heart broken by her high school crush and thinks she'll never love again. Even if it's happened to you several times. Get the fuck back up on your feet and find some more friends. I notice that when I find friends irl and see them on a daily basis, building a strong relationship makes it less likely for them to ghost.

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So what if some of the people you end up meeting are gay? Gay people usually have extremely high social standing and you can meet other non-gays and girls through them. If they want homo sex just say no, you cookie-cutter fuck.

user the point isnt that you are meeting people the point is that i found it funny you had been trying to meet people on an app geared towards sex. You can do what you want its just funny and cute is all and a few other guys i talked to on tinder had been doing the same so your post cleared that up for me.

you just go to people and talk to them and if they like you then you talk more until they call you a friend it's not hard

Why do you even want to get friends?

Being alone starts to suck

Getting friends is easy. But I don't need them.

I thank the lord every day that I made a shitton of friends in elementary school playing Pokemon during its peak as a fad and I still retain 4-5 of those friends to this day. They're literally my only irl friends. I made some acquaintances in college but our connections never got very deep, and everyone at my job is at least 10 years older than me.

you buy 'em in wholesale on cyber monday

Th question i'm having is what do you do when you get friends? all I can think of is going out drinking/doing some special events like concerts whenever they come to town

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