Isolation is as physically bad for you as cigarettes. If you’re dedicated to your health and fitness, stop isolating...

Isolation is as physically bad for you as cigarettes. If you’re dedicated to your health and fitness, stop isolating. You are impacting your body as badly as someone smoking cigarettes.

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Articles like these make me feel like the lord of autism. It's like reading about aliens.

>meme gawker blog that was relevant 10 years ago
>saving the thumbnail
Thanks for enlightening us, sugah.

clickbaity title, but it's true that isolations are typically dogshit.

Why don’t a bunch of you autists that live around the same area meet and hang out?

>tfw socially isolated and smoke cigarettes

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No way that is true

I first misread the title as meaning isolation exercises.

I isolate my chest muscles 2x a week, how is this killing me?

the only thing I hate more than myself is other people

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>And one recent study found that merely living alone can increase the risk of premature death by a whopping 6%
What I want to see is a study that compares and contrasts the percentage of married men that will commit suicide after the divorce courts fuck them over. That article will never happen.

only true if your job is in an isolated area as well, jobs such an office/hospital/firefighters etc always socialize and do shit together. If you're not working it's def bad

This is why I NEVER even look at the pec-dec. Do anything other than compound lifts will literally kill you

what if i just have sex with one girl sometimes

am i still isolated? Y/N?

lmaoing at you retards

>It stacks
>Life speedrun hacks

>stop isolating yourself
that's easy to say

meme article. just averages people who commit suicide. isolation isn't bad for you. modern media is literally a fucking lie

what kills is the chronic anxiety caused by the feeling of loneliness, rejection, jealousness and so on. do you feel like that? I know I do.

>let me hypothesize without data and call it a day

Pretty much you get hit with alimony you should just leave the country and join a revolutionary militia somewhere because you have nothing left going for you.


>Socially isolated individuals are at increased risk for the development of cardiovascular disease (3), infectious illness (4), cognitive deterioration (5), and mortality (6⇓⇓–9). Social isolation also has been associated with elevated blood pressure, C-reactive protein, and fibrinogen (10, 11) and with heightened inflammatory and metabolic responses to stress (12, 13).

lmao eat shit you cunt

The French Foreign Legion is actually complaining that its recent recruits are all shit because a significant number of them are just men trying to escape alimony (the FFL gives you a new identity after your service. Initially it was a no questions asked thing, but nowadays they do a background check to see if you aren't a wanted criminal).


When I get money, I'm going to make a retreat where any of you fags can come and hang out and do Jow Forums Jow Forums /ck/ /v/ /tv/ Jow Forums /his/ shit together.

No user will be left behind

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btw, c reactive protein and infllamation are literally gains goblins


just because we are isolated it doesn't mean we have no standards

Use Google image search

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not going to be laughing when you die from leg curls


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I wish the gym were more social. I remember when I first started working out, before everybody had iPhones, I could talk to guys at the gym and we'd chat while spotting etc. Now everybody is wearing headphones (including me desu) and I can't remember the last time I talked to anybody at the gym

beggars, choosers etc.

6 percent is pretty much nothing.

Can someone clear this up for me, is it the act of actually being alone that is unhealthy or are lonely people more likely to have shitty lifestyles or something?

what are you talking about

me too its no big deal im gonna quit but later

Just being alone. That's why no one except psychos prefer isolation cells in prison. For everyone else it's a horrible punishment.

oh crap i need to get friends then. who here lives in the UK

>What I want to see is a study that compares and contrasts the percentage of married men that will commit suicide after the divorce courts fuck them over
I saw a study that showed divorced men are 10x more likely to commit suicide than divorced women and divorced men are one of the most at-risk groups for suicide.

Go to the /brit/ general on Jow Forums.

or go to /soc/. I mean that board is mostly fat chicks and guys with low self esteem but there are a few of us who are cool. There are regular meetups for the States I'm sure there are Brits there too.

>open article
>read one paragraph
>see link to recommended article called "The power of going it alone"


that is only true for personas with the extrovert trait. introverts will be just fine

bonus: both articles are written by the SAME PERSON

christ almighty

>only socializing is going to the bar across the street from my apartment
>essentially bought friendship from the bartenders
>try cutting back on drinking
>go insane from not going out anymore
Gains goblins thread?

her feet are fucking huge. almost like a behemoth

nice fucking thumbnail u bitch

SAUCE PLS. Google didn't help

Kek but they can’t even set up a meet up properly, remember what happened last time?

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Lilias Right

Jokes on you.
I do isolations AND smoke cigarettes. Whatchu gonna do bout it, bitch?

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So, if I'm perfectly content with isolating myself I should be fine?

how the hell do you figure out he's a phone poster?