What are signs a woman is crazy?

What are signs a woman is crazy?

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She's a woman.

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Came here to post this

Eyes, weird hobbies, forced emotions/reactions

Absolutely Based.

> Long dating history of particularly short relationships
> Insists on you "not needing a condom" and she's "on the pill" (protip: she's not)
> Few female friends because "they're too much drama"
> Far left views

she visits Jow Forums

If they're cute!

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>far left views

Isn’t that most women?


>most of my friends are guys. I just don't get along with other women, I find them annoying and they cause too much drama.

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>Hates drama
>Talks about how much she prefers to hang out with "the guys"
>Grew up in a wealthy family that owned horses
>Acts awkwardly "hardcore" during sex in the beginning of the relationship
>Custom plates, tints, etc on car
>Makes up achievements that sound intellectual (reads calculus books for fun, etc)
>Makes up health issues to seek attention (factitious disorder)
>Unable to be single for more than a few months at a time

shes a woman

No, not really. Normal women are apolitical. They might have subconscious liberal/leftist leanings, but they're not overtly political in the sense of staying tuned-in to politics or getting involved or reading political/philosophical stuff, etc. A woman who is heavily into overt politics/ideology/etc is a red flag, whatever her leanings may be.

For example, I may be a white nationalist but if I found a woman quoting George Lincoln Rockwell I'd steer far away from her because there's a 99% chance she's going to be unhinged.

Has no hymen before getting a diamond

>>Grew up in a wealthy family that owned horses
Where the fuck does the “rich horse girls are sluts” meme come from? All horse girls I knew in school are all trad married girls now.

Thick eyebrows

- she's a woman
- she has many short flings rather than being able to keep a stable relationship
- she hates her father
- she has no female friends

horses, the answer is always horses

Okay, thanks for expounding. Just for kicks, though, let’s say a gal fits that description and is crazy. What of it? What are crazy women like?

>Custom plates, tints, etc on car
lol what

this seems like more of an anecdote, user

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based and redpilled

Honey please calm down
You seem a bit upset
Please let's talk it out
Don't throw another cat
Aw honey that was Puzums
I really liked that one
I hope she'll land on her paws
From floor one-hundred-ninety-one


They're like women.

"anxiety" problems that she treats with alcohol

holy shit this

>camaleonic appearence
>does not value stability

women who like riding horses do so because it subverts the dominance hierarchy (red flag) - it reverses the role of male and female, horses are also expensive as fuck, so the expectation of the girl will always be at least having a horse and nothing less, and you will always be second no matter how or what you do for the girl (since you will never have a horse cock and give her the tingles as a wild big beast would)
there are also darker , sexual connotations and i've heard that many women horse riders jerk off their horses as well as often lose their hymen while riding them
i used to think this is a meme, but after having dated 3-4 horse girls it's not. they are always the same, always the same psychological patterns (princess complex + outwardly acting extremely liberal but secretely being totally trad con + overrating themselves and their abilities massively since they are used to the horse doing all the work)
one girl once told me that she could jump some crazy height like 2 m , and what she actually meant was that her horse had jumped that (but in her mind that was her achievement and not the horses')

you can unironically tell from their eyes

Go on...

>uses tinder
>"loves to travel"
>dyed hair
>lots of "guy friends"
>older than 24
>fat arms
>brown nipples

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delet this, my oneitis regularly browses Jow Forums and Jow Forums

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any sort of tattoo

>>brown nipples
You are retard. Asians best girls. And they all have brown nipples.


1) she has a lot of exes
2) she talks shit about everybody (her roommate, her friend, her sister, etc)
3) she's a feminist
4) she's fat
5) she tries too hard to be "edgy".
> Far left views
or far right views. Let's not pretend female Jow Forumstards are sane. Nazis and SJWs are both crazy.



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One of the biggest degenerates I know (good looking aryan coal burner with a fetlife account) plays MMOs like WOW obsessively. Is that a thing?I always thought MMOs were for plebs

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I am well researched on this topic and here is my conclusion.
Being a woman is a sure sign that the woman in question is crazy.

Plus working with horses makes them matters of non verbal manipulation. If she can get a horse to do her bidding, she's going to try the same on you.

Met her on Jow Forums

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based and redpilled

Wow this is actually real article.

Post picks so we know she’s not obese

>she calls you in the morning
>"I had a bad dream that you were cheating on me with Anonette"
>hates Anonette now
>doesn't trust you anymore

What kind of women are you dating lol

She thinks you will put up with her shit
Most women think after a while the guy wont leave her at all and she will do whatever she wants and he has no choice

Thats a game they play, do what you want just understand you got with a dumb bitch in the first place, you need to always test that hoe like they test men, and if she fails the important tests than you know she isn't the one

Pussy isn't everything

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sure why not, she told me she's gonna ghost me tomorrow

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>has no issue being combative with partners
Ask her exs if every difference between her and her ex ended up being a conflict.

>secretely being totally trad con
That's a good thing.

>that image

be honest though guys, you wish you were a total hipster
We all do

> rapid emotional changes
> seems preoccupied with fantasy over reality
> bad relationship with one or both parents
> attaches quickly
> something bad is always happening in her life

All I can think of right now. But you name the type and I have dated her.

How do guys test women?


Depends on the particular type of crazy. But you're going to probably be dealing with manipulation, histrionics, constant yoyoing from happy to freaking out, etc. Basically what any normal woman is like, but accentuated 1000x

>name the type and I have dated her

Introverted, nerdy med school type


1. If she is American.
2. If she dated more than 3 males in the past.
3. If she has a child.
4. If she's fat.
5. If she "goes out."
6. If she drinks at all.

>no waist
>not obese

My fear about this is what to do once you reach the point where you're cohabitating. Like, what if you say "okay, we're through" but she doesn't accept it and refuses to leave? Do you need to have the cops haul her ass away? Do you need to prove which belongings are yours and which are hers? What if, god forbid, you got an apartment and both of you are on the lease?

IDK about rich ones, but "horse girls" have a rep in my area. Thing is, they think they can control everything, including people, because they're used to bossing around a half ton animal all day. It's also a huge time/money investment, so the horse takes priority over everything else.

And maybe seeing 20 inch horse boners raises their bars a little high

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no, since she basically wants the best of both worlds , which is not possible since each excludes the other in most ways
like i had an ex that would outwardly virtue signal or collect stupid shit for african children but then tell me she didnt want to live near niggers outright
she'd probably fuck a nigger under pressure or if she saw enough societal gain from it
such women have fragmented personalities , and no integrity

> thinks she is better than you and will leave you at the first best option
> will fuck medfags and rationalize it

there is nothing worse than a woman with a higher income than you

>hates/didn't vote Trump
>history of interracial relationships
>sympathy for inferior races
>thinks hitler was evil and refuses to be red pilled on the matter
>went to college or university
>male friends

Just depends on what's below the surface. She's smart which is a plus. And sex will be good too.

If she's submissive you got a winner. If she's dominant, run.

That's a woman whom your best may never be good enough.


all women despise weakness because it reminds them of themselves
a woman will never ever put up or hold on to a weak man if she has a better alternative

>there is nothing worse than a woman with a higher income than you

fug brahs

I kind of get what you mean. I knew a girl that was racist as fuck when I knew her in high school when we dated but later became an SJW, died her hair and mixed with the ancom crowd in college.
During that time we had a private conversation and she admitted she was still racist as fuck. Like I have white nationalist views, she straight up had white supremacist views. So fucking weird.

No, she needs to understand it isn't going to just get better and she needs to act like an adult

She isn't getting her way at all, also have you never dated or something? Most of these hoes will leave anyway cuz they're already been sucking dick on the side or if not sucking dick she has someone else already on speed dial


When did you figure this out?

I dated one of these. She was infatuated with me. Her autism made all my friends not like her even though I kind of liked it. Also she wasn't as pretty as I wanted.

Dropped her.

>That's a woman whom your best may never be good enough.

It’s basically the story of an user who somehow started dating his oneitis. Having learned more about her, I now feel I’m not good enough for her. I know it will become a problem in the future, but I want to enjoy it while it lasts. Young love is the greatest feeling in the world. I wish every user could experience it.

women don't understand abstract concepts, i used to know a female doctor and the only way she could understand or explain things that are above a high school level was by simplification
that's how she got through med school
as soon as i asked her details about complex stuff her brain would melt and she would just repeat what she had said before in a different tone as to sound as if she had explained it better the next time
the girl was, unironically, also a horse girl

Sure, but that all relies on her cooperating. What if, hypothetically, she REFUSES to leave?

>Women don't understand abstract concepts
>This doctor you knew was able to not only understand them but simplify them into layman terms
>Hurrr she didn't understand abstract concepts because she could explain them simply

You sound stupid as fuck

video tape her, call her parents, call the cops
But always video tape her

I'm a pharmacist and I had the same experience with the female classmates and professors as well. The women would do nothing but memorize guidelines and cutoffs and number ranges without ever bothering with any critical thinking or understanding of why you'd do things a certain way, why a mechanism or system works the way it does, and so forth. Even things that are simple like the effects of kidney disease on PTH/VitD/Ca++ were hard as fuck for all the girls to understand because they just tried to memorize all the individual pieces in a vacuum.

What do you think. I've currently got 4 girls in rotation and I'm considering dropping them and gfing one of em

She is
>University Athlete
>In a PhD program
>Hot af
>fun and good social skills
>Good family
>Doesn't party
>fairly Dominant personality

I too prefer submissive girls but she's cool

the funny part is, a woman is never better than a man, women are lacking in everything
intellectually, they lack ingenuity , you'll never see a female trying new stuff for the fear it could label her stupid or make her look bad
physically, don't even have to mention that
psychologically, they are incomplete, i once walked away from a group without saying anything, one of the women got pissed off (she was my tutor at uni), i told her i don't wanna waste my time with the group but i like her (a lie to get out easily), and she then told everybody else i had apologized

a woman is never better than you , no matter what rank she has , no matter what job she does, no matter how much she improves (which she can't because she is biologically limited)

She wont be able to respect a man she dates, she will like him but she cant respect him thats why she doesn't date an alpha male

>bad relationship with their parent(s)
>tattoos (as in any at all, not just sleeves and face tattoos)
>unnatural hair colour (will save you from the histrionics and borderlines but not the narcissists)
>non-mainstream haircut/styling/make-up/fashion (will save you from many narcissists)
>prefers to live with male house-mates
>her female friends will reflect her own personality: if they are trash, she will be too regardless of the show she has put on so far
>has cynical view of sex as a crude transaction even if she enjoys it
>bisexual, or in any way claims/hints to be
also, an intelligent narcissist can very effectively hide her heinous personality, you have to be pro-active in finding these indicators. reality testing is crucial, ask about her friends and family then meet them to test the reality of her description.

that's hot desu

i'd post better pics, but I know she browses here

>in a PhD program
red flag tbqh. The types of women going for PhDs are typically the ones who have unironic penis envy and just want to LARP as a man. Probably will also tell you she doesn't want to have kids because they'll get in the way of her meme career.

she didn't understand anything, she had merely memorized the simplification
imagine being a university student and talking to your tutor, and he gives you explain like im 5 explanations 24/7 and when you ask him more details it turns out he doesn't even understand your question
this is ALL women, women can't deal with abstract things, they can only deal with them if they give them a simple meaning and they believe men do the same , which is the funniest part of it

>a woman is never better than you , no matter what rank she has , no matter what job she does, no matter how much she improves (which she can't because she is biologically limited)

The ultimate black pill

>yeah i just like got out of a toxic relationship and im just looking for something casual

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it's not, women always believe what happens to them is because they deserve it (and if its bad they are a victim of fate and not lazy, dumb or flawed), all of them are susceptible as fuck to fortune tellings and stuff like that
i have a lot of experience with female med students, and they think they are better , because they are born better, not because they worked their way up - they'll say oh, its just hard work outwardly, but inwardly they think "i was born better so i deserve this"
if anybody, who is out of their league (by "birth") shows them up, they must have cheated their way to that success or must have some other flaws to compensate for it (he is so good at science and looks good, he must be a complete social failure)
there is nothing more pathetic than a woman trying to genuinely create something new, since they believe that every new invention (be it physical or psychological like team management or team leadership) was created by somebody who can't be better than them, they think they just need to imitate to succeed without understanding the underlying concepts
there is not a single female only company in the world that didn't go down in less than 5 years, or creation which has had any impact

>heh stupid SJWs hating people because of their race and gender and sexual orientation and wanting an authoritarian government!
>not like me who hates those fucking niggers and shitskins and wants women back in the kitchen and we should burn the faggots while we're at it. Why doesn't the government throw all the commies in jail and make it illegal for women to work?
kys retard

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>Let's not pretend female Jow Forumstards are sane. Nazis and SJWs are both crazy.
female Jow Forumstards are even crazier, they've gone into socially taboo politics. far left is just annoying to most people, but she is taking a greater risk of being ostracised by going far right. flaunting social norms and doing so with zeal is a massive red-flag.

any sort of ideology outside the overton window is a redflag for a woman, whether left or right. Women's entire being revolves around social proof and a desire to fit in and appeal. To a woman ostracism is a fate worse than death, at least in their minds.


Not bad.

Step father, if she has a step father she is mentally ill