What other boards do you go to robots?

What other boards do you go to robots?

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/his/and /vg/

>What other boards do you go to robots?
Jow Forums

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but sometimes i get the tabs mixed up and funbost by mistake sowwy

/v/ Jow Forums Jow Forums sometimes /a/



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only Jow Forums and Jow Forums

Jow Forums

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first time i hearim of this board


/mu/ is my main board, aside from that I also frequent /ck/ and /tv/

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/a/ if i want to depress myself by interacting with the casuals

a, b, d, g, k, v, vg, s4s, lgbt, aco, adv, bant, biz, ck, co, fa, fit, int, jp, mlp, mu, news, sci, tv, x, trash.
Been posting since 2011, and have yet to be bored with you faggots.

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Wow so, all I'm getting from this thread is that everyone on Jow Forums is a fucking hypocrite. When people on /a/ or /jp/ say they hate Jow Forums and Jow Forums and tell you to go back there, yet secretly they browse those very same boards they hate.

My mains are this and /tv/
I also visit /p/ Jow Forums and /x/ from time to time
Other than that /gif/ is my main source for porn

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How fucking new are you? Geez.

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You forgot /cgl/ cunt

>You forgot /cgl/ cunt
I don't go there though.

epic nice broo

Did he fucking stutter, you bug-eyed mook?

>this, /tv/, Jow Forums, /lit/

Rate me.

you go to lit for the existential dread and bantz dont you.

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/v/. The boards other than Jow Forums that I could talk about things I'm actually interested in are more obnoxious, cruel, and shitty than this board. No nicer board to talk about waifu feelings on. Even boards on other sites dedicated to waifu stuff are full of normalfag cunts who are only interested in hierarchy, social games, and everything else above the actual love and feelings.

the best 0ne

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/f/ and /jp/. I actually post here very seldomly.
Anyone else here actually use /f/?

You can talk about your waifu on /a/, /b/, /jp/, /c/ and infinite chan /a/.

I go through /sci/ a lot. Tend to argue a lot with the biotech wannabes. Currently a graduate student in life sciences so I know my shit.

/lit/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /ck/, /fa/, /aco/, and /vg/ (/d2g/, /egg/, /hgg2d/, /palg/) .

whats it like having an interest thats not jerking off?

You fucks need more Jow Forums in your lives

>femboy in dirty shirt
>Jow Forums
>fat frogposter
>rest of Jow Forums
>retarded children
8/10 pretty good

>needing more discount-/tv/

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Jow Forums. aka, the normalfag reddit board.

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Jow Forums

I don't go to other boards anymore.

Kill yourself non ironically.

Already exist of course.

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>life sciences
>knowing shit

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/ck/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /p/, /vp/, and /trash/.

cycle between these mainly, check pol once in a blue moon to see what's up

Jow Forums to rattle the retard cage
used to be /v/ but fuck /v/ /v/'s daycare for underaged retards.
now I mostly hang on /tv/ but that board become and endless bulletin board for retarded star wars shit
Jow Forums's fucking dead. This shit died when moot left it.
They should delete it and never look back.


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/mu/. Used to browse Jow Forums a lot but I fell out of it.

Jow Forums on occasion
/b/ even more rarely


originalia genitalia

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Feels great user. Takes up quite a bit of my time, but it makes the days go by rather quick for myself and my forearm isn't sore all the time from jerking.

/toy/, Jow Forums regularly
Jow Forums during happenings
/sp/ during world cup and euros
/h/ I have a couple threads monitored
occasionally other boards as necessary (/w/ for new backgrounds, /tv/ after seeing a new movie, etc.)

pretty much Jow Forums and various porn boards.

/ck/ on my phone at family events

>/tv/ after seeing a new movie

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Rate me

>smoking in 2018

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Jow Forums rarely

>reddit in 2119-101 dalmations

Jow Forums and /v/

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>being schizophrenic in 2018

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Jow Forums /fa/

How do I...do sciencey smrty smart stuff?

what does this even mean la

K, vg
If I'm in a certain mood e, h, gif

>twitch memes in 2018

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i don't understand your language

>not understanding english in 2018

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I like seeing the shit-flingjng

/co/ /out/ /d/

ah, yeah that makes more sense.

Jow Forums
Jow Forums

Is that...pepe in the second dimetion?

and very occasionally


/v/, /co/, /tv/, Jow Forums

Jow Forums
Jow Forums

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The fa/tg/uys and the Jow Forumslacks know how to have a good time.

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