Wagie wagie how can you work when it's 35 degrees outside? We NEETs are at home with AC...

Wagie wagie how can you work when it's 35 degrees outside? We NEETs are at home with AC. We are eating tendies and playing vidya. Wagie wagie when will you learn

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>mfw boomers are literally DYING in the heat whilst us NEETS are enjoying another comfy day of vidya

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>Y-yeah well at least i have my own M-money

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>tfw when your NEETbux check came in today
>tfw bought a Wendey's 8 piece tendie meal with wagie's hard earned money

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wait I don't get it. is being NEET a meme? No bamboozle.
I cant imagine ever being happy spending my life as a worthless husk of a man, completely unfulfilled, making terrible life choices.

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Not a wagie but don't most workplaces have AC? My house does but it's unusual for where I live

Also 35C isn't that hot

35 degrees is practically freezing why would you use the AC?

Hey NEETcuck, I have AC at work as well, have tendies for lunch and play vidya out there as well.

I just get paid more. :)

This is NEETsta's paradise,
especially with these tropical nights perfect for nightwalks.

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lol Americuck

In the uk a lot of places don't. Also manual work

>when you whine and complain about being fucked over by life in every way possible to the point your entire life is rotting away in a small bedroom with nothing but a screen to distract you from the fact that you want to kill yourself every day but you're quick to make fun of and bully anyone you consider worse off than you

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Mostly if you're lucky to have an office job of sorts, then again thats just another perk of being paid to sit on your ass all day looking at a screen.

Who says neets are unfulfilled??? You get money just for existing, something wagies dream of (((retirement))), you got a place to stay, internet to use, food to eat and games to play, shows/anime to watch etc. If you dont mind not traveling or being social irl, its pretty fricking sweet desu. Not something to do if you dont wanna be 45 and dead of heart disease or some shit, but for some people thats acceptable cause they don't care anyway.

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I'm working from home today. Just took a break and drank a nice craft beer while having a warm bath while it's raining outside.
Later I'm meeting up with a girl from a dating site. We're going to get coffee and walk by the river, then get dinner at a pub.

So it's pretty good.

not having a job is cool, but we live in a world where we need money to survive

so like, its understandable that most people have jobs. living off your parents or someone else is really parasitic and disgusting, and outweighs how nice the NEET lifestyle would be

also its kinda depressing to be NEET

Another day, another wagecope.
Just when WILL they learn, brothers?

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>implying NEETs give a flying fuck about the standards of normalfags that were imposed on them by materialistic capitalism in the first place

You live a life of toil so that I may pursue my unbridled dreams without the chains of the machine holding me down. Bow.

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what are your dreams lol?

Mastering multiple instruments, exploring the furthest depths of human perception, producing art, inciting emotions in others with my writing, getting really high and drunk, jacking off, and playing fighting and JRPG vidya.

you dont have to give a fuck about it to still be affected by it. This world is run on money, and if you want to live in that world you have to have some relation to money whether you want to or not

its cool if you can reject that, and somehow live without money, or if you have some special circumstance where you are able to get money without working, but most people have to have a job.
unless, like i said, you live off of someone else, piggy backing your way through life as a dirty parasite, which is disgusting, and not repectable. And the majority of NEETS

stop pretending like im a wagecuck, and against you. I too reject this gross machine we live in, but like we still live in it. Additionally, im an artist and make all of my money through painting and commissions, which isn't quite NEET but like its close enough to me.

Idk im babbling, but you cant hate on people for having a job when you NEED money to live in our society. Very few people want a job, but almost everyone has one

how many you at?

so just taking drugs? you arent really discovering anything - its all in your head

and playing computer games, i see

seems kind of narrow

Cop here who makes $5000/month. I arrested a NEET two weeks ago for child pornography and criminal sexual penetration. It's unfortunate. He was on NEETbux too. I'm not sure if "I'm writing my memoirs and challenging great scientists while thinking philosophically" is another phrase for "producing and consuming things I shouldn't be." But after all that porn consumption, I'm sure it will go stale and you'll start looking for more 'exotic' masterpieces. Don't worry NEETcucks, I'm sure you're all not like this.

I'm gonna skip everything after your first statement. It is a false statement, at least anecdotally, so I will assume the rest of your post is long-winded malarky.

Guitar, bass guitar, keys/music theory, vocal technique, digital audio workstations, and mixing/mastering/audio engineering.

If you're dreams are more extensive in the outside world, take mountain climbing for instance, I won't look down on you for pursuing them. Just hope you have time in between working

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the true neet response
They all say they want to study the philosophers, create beautiful art, understand this chaotic world, search for meaning, ect ect
In reality every NEET i have ever known or interacted with just wasted their life on video games, internet and other hedonistic acts and never really try that hard to push themselves forward

its a romantic idea that you can have all the free time in the world, and fill it with things that can better yourself and perhaps even make the world a better place in general.... but thats all it is, an idea

show demos

i sold a company 3 years ago, i have nothing but time (and money)

oh lord, i can barely read this thread you are so insufferable. you make me not want to be neet

how do you get yo money then and live in this world easily?

Look at this wagecuck

My multiple thousand dollar instruments
Back yard to garden in

ALL is within reach with your 500 a month neetbux

show demos

so you live off of the government?
thats a little pathetic

i seriously doubt your life can be that comfortable with 500 a month.
I made 400 a month in college, and it was tough to get by. 250 for rent, in a shitty worn down house shared with 3 other dudes. Couldnt afford a car or anything, so i rode my bike around, which was okay. I pretty much only ate the cheapest foods I could buy, and was very weary of going out to eat because that can blow through your food money very quickly. Alot of pb&j.
Idk it was manageable, but like I couldnt afford anything that wasn't a necessity, and I ran into an emergency once and I had to have my grandparents pay or else I wouldnt off been able to eat that month. Didnt seem very smart in the longterm

i also want to see demos. Id be interested in commissioning if your interested

Lets see what all this free time to follow your dreams has cultivated.

wageslaves are so poor, i pity them.

at first i was laughing at them but now it's kinda sad.
cool story, wageslave

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>living in a country with AC

Yea but most neets dont make much, im an exception since i receive 2k a month in NEETbux as well as 200 from food stamps for my condition, so i live pretty much my dream of a perfect life(although spending time inside or on hobbies is considered degenerate by wagies) i imagine most neets here either live with their parents or work part time along with whatever puny amount their state/government gives them for their meme autism.

what health "condition" is that?
i faked schizophrenia but they didn't add much, i get 1000$/month..... HOW DA FUCK DO YOU GET 2000$?

he didn't reply.... so i call bullshit on that 2k neetbux, that lying fag

I often post in creative threads

>finally become wagecuck
>can't stay up late anymore because have to wake up for work in the morning
>can't even fap because mom is on vacation and won't fucking go to bed

I am moving out as soon as soon as I save up enough money

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Reading is boring to me but I know plenty of NEETs that legitimately do study independently. /lit/ and Jow Forums are full of them

As far as hedonism goes, plenty of wagecucks would immerse themselves in it full time if they could. How many wagies can relate to getting home run ravged, throwing themselves on the couch, getting drunk and eating before passing out to start the next day? The majority, I would wager.

Its also easy to discount the depths psychedelic drug influenced meditation can take you too when most trips are a 2 day commitment and wagecucks don't have the time for it

holy shit, your Instagram is one of the most cringe things that has ever been born into this reality.

I thought we were judging my music? (Which you'll no doubt say is shit just to spite me)
Anyways, me & the boys enjoy it :P

im not the dude you replied to lol
and nah, i cant shit on you for making art

> mastery

how embarrassing

Is the dream I actively pursue, yes. Also can't help if the genres don't appeal to you.

didnt you say you already mastered standard strings (and mixing lul)

Your good neet ends will once end and ya all will be fucked
> no tendies
> no mommy
> no money

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Why would you have your AC on at 35 degrees?

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dumb american slave

I didn't say I mastered anything (unless you are mistaking audio mastering for 'mastering' a craft). I also didn't mention strings at all. Unless you mean my guitar demos, which you might note are 4 years old. I've improved a bit in that time. As for mixing yes, for someone completely self taught in my DJ production is fairly good imo. Note the popularity of this track in particular soundcloud.com/djcausticchasm/whitegirls for an example of pop mixing/mastering or my plunderphonics projects for mixing unconventional samples

Stupid eurocuck faggot

>what is sectioned housing
>what is permanent disability

>tfw NEETS on this site unironically voted for the guy who will end their benefits and force them to go cuck for Mr. Noseberg

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Reminds me of fat fucks who talk about life is too important to spend 3-4 hours a week in the gym, and then they go watch tv for eight hours a day.


Actually, we voted for the only person campaigning who has a chance at making the job market something worth a NEETs time to join.

Poor comparison. Gym time gives measurable self improvement (something NEETs also have plenty of time to devote to) while wagecucking nets only stress amd loss of freedom for time that could be otherwise be spent doing literally anything else, while still maintaining enough income to survive (not counting passive income)

Who /self-employed/ here?
>tfw work from home on my computer
>set my own hours
>shitpost, eat tendies and play vidya while "working"

Why are video games and the internet considered a waste? Not that I'm a NEET, I work from home, but the only reason I do is to have enough money to buy video games and other things I like (good food, etc). I'm already better off than the majority of the world population so why would I waste my life on fruitless labor for its own sake when my hobbies are far more enjoyable?

There are 7+ billion people in the world. You're delusional if you think more than a fraction of a percent of them actively contribute toward "making the world a better place".

My days of neetdom are about to come to a screeching halt, and I'm going to become a plumber's apprentice in a couple days, learning the trade and digging holes all day in the 118 degree Arizona heat. Wish me luck anons. I'm gonna need it

great for you, the 8 hour workday is horribly outdated anyways. this comfier,more flexible working, i wish it was possible for more people,maybe some day in the future...

Schizophrenia, sociopathy social anxiety and past sexual deviancy (rape).
Im considered unfit to be in normal society so im given money to exist and thats that.
Although i cant own and shoot guns sadly but atleast i got my vidya career.

You got paid to rape someone? What the fuck? Does anyone else see the problem with this? Uncle Sam is literally incentivizing rape.

What did you do user?

I saw a girl on my night walks and i grabbed her ass because i just wanted to feel that soft jiggly feminine flesh it was totally worth it.
However i got officially written up for it on my permanent record after she called the cops, because i already was unable to get a job before obviously a "rape" charge made it impossible.
Because i was seen as a pretty much broken man with no hope of ever contributing to society i was given the money, thank god for moral high ground democracy haha.

Wageslaves on the run

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Were there any other legal ramifications?

Why do normies get so mad at the very thought of NEETdom? I mean hey, someone has to take their tax dollars, if not me than it'll be some goblina with 8 spic kids.

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>I cant imagine ever being happy spending my life as a worthless husk of a man, completely unfulfilled, making terrible life choices.
i cant either its why im i NEET

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>Implying NEETS would get off their lazy or disabled asses to work if the economy became overwhelming industrial.

>Implying Trump's policies will save the middle class.

Most of you fuckers wouldn't last a day of actual work, no matter how strong the economy is.

Yes I do everyday to cut your power off.
It's devlish and shows me how subhuman whites act without ac.

I wish I could be a NEET again

Hey I was a neet for 5 years, I got bored of it. I've been more productive now that I am in college and working part time then I ever was neet, sure some enjoyed it and were super productive, or not get tired of it. I could not sit in my room for another day. I was close to blowing my brains out.

it feels nice to day a day of work. then i don't spend as much time thinking about how empty I feel.

> being this trained by noseberg

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>berg meme.
wow really changed my opinion dumbfuck

change comes from with ln