Summoning thread

In this thread i summon rhe chad god the first person in this thread to get dubs most go outside and be a chad for a day and timestamp the adventure and GO !

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Aw shit it can't be me i summoned him

OP you got the dubs.
Post everything, i believe in (you).

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Pls don`t give me digits. I never get them anyway, so why now, right? Haha

Chad here waddup

OP you better deliver on those digits, do it for all of us. I believe in you

fuck you Jow Forums for never giving me dubs

how new are you to have never gotten dubs? nice trips chad

lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, this is still not a dub
fuck you Jow Forums reeeeee

Nice one scriptfag

This is a double dub you freaking newfag

Nice digits you got there, you now have to become gigachad

im 6 months old
me me big boy

wait since i got trips does that mean i have to go out and be chad now?

yeah have fun, the chad life is pretty great bro

rofl, im the same guy.

you called me a newfag and scriptfag at the same time

in the name of chad the one and only

I can't i summoned him i cant do this im shaking i just might do it

Look at me .
I said look at me.
I am the chad now.

Rolling for Chad status. Please end this nightmare.

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Chad i believe in you
Give me you power

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Ok origaml l

You can do it user, just believe in yourself just this one time. Then you can choose if your current lifestyle is good or you want to change

Congratulations, you won.


Nah maybe next time but we got a winner you user have been blessed by chad god now go be a chad timestamp your chad activities

user you too are a chad now, go and have fun outside

Yaaaaaaay im fucking CHAD i can feel his aura powerimg me