What do you hate the most about normies?
For me its virtue signalling
What do you hate the most about normies?
The inability of understanding anything with any kind of nuance
Their constant ability to blame you for your problems when most problems are completely out of one's control
>What do you hate the most about normies?
The fact that they're still allowed to breathe.
reeeeeee people arent a degenerate like me!!!!!!! kill them all!! everyone should be exactly like me !!!! fuck off retard kill yourself degenerate
>telling normals about your problems
>telling anyone about your problems
rookie mistake
the harsh truth is that no one cares, will either tell you it's your own fault or even distance themselves from you and that's all that will happen
Thinking their better / effectively preaching being yourself while silencing anyone different which seems like "wrongthought"
They have no heart, it's all about looking good to others, always. If someone doesn't have their same selfish and shallow mindset, they use it against them and turn the people they work to impress against them. To them, socializing really is all a game to get people to like them and feed their ego, while doing anything they can to discard of people who don't positively contribute to their image. They never admit it, either, and that's the worst part. They call people incapable of playing their heartless games of being the selfish kinds of people that they themselves really are. It's a game, and it's exhausting.
the fact that I revoked the chance to be one from the moment I popped out of the womb, really all I can do nowadays is envy them from afar for being the epitome of mediocre since my intelligence is a liability and my depression has prevented me from ever capitalizing on my potential
Its up to God to forgive normies, but its up to me to send them to him
It triggers the absolute fucking shit out of me when they say things like "just spent 3 whole hours playing Skyrim I'm such a fucking nerd lmao"
Their inability/unwillingness to recognise the importance of genes and their lack of desire in wanting to efficiently structure society around that importance.
Yeah I tried to post it but it wouldn't let me kek
people whose only motivation in life is to do what other people tell them to do. like people who just do things because it will look good on a resume or application where it's all about checking a box. i think it's great when people at least try to be selfless and help other people, but when you do x hours of community service because it's recommended to do that for your college application it's just gross. you're not helping other people, you're helping yourself.
the nonsentience
like, the creepy dead beady-eyed shit where they parrot talking points and you KNOW who wrote them, you KNOW the history behind them, you KNOW what they're for, but it's pointless to explain because they'll just use a tactic and tank it
like holy fucking shit that's unnerving. they've gone contra all expectations, everything that makes sense about how being an organism should work, and turned fucking retardation into a weapon
it's fucking grotesque and uncanny. it's like a person with no spine beating olympic sprinters by just flopping around. it's a fucking insult to life itself
The lizard-like behavior. They can drastically shapeshift personality depending on who theyre around and hide their true emotions like its second nature. Their mind also seems totally devoid of original thought and just parrots sportsball and other various jewbox degeneracies.
My brother literally just says the stuff he heard in youtube videos and completely ignores everything I say
they are all super conformist and are posers about everything so if you try to talk to them about one of there "interest" they know nothing about it
Normalfags always overreact to everything.
>What do you hate the most about normies?
when they say they use discord
their hypocritical virtue signalling on normiebook. for example, sharing an anti bullying video when they're the fucks who bullied me in hs, or posting about saving elephants when they eat other animals
I don't think most people understand it's a game, they're legitimately base apes controlled by a subconscious sense of dominance hierarchy. They don't think about it, they just do. That's why we seem broken to them, because we have to learn and cognize it, not just intuitively participate.
Honestly, anyone who understands the game and still participates in it is a piece of shit. The worst part is of you bring up the dominance hierarchy inherent in literally any social situation they will go into complete denial mode. People like to think we're more than apes, and we are, but that doesn't mean you aren't still driven by your instincts. Just need to be aware of them and respect them, don't need to be a slave to them.
Most normies sitting alone before me and talking with me are quite bearable desu.
I start hating the fuck out of 'em once you get 3+ people and the social grouping, pecking orders and we vs.them mentality toward none-group members goes in effect.
Shortly after the correction of deviant behaviors starts, the first drama about who did what with/to someone else begins, and I'll pay my drink, go back to my cave and swear once again that I'll only deal with those shit games when I get paid to endure it.
This honestly, they only really get annoying once there are more than one of them. Before that they'll just be agreeable like they would be to whoever they perceive as being the social "alpha" in a group.
how the normies who come here just tell us to conform to them, look down on us and not offer anything helpful. they're like a borg. a normieborg.
appealing to authority, i see so many fuckwits in the gym benching like shit because of the combine, also celebrity worship in general
How something is "weird" until it becomes normie then its acceptable.
Like watching Game of Thrones was weird for a while then it became normie and now I'm "allowed to"
Same with Pokemon, Pokemon was "for kids" and I was "too old" for it until Pokemon go came out and those exact people who told me that were running around with Pokemon Go screaming "A PIDGEY! I CAUGHT A PIDGEY!"
Mainly gossip. Just the fact that people enjoy slandering others behind their back is disgusting to me. I'm not talking about the occasional "user really made me mad being late again" but the sensetional kind of gossip. It's one thing to vent hatred but another to judge and discuss others' lives, especially if you know them.
>tfw you get weird looks when you tell others gossiping isn't nice
I'm the ass ig
>B-but think of the children!
Sad excuse/guilt trip imo
Goddamn so much of this particular thing. I had a grocery job for a while and EVERYONE fucking shit talked others. Like wtf? I get that this is Jow Forums and people constantly feel vitrol and hatred but I always just want to be nice to my coworkers I don't ever want to start shit. Everyone was a fucking dick to one another and probablly called me a fag or a virgin behind my back. Errgh pisses me off.
Their pettiness. Talking with them about something more complex is completely useless as they will just come up with small talks about friends and everyday life. They dont care about deeper layers of our world - everything turns around their current, petty live.
Their inability to feel empathy towards anyone.
i fking despise how weak minded they are. at one point they might say A is good but once someone "famous" or "influential" as they say says otherwise they just completely flip and parrot that B was right from the very beginning