Damn even eggy had a cute gf at one point. Guess even with ugliness and autism all you need is a streak of extroversion...

damn even eggy had a cute gf at one point. Guess even with ugliness and autism all you need is a streak of extroversion... even if he did get cuckolded hard

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He's a smart dude and tall works hard at stuff he likes

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>and tall
That is the only reason.

post moar op faggot filter

he was never a robot fuck him. glad he was stupid enough to dox himself.

>he was never a robot fuck him. glad he was stupid enough to dox himself.
Eggman is more of a man and robot then you will ever be faggot

just because you're jealous he got a 7/10 mentally ill fembot gf for a few weeks

people who think it's appearance are delusional like eggman and alexander layko because they eventually got laid(due to their social skills). they were just impatient. i remember they used to rant about how they couldn't get laid because of their appearance.
true incels never get a girlfriend due to poor social skills and know they don't have a girlfriend because of poor social skills. having autism and poor social skills are probably worse than being ugly when it comes to dating. girls hate social retards more than they hate sociable ugly guys. eggman got a cute gf

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so you can look like this and still get a gf if you're not a total shut-in. just keep trying

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eggman followers are blind. he had a gf and that makes him a turbo normie. that is the ultimate sign of a normie.

i know she's mentally ill and everything but holy fuck does this pairing make me question reality.

no girl would pick the eggman just for that dude he's undateable

name of the girl please

Hes tall and white. Try being short and brown. You will never get laid.

eggman was never a real robot

That's like thinking Bill Nye is a real scientist. Would a real robot build up a following of thousands by being charismatic and energetic and always being active in social media?

I've seen real robots and they don't have that kind of uninterrupted energy.

>eggman followers are blind. he had a gf and that makes him a turbo normie. that is the ultimate sign of a normie.
I've met the man and trust me he isn't a normie maybe not a robot, but he isn't a fucking normie

he has asperger's right? he calls himself a failed normie or a cyborg

who is she and how did she cuck him

anastasia spangler, fembot and utterly notorious whore. has fucked a lot of guys from here. she also goes by april i think

As if he was ever a robot.

Anything can happen with a cuckold loveless relationship.

Yeah she'll fuck anything that's black. It's why blacks cannot be robots. Only whites can, cause the best a white guy can hope for is to be a cuck.

wh*toids cannot be robots period

>Yeah she'll fuck anything that's black
Nobody said anything about blacks you self inserting nigger

He got a washed up worthless whore who needs to be punched square in her cunty whore face

april is cute

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>cause the best a white guy can hope for is to be a cuck.
Whites are deemed the most attractive according to literally every race based attraction study, keep coping though negroid

if you let the blacks in your head then they win in this race baiting war

Or you know, just put them in their place

Blacks win not cause they're in your head, but because theyre in your wife.

N*gger s*mefag

Eggman's ex gf streamed to multiple betas at the same time while egger was out of the house wagekeking 2 minimum wage dead end jobs fifty hours a week to pay rent

She apparently also regularly begged money off him then used that money for gas to go fuck other guys while he was at work, and also had dudes come to their apt. for funtime

On some of his streams, he also claimed she verbally bullied, physically beat and abused him.

some details and cool pics :^) are archived here


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filters, angles, and photoshop. she is actually very plain

being attractive opens the door into conversation, being ugly means you never get an opportunity as all first impressions are revolt

>Nobody said anything about blacks you self inserting nigger

idk why but im losing my shit

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i wonder whats worse being an ugly loser or being an attractive sperg

Put those niggers in their place and they'll shut the fuck up real quick. Problem is too many beta cucks have let things get out of control.

>has fucked a lot of guys from here

does anyone know if she still browses here?

He got cucked?
Post the proof my niggys
only asking since the bot still exists

Remember this is the best you could possibly hope for out of a woman robots

read the thread, moron

also he admitted it himself

no you missed out sorry

egg did good for a time, he was in the mental hospital or homeless at this point