How many hours of sleep does Jow Forums get?

how many hours of sleep does Jow Forums get?

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I try to get at least 8
Fukken wake up 12 times a night though

Bruh I can't get more than 6 hours of sleep because I always gotta wake up to piss.

7 or so during the week, 8+ on weekends. More consistent would be better though

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I sleep 7 but I always wake up at least 3 times to pee. Why the fuck do I always get thirsty at night?

thats some shit, I'm just tryna figure out when I gotta go to sleep to gym in the morning cause my work schedule's changed

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like 4 hours honestly
I don't know how I keep doing it

2 hours at most. Sleeping as little as possible is high T

Srs answer about 6 during the work week, 7 on weekends. I always set alarms otherwise I'll sleep naturally for 9/10hours and I feel like dogshit.

6-7hrs is peak performance for me. Any more or less will mess me up.

no need for sips or coffee

Are you me?


I have a server maintenance window this morning at 2am so tonight probably wont sleep too long

>wish me luck guys, im thinking of going to the gym this morning anyway since i have work at 2am might as well go for a 4am gym session

> Mon-Fri
1-3 hours
> Sat-Sun
6-12 hours

8-10, up to 12 on weekends


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10 or 11. Oversleeping leads to depression.

usually 6-8

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Trying to get 8 at least.

Anyway, how do you manage to sleep well when it's so fucking hot outside even during the night? Last night has been especially awful. I tend to go to sleep and get up quite early, which makes it even harder now.

Currently 5:15am where I live, haven’t gotten a second of sleep so far tonight

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Between 6 and 10.
I sleep like a fucking baby though, which is good. I usually wake up half an hour before I need to get up and just lay there, same with going to sleep actually, usually takes half an hour.


>how do you battle the heat?
>how do you battle the heat?
>how do you battle the heat?

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I always tell myself I'm gonna get 8 then end up getting only 5-6

Been browsing Jow Forums, watching YouTube and playing boom beach all night

8-10 without fail
i put a great deal of effort into maximizing testosterone production


Mah fellow britfag

4-6 during the week unless I get exhausted from it and need to catch up, 8-9 on the weekend. I'll sleep 8 everyday again when uni starts back up but my internship is so goddamned boring I feel like I need to squeeze all the free time out of every day that I can.

6-7 hours.
Goodnight helper, there's a long week ahead of us.

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5 or 6 hours

4 hours of terrible quality sleep last night. Drank way too much, hungover and terrible red tide in the air fucking with my eyes and breathing.

8 on average, sometimes 7 and sometimes 9