Mire thread - the hard mode version

mire thread - the hard mode version

only post actual mires from people that clearly expressed their admiration for your physique

no grandma/sister/mom/dad mires
no "hurr a girl worked out close to me in the gym" mires
no "hurr a girl smiled/looked at me/played with her hair" bullshit
no kids saying you are a big guy

this happened to me the other day:
>after sex, the girl went tobthe bathroom
>me layin naked in the bed on my stomach
>reading something on my phone
>she comes back, notices my bare ass
>slaps it
>"damn user you should have a license for that"
>"an ass liike that should be considered a weapon"

Attached: 1531382057755.jpg (1050x1400, 250K)

>"mire" from a girl you already slept with
This is no better than grandma/sister/mom/dad mires. When I was a fat fuck girls would "mire" me after I slept with them

OP made this thread solely to tell Jow Forums that he's had sex

This one time a tinder girl told me I dont look too bad myself.

>be at my dorm like a year ago
>someone come knock on my window and asks me to join party
>walk over to the "party house"
>bunch of people smoking outside
>join them even though i dont smoke
>this black girl keeps looking at me
>ignore it for a moment
>she keeps looking at me
>"see something you like?"
>"well yeah, can i feel your biceps?"
>get her to leave with me
>walk to some bushes in a park closeby
>end up with a sloppy blowjob
had to visit doctor since no condom so it was a bit meh

got more if interest

go on

>At the pub with lads
>First time out in ages
>This cute short girls starts talking to me
>She's got a sexy Northern Irish accent
>Realize she's chatting me up
>We talk all night, she invites me back to hers for more drinks
>We fuck all night

First time a girl has ever chatted me up lads. Felt lethal

>lifting in the gym shirtless because there are only a few other dudes in the part of the gym I'm in
>girl walks by with her friend
>turns to her friend
>"I feel threatened"

Go on x2

Go on x3