There is this man in my town who went around to the local libraries and got all the local school's yearbooks. He scanned them then made a webpage ranking all the local girls by how "lithe" they are and he has been keeping track and changing their rankings every year. He gets any pics they publicly post online and changes the rankings around once a month.

he wants to "watch them grow up"

is this legal?

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Submit a report of it to the police. They'll investigate for any wrongdoing.

where are the reports?

why does this bother you? you sound like a baby lol, is your dumb gf upset??

fuck off dumbshit imagine your kids being on the list, you never know someday he might rape or do something even worse to your kids.

and op just report it to the police, they will do their job.

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I would love having the power to absolutely smash some stacys self esteem into the ground. You know word would get around school about the site and everyone would act disgusted but the girls wohld secretely and obsessively keep track of where they rank. Imagine building one up for a year or two and then just putting her in the trash the moment she gets acne or has a single bad angled picture taken of her.

I would love to get a high school roast to kill themselves over petty shit that mindbreaks them.

>rape or do something even worse to your kids.
nothing is worse

Lol okay OP "man in my town", why not just ask us if what you're doing is legal?

Are you the same user that posted here a week ago asking if making a website fitting those exact specifications would be a good idea? What are you doing, man, what's your end game here?

end game

link to the site at least dude

post the site faggot

This is honestly just funny.

That's a pretty fucking hilarious form of autism.

from OP
>He gets any pics they publicly post online
Tell your kids to stop posting their personal information (Pictures included) all over the internet and you're fine. A few years go by and they will look significantly different.

It baffles me that people put their name and picture online and make it publicly available. Even some "friends" (I.E. people your friends are friends with but you're not really friends with them) that have access to this stuff will leak info if they have the right motivation. Do normalfags just not care about potential consequences?

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leak what kind of info? who the fuck cares about someones name or shitty selfie

>You know word would get around school about the site and everyone would act disgusted but the girls wohld secretely and obsessively keep track of where they rank. Imagine building one up for a year or two and then just putting her in the trash the moment she gets acne or has a single bad angled picture taken of her.
Look at this runaway imagination faggot. Have you ever done anything even mildly as alpha in your life, or do you just incessantly daydream about being the master of your situation? Faggot.

He sounds based you normalfag scum

All the morons that get doxed, get their identity stolen or get found out for something stupid they did, you are probably next.

i have an instagram and facebook. find me real quick.

also ive never done anything stupid in my life

Having facebook and instagram is pretty stupid, the moment a pic of you gets out anyone can easily find you.

im pretty insignificant i dont think anyone i wouldnt want to is looking for me

why would anyone want to find me

Getting "likes" and "retweets" and shit like that is like crack to normies. I'm boomer enough to remember when everyone said "always stay anonymous on the World Wide Web"
I'm positive facecuck and the others were insidiously designed that way with some push from the three letter agencies to get people to post their whole lives to a database.

are you fucking retarded?He is simply posting public information that was done with their consent.What you are asking is if it's morally correct.That i don't have the patience to discuss but if you are wondering about the legality of it i doubt it's illegal.

i always figured it was pushed by three letter agencies to keep people sedated

Send it to some local news. Have them look into it.

Good troll, enjoy the many replies dumb autist frogs give you. Have yourself a gentle stroke and a nipple rub for each one, maybe even a light prostate finger massage while you wait for more low iq subhumans to fall for your bait.

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Why don't you ask him, I'd bet he visits this board

I saw an interview with a guy who was an engineer on spy satellites for the CIA, he said "Back then citizens were worried we were looking down on them spying on where they went with our satellites, when we could not even read a license plate, of course we were not doing that but if we had wanted to it would have been impossible, now those same people voluntarily carry around a cell phone tracker with them everywhere they go and post their photos and all information about their lives on facebook of their own free will, information we never could dream of having gathered and put in a database about their relationships, sexuality, location, political affiliations and so on.."

>identity stolen through Facebook
Its not like they have your ssn dumbass

>imagine your kids
what kids? no gf = no kids

normalfags say that most retarded shit

Are you the same user who asked earlier if a guy watching little girls playing sports in a public park is illegal?

I think the consensus was the same; not necessarily illegal, but definitely creepy.

didn't this happen in texas?

>didn't this happen in texas?


>I think the consensus was the same; not necessarily illegal, but definitely creepy.
it's not creepy to look at people

I don't disagree. But a lot of people did for some reason. Besides, even if it was creepy it's in a public space.

Source on this?
I feel like having a chuckle

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As an aside, does anyone remember the case at some American university when the men's soccer team ranked the attractiveness of female soccer team members, and they ended up shutting down the male team? It's hilarious how outraged people get when you rank women, and yet all men do this.

There is a crazy anti gov dude in my town who has been convicted multiple times for sticking anti-gov/ "all news is fake news" posters on street signs.

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>There is a crazy anti gov dude in my town who has been convicted multiple times for sticking anti-gov/ "all news is fake news" posters on street signs.
that's ok