Do racist girls actually exist or nah?

do racist girls actually exist or nah?

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yes they do, depends on their culture.

I'm a woman and I don't mind Pajeets or Dindus, but I fucking loathe Jews. So...kind of?

Yeah but women are less principled about it than men

There are men that refuse to have sex or marry any woman but their own race but most women will marry a man of a different race if he's rich or moderately wealthy

Jew is a religion though.

Most Asian women hate being Asian and marry white guys

alright as a racist girl I gotta come in right now,
WRONG, jews are all fucked and neurotic and different from gentiles by blood. Non-religious jews are still jews.

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I hate spics, they've literally invaded and taken over the area I grew up in. They drive drunk, they take up too much space, they literally go shopping in public with 5 generations of family members, fat kids running around, yelling their ugly language everywhere and getting mad that there aren't enough accommodations for their shit culture, fuck 'em.

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Racist girls are adorable. Do you have Kik/Discord?

would you turn down a chad spic tho? I don't think so

Are you into race play by any chance.

t. Chicanon

Yes I would, they disgust me

No, fuck off beanlet

stop LARPing as a female, we know there aren't any on this site for a fact

Yes, it's just popular to only show men as racist in the media. Gotte keep up the evil white male image.

Remember Emet Till? (Butchered spelling) that's proof enough.

Everyone in this thread is male
not original kek

Yes, my sister would be considered racist.
But she is East Asian, we are almost always racist.
We cannot be brainwashed by mass media.

Women are, as a rule FAR more racist then men. Women almost exclusively judge eachother (and men) by their appearance and almost always have a HUGE ingroup preference.

You're probably just confused OP because women are also better at virtue signalling than men.

If you've met a woman you've met a racist.

I think you are overeacting man, Latinos in general are pretty cool.

This. Women are far more racist.

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yeah but half the time it's a fetish

>being Asian male

Ebin, spurdo spadre

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Yeah, my gfs sister is pretty racist.
Im a Mexican immigrant and when she found out she made a big deal about it and was being a major cunt doing the obvious "hes only with you for citizenship" jokes and shit.

My girl lives with me and im paying her way through college and are planning to get married soon... im putting her sister through college and make more money than her lazy ass of a junkie husbandand does and she still makes shitty remarks about me at get togethers.

I honestly have absolutely no idea how she can talk shit when she is married to a wannabe drug dealer junkie who has another kid.

Idk man thats my soap box sorry.

not true. wheres my korean bf at?

The opposite half of this chart with male responses to female messages shows an even clearer race bias, towards Asian women and against black women.

Yes, but I think they are significantly less likely to admit to being racist than males. It's not socially acceptable and has some cognitive dissonance on some level; women are empathetic, so at some level it doesn't make sense to judge someone for their skin color. I honestly feel I was vehemently anti-racist as a little kid, before I ever had to deal with minorities. Now it blows my mind the way minorities act, and I don't understand how race inclusion and racial diversity ever became social memes. I work with normies and routinely call shitty black customers "niggers" (not to their face obviously) and while everyone acts pseudo-shocked, no one ever corrects me or disagrees. Some people will even agree after I start the narrative. I wish people felt more justified in being racist.
-t. Vocally racist female.

I work with lazy rednecks and my town is full of white crack heads.

I dont automatically assume every white person is a crackhead or lazy.

I dont understand how you can judge an entire race of people because you have experience with shitty ones.

A solid 80% of my experience with white people has been negative, but i don't think im racist.
I honestly dont understand how anyone can take the easy rout of generalizing an entire group just because.

The difference is that I haven't lived in the same bumfuck town my entire life, like you apparently have. The tiny town I grew up in was a meth town and everyone was retarded rednecks. However, I've also lived in black ghettos, nice white neighborhoods, normal neighborhoods, normal neighborhoods next to black ghettos, and all over the place in 3 different cities.
White people always change. Rich or poor makes a huge difference. Black people are almost always niggers and almost always poor. I've met very few black people who aren't niggers and who I like alright (would never racemix though), but I just automatically assume all blacks will be niggers because they nearly always are, everywhere you go. Same with spics. Nogs represent 80% of violent crime while being only 13% of the population. I didn't generalize them as a group; I made an informed choice based on both statistical and anecdotal evidence.

women are the biggest white supremacists, especially asian women.

Ive lived all over, currently im in the middle of fuckall nowhere and that has been my experience with white people here.
And in gonna disagree with you there, i think it stays pretty consistent based on poverty levels other than the Mexicans. The Mexicans just stay on their side and mind their own business.

In Michigan for example, there werent that many blacks or Hispanic people but the ones ive met were just normal human beings doing their normal shit. But there were always an abundance of white drugies. Granted that thsts because there were more of them but im not being racist there.

The state that im currently in has a healthy mix of people and ive met more shirty white people than other races (here).

Honestly dude i think you are just mad at something. And i do feel sorry that you have all that anger inside you.

Yes, I happen to know one who studies with me at uni. She basically goes on a rant about everyone from fugees coming to Germany to chink exchange students supposedly taking places of locals at uni. Would be insanely ironic if she gets blacked at the end.

>I don't like country music. I'm sure there is a broad variety of good and bad country music. but I just don't like it in general. And I don't like niggers.

>i think you are just mad at something
I'm mad at niggers. They're a scourge and society tells me I have to be nice to them or I'm the bad guy, despite the fact that you're hundreds of times more likely to be randomly shot or stabbed by an unknown black person in your vicinity than from a white person. Where I live now there's lots of niggers. People are murdered here nearly every day, 95% of the time by black people, usually random incidents at gas stations or dollar stores. Niggers are dirty, uneducated, violent, and expect special treatment. They get affirmative action and get free play on the "race card" front because the minority consensus is that "you can't be racist against white people." I should be allowed to choose to live in a white-only no-niggers-allowed neighborhood, but I can't, because DAS RACIST

Niggers are a net loss to any society. Look at Europe and what's happening to them, flooded with niggers and muzzies. If you can't understand why racism is a good thing for white people and a perfectly ethical stance to take for the preservation of a civilized lifestyle, then I'm sorry, but you must be as stupid as those niggers you love so much.

there was a cute girl in my year at school who appeared a bit slow but was lowkey racist as shit according to my chad friend, knowing that i wouldve tried to make friends with her lmao

bro we all know ur mad because ur life is shit lol

This. Not a female but it'd be one thing if we were getting flooded by fucking goat-sacrificing Aztecs, that'd be kind of cool, there's literally nothing redeemable about the modern day Central American besides "muh tacos". Black people gave us better food, music, and we didn't have to pay them at first.

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An 'intelligent' comeback from a nigger lover.
Am I surprised? Not really.

S t o p l i v i n g in s h i t t y a r e a s

Im only here for one more month of work then im gonne sensei.

Poor areas will obviously be flooded with shitty minorities and also shitty white people.

The difference is when you see a black guy on the corner you automatically think "oh my god that nigger is slinging dope" and when you see a white guy on the corner you automatically think "look at that guy crossing the street to work" without knowing that the white guy is the one slinging the dope and the black guy is the one waiting for the bus for work.

Thats what makes you angry, your own shirty self. You only see what you choose to see nigga.

Statistics don't support your theory.

Latina girls can be really racist.

They actually do.

Poorer areas will bring shitty poor people, minorities are in fact discriminated against and schools that have more minorities for students are less funded.

Protip poor people = crime
Regardless of race famalam

unfortunateIy they do

When they realize there are repercussions for their actions yes even more than men to be honest

At the beggining it was ironic racism and I was only doing the jokes for the memes and this kind of autist stuff, but somehow I started to belive in it and now I'm filled with rage when thinking about "inferior races", I'm not even sure if it's still joke for me or i have really become racist. It's not cientific at all because any baby from every race of Homo Sapiens can accept and "interiorice" (sorry ESL) any culture that have existed, but seeing all the foreing ethnics in our milenial europe....

A retard screaming about why he hates black people and calling others nigger lovers on a Pakistani acid chucking forum never have I ever.

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women don't have any convictions they just follow men
if most men are racist then they are racist

Dating one at the moment. When she first started talking about Latinos being lazy, fat and stupid I thought: 'well, everyone talks shit about their own people'.

Then she started going on about black people and Indians, and Chinese and Muslims...

Fucking hell, you're all dense

>The opposite half of this chart with male responses to female messages shows an even clearer race bias, towards Asian women and against black women.
Lmao this is a straight up lie. Fucking faggot, stop roleplaying


>B-b-b-but user wb all the things that cause people to seek refuge in wallmerica?

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Yes. Come to Eastern Europe. I was racially bullied by them just because I am a little different because I am an ashkenazi Jew.

>im paying her way through college

You absolute idiot. And what if the relationship doesn't pan out, you are going to feel like a massive tool?

My god.

Well considering that we are going to get married in 8? Months i would say that i know enough about our relationship to say that its more than likely going to work out. She isn't a roasty. Shes actually pretty cool man.

Yes. But the good ones are taken.

I talk to this polish girl that hates niggers and faggots, yet loves my latino dick kek