Why do women always attack men by going straight to their sexuality?

Why do women always attack men by going straight to their sexuality?
I speak 3 languages and every single time I get in an argument with a woman (internet or IRL) they always go "if girls reject u its not my fault" or any variation of "durr hurr you don't get pussy" "you have a tiny dick". Why are men measured by their capability of supporting/providing to/pleasing women? I just want to know what you guys think about this.

Pic unrelated, my ex.

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why do women say suck my dick more than men

>my ex
Probably a larp but just in case GET OUT

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>Pic unrelated, my ex.
Poast her nudes or you're a faggot

women are deeply flawled and tragic creatures and they know it that's why they make it their personal mission to bring forth as much suffering as they can to others, the worthless cunts

of coz that wasnt original. why should it have been?

>Why are men measured by their capability of supporting/providing to/pleasing women?
There is no point in living if you can't have sex. Sex can only be had with the consent of a woman. A woman who consents to sex with you (real enthusiastic consent, not fake consent that is paid for) is in essence consenting to your existence.

I want to kill all those sluts, bu they are absolutely right about how male worth, in a sexually liberated society, is directly tied to how much women want you

The main thing women offer is companionship and sexual release. Since when has a man ever felt that his economic survival depended on getting into a relationship with a wealthy woman?

Fuck you for derailing my thread
Here you go

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Yeah I have that pic, forgot to put it as the OP pic. I just wanted to have a discussion about it digging MAYBE a little deeper about the subject?? No idea. Just sharing with you guys

hot. Post moar original klingon

I really don't want to. Sorry :/

Please? You will be 0% faggot if you post more

and she's a looker, looks puerto rican

I am so envious OP. I am so envious and I am also angry and hopeless. OP, please kill me. End this misery.

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Oh god damnit just because you asked nicely!
>looks puerto rican
Nope! If you can guess her ethnicity/country i'll post more
Hint: english is not her first language

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That means she has to go back

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Don't be. She was severely anorexic, self harm, self hatred, many many really REALLY heavy family traumas. Autistic. Treated me like shit sometimes for no reason. Obsesse with her abusive ex. Her mother abused her and she would lock herself in the kitchen and call me crying at night. There are many more things but I can't list them all probably. And I'm not really handsome so it was hard leaving her :(

Go back where????

Either Italian or Hispanic. Third place would be french I guess.

>Woman is only sexual, man is partly sexual, and this difference reveals itself in various ways.

>As the sexuality of the male is an adjunct to his life, it is possible for him to keep it in the physiological background, and out of his consciousness. And so a man can lay aside his sexuality and not have to reckon with it. A woman has not her sexuality limited to periods of time, nor to localised organs. And so it happens that a man can know about his sexuality, whilst a woman is unconscious of it and can in all good faith deny it, because she is nothing but sexuality, because she is sexuality itself.

>It is impossible for women, because they are only sexual, to recognise their sexuality, because recognition of anything requires duality. With man it is not only that he is not merely sexual, but anatomically and physiologically he can "detach" himself from it. That is why he has the power to enter into whatever sexual relations he desires; if he likes he can limit or increase such relations; he can refuse or assent to them. He can play the part of a Don Juan or a monk. He can assume which he will. To put it bluntly, man possesses sexual organs; her sexual organs possess woman.

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Oh god tell me she isn't jewish.

oh fuck! i forgot jews

She's not!

Original post

Answer me

there is no other option possible

Close! But not quite. One more chance!
Two guesses per post btw

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I answered! She's not jewish nor italian nor french nor hispanic, but one of those is really close



Carne Argentina


Polish? I know a polish girl who looks just like her

DING DING DING DING DINGGGG, One of you got it right so I'm posting one more
I have more nudes from exes, you guys want to see more?

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idk man she has a nice ass and thighs though

No lie, I can tell it's Brasil just from that ass

It looks like it, right? When I as at her house I went to grab her ass and I felt her bones.

Nope but good guess

Usually because it's superficial observation that's easy to make and gets the job done. No guy wants to hear that shit about their dick from a girl.

OP, did a reverse search and this came up.

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Haha you won't find anything with reverse search, the pics I post were sent to me only.

So basically, no. The article is not related to her. Just to clarify.

To be fair there are lots of retarded males who use shit "arguments" like this too, but women especially are mentally speaking children in physically mature bodies. They have a victim complex, and all their tiny brains revolve around is an overwhelming need to be accepted by society. So they are just projecting what makes them feel insecure unto men as a warning for them to behave. What a disappointing gender.

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It makes me feel sad that women are like that. Is there any hope in your opinion or should I just suck dick?

>"if girls reject u its not my fault"

Well it isn't their fault.

I do agree with you on the insults they tend to sling around when they feel like they've lost the argument, though. They go for the things men are most likely to be insecure about and hope that it works. The problem with that is that most people are smart enough to know that it's just a petty tactic.

post more already REEEEEE

And make it tits or cooch