my husbaa is no longa a maan

> my husbaa is no longa a maan
> he cannot to give me the babee
> he is now a boi
> my san who is to study to become the doctar
> he will giving to me a new babee
so this is the power of asian women...

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Other urls found in this thread:

I find gooks physically repulsing and whoever sticks the sausage into the chink menace is a race traitor. If youre currently in a relationship with a gookette get a divorce or break it off so you dont breed disgusting hapas that ruin your white genes.

Asians are goddesses you are just mad you're too fat/ugly/poor to get one

Asians are strictly for fucking, in their home countries they will fuck any white man no matter how ugly, fat or socially retarded. Only the biggest Beta girlfriend an asian fuckbot, and she will still fuck any white guy she sees behind his back.

How come it's never alpha males lusting after Asian pussy? It's always white betas. Where they really just too beta to try and get a white girl?

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Hapas are improved whites when they are born female

fuck that I won't pass on my white genes even by making a hapa. but asians are way cuter than white girls.

Chads get tight Asian pussy all the time


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t. dicklet racist white boy

lol op
yeah, asians are simple minded
it makes me wonder why they have high iq
I suppose it's from memorizing all those stupid symbols

it's bigger than yours, Chang

Yeah, but they just pump-n-dump, then go and date white Stacey. White betamales are the only ones desperate to date Asian girls.
My theory is that these betas can't handle any kind of competition, so they go after Asian women because Asian men are so beta even compared to them.

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>Yeah, but they just pump-n-dump, then go and date white Stacey. White betamales are the only ones desperate to date Asian girls.
t. triggered white roastie

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hapas cute, dog

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every ethnic group of men lusts after Asians and white women the most, what are you on about

yep. They are going for the softest of soft targets. Asian men are practically women so there is zero threat there. And Asian cultures are batshit insane so the lack of social skills from Betas are not noticed.

Your post implies you're trying to disprove me, yet you posted an example of a white betamale dating an Asian female. Are you being sarcastic?

If Elliot was a girl he would have had no problem to say the least.

>beta male
keep COPING loser

White women? Certainly. Asians? I don't think so.

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>disgusting hapas
Yeah, look at all these disgusting hapas! So gross!

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what is this buck teeth meme? I've never seen an Asian with buck teeth

He's got prey eyes and he's wearing an untucked dress shirt and khakis. I can practically smell the soi on him

I'm not into Asian men but that one at the bottom middle is perfect.

Thank you. It's finally good to see ONE (1) normal white man on this beta infested internet that shares my views on gookettes.

They don't even look human to me. Id fuck any woman even a nigress but I won't EVER truly care about/love a non-white woman.

White women are the epitome of perfection aesthetically and I can't see ever abandoning them.

>Inb4 "white women are hoes hurr"
Yeah the culture today has turned them so but the same goes for any other westernized modern woman regardless of race. Going by mere beauty, white women are unbeatable.

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emma stone is one of the few good white women I'll give you that. She has shit hair though.

It's good to see this site hasn't been totally overtaken by betamales

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I'd fuck any race of women but white

those are WFAM
WMAF are absolute atrocities.

you can stop projecting now you beta loser

Xavier Callicott is a white surname, you brainlet

That's because they get them fixed now, like westerners taught them.

Look, I know your mom told you you're a big, handsome man, but the fact is you're a doughy, pasty beta. Sorry but your pictures don't lie

What the fuck are you on about?

That hapa is still a freak of nature and an abomination compared to most white men. He just got very lucky with his genetics.


That's the most important part.

Yeah he has a nice jaw, but I still see him as dogshit and laugh behind his back because he will ALWAYS be a tiny dick let beta in my eyes.

He will NEVER be white and have the respect and admiration one gets from being a pure white male. Not a mutt.

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whew this guy just cant help but describe his whole life story to me. its ok user, youll get through this rough patch in your life

Oregenao (you)

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hapas are the most handsome men on the planet. Why would anyone want to be white? They are more likely to bald, and they wrinkle like crazy once they hit their mid to late 20s

>Hapas are the most handsome men
Statistically and objectively wrong. Full European features are considered the most attractive in men. The few hapas that get lucky and turn out handsome are the ones with more European looking features.

White genetics in their purity represent a deep, vibrant and interesting history. White blood carries the blood of the men who colonized the entire planet. White blood carries the blood of the men who led humanity into the future, who led humanity to the moon. White genetics are the epitome of beauty.

This is basic logic.
Across the planet, the more EUROPEAN looking features a man/woman has, the more attractive they're considered.

So, why would you lie and say someone with LESS (diluted/mixed) European features is more attractive than an ACTUAL European with full European features?

It's like saying a $1 Chinese knockoff of something is qualitatively better than the original.

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It truly is a tendency around white beta males, right?

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I didn't use to put any stock into this meme until I sat next to the literal embodiment of your image in a uni class. She had a weird ass smell to her too. Ever since then I've detected a similar stench in the presence of other asian women and its enough to put me off them.

and yet their so-called beauty doesnt last forever. sad!

isnt mark zukerbag Jewish?

theres plenty more shit ones too. how do i know youre one of the great ones and not a shitty leprechaun version?

you sound like someone who's been brainwash fully by media

Why are you obssessed with making beauty last forever? I'd rather fall in love and grow old with a white woman whose beauty lasts 20 years over a gookette whose beauty lasts forever (which it doesn't and they're worse when older).
The proportion of ugly Asians to good looking ones and ugly whites to good looking ones is vastly different.

Whites on average are much better looking than Asians. You do know what average means right?

The only Asians who would pass as good looking even in your eyes are the Euro-looking ones. You'd never find a purely Asian looking man as attractive.

And that is because deep down you have a preference for Euro features yourself. You're just surrounded by white men/women so you think the grass is greener on the other side.

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we are talking about hapas, not full Asians. Way to change the subject, brainlet

Jews are considered white in America

t. Judah P Benjamin

okay. but how do i know youre not the bad version of whites? am i going to trust your statement about "averages"?

BUG EYED insect fuckingn poiluuting dog eating, ant lovers. NEED to be burned alive. HURR LETS have polution like shit hole china! HURR lets ruin our countnries landnscape with ghost cities


HURR she gold digger, BUT she nnot for me only!

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youre glory grabbing. basically valor stealing from the accomplishments of other whites.

why do you need to do this?

hes a larping ugly fat neckbeard. Attractive whites arent on r9k making posts and claiming the superiority of muh white beauty.

asian women arent gold diggers. thats a Jow Forums meme.

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hes probably just kinda average.

this fucking faggot.

In china it is literally NORMAL to fucking askin someones WEIGHT, and how much money they make a year/ hr.

yeah fuck you faggot, i remember this old asian korean friend of mine who i did not see for years, asked me how much money i make, when he graduated uni while i was working for microsoft.

I make way more than this guy with no college degree and he has the nerve to ask me how much moeny i make?? fuck you and your stupid fucking insect race. if it were up to me, we would put you fucks on a ship and launch you into the oceann.

>only had jap gfs in my life and now attracted to wh*te roasties
Japs are honestly way better than filthy wh*toids

Not going to read your autism. But its common in Korea for the girl to pay first on the dates or to split the bill 50/50

It's the same argument.
Hapas = less European = inferior
European = full European

You like the hapas for their European features anyway so why would you go for the dude that is less European when you could have a full European?

It's like having to choose between a glass of milk and a pretty, golden goblet of milk mixed with shit.
Why the fuck do you care what version of white I am? I'm not trying to ask you out, dumbass. Even if I was a low tier white man, I'd still be superior to any average Asian man.

BTW I'm a white girl so yeah fuck off.

because the tier of white you are will determine how seriously i will take your words. how would you be superior to another man ?

oh youre a girl. that changes things, a girl is free to have preferences in any men she wants to date.

white women age like SHIT. have fun looking 40 when youre 28 Lol

again, there are tiers.

its like this, lemme explain why your gender is relevant here.

>white woman wants to date white men, finds white men the most attractive above all others


>white guy keeps talking about how great white men are.

thats a given, so im wondering why does he feel the need to restate this over and over? my conclusion: he must want to provoke me. therefore he must be an insecure and low white to need to do this regularly, as he has no source of his own to draw from.

I will stand by white men no matter what. And you know you can't deny it. White men are the most desired and the most attractive despite all your memes and jokes.

No matter what tier they are, white men are still great. What would you rather have?
A gook?
A nigger?
A sandnigger?
A pajeet?

Nope. Compared to all the alternatives and the frequency of ugly men in all other races, I will always stick to white men and help continue our race.
Yeah well at least I won't ever be a gook. Jokes on you.

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okay. hey i was never in your way in the first place.

not a gook either, retard. just pointing out the fact that your kind ages like spoiled milk.

Just don't marry them, pump and dump.

a lot of people age like shit though. it doesnt matter what race. you can post exceptions like Farrel but that doesnt make it the rule.

>a lot of people age like shit
whites age a decade faster than non-whites.

I'm sorry that I am attracted to women with high levels of estrogen, and not women with high levels of "character" and "assertiveness" and "being a huge bipolar bitch".

>written by pajeet doctors


Nice refutation lol

gilf time

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this woman is FOURTY ONE

i shit on your "study" pajeet

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>don't fuck asians, fuck old women
does the system realize that it's fucking killing itself
like, politics and Gender Fairness are one thing but if you do this shit, the newfags you're going to produce will have diseases from advanced parental age

you're fucking trying to teach the corn the principles of marxism and culling the stalks when they don't salute and if you keep doing that you're going to stop being able to eat

whats wrong pajeet? not even your teenagers can look as good as this FOURTY ONE YEAR OLD

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>what are Botox injections
youre a literal brainlet if you think hollywood celebrities are plastic-free

Fuck off with your pseudo science pajeet.
Pic related is 31.

They're just jealous of white genes.

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>botox injections

weak. FOURTY. ONE.


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There's more plastic in those people then in legoland.

Those things that plastic surgeons and jelly over the hill thots convinced innocent(meaning stupid)young things to get so that they'll permanently fuck themselves up so badly that they'll be forced to get on botox to look semi normal for the rest of their life.
Reminds me of how "helpful" the thot and plastic surgeon brigade is when it comes to breast reduction and helping them come to terms with the transexualisim/homosexuality that their media created through constant bombardment of nonsense that has nothing to do with reality causing hypnosis induced psychosis.

>white women are ironically becoming less white due to feminism and ratchet/hood culture
>asian women affected by neither

Do not forget Keanu Reeves! Omg he is so hot!

>muh plastic

every come back ever

ride the lightning Rosy

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I just like asian women man. I am engaged to an Asian girl. I'm 21 and she is 20. We love each other so much. She is crazy for me. White women my age tend to not be concerned about marrying. They tend to have huge egos and attitudes. I cringe just talking to a white girl. My fiance is a virgin, and a born again christian. I can't find a white girl my age like that. I tried too on christian dating sites. They have super high standards or they are mentally ill because of their promiscuous life style.

gee, I wonder who could be behind this originaldo post

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She looks like she was smashed in the face by a shovel.

robot here
saw the error of my ways, divorced asian wife 2 years ago
started dating a beautiful white woman and we're getting married soon
just letting you guys know there is hope and I found her thanks to r9k with its online dating advice

Lol this entire discussion is stupid. You're either hot, or you're not. And since you are posting on this site, you are not. The end.

The aging problem is due to the sun worship bullshit pushed on whites for whatever insane reason. If you stay the fuck out of the sun (or use sunscreen), keep stress levels down, and stay fit, premature aging isn't an issue for anyone.

In both pics, she has the "if only you knew how bad things really are" face

What the fuck
they all have that filthy frank/joji face

Where did white women go wrong? Why are asian women slowly becoming the trophy women of the world? And Jow Forums types have always preferres asians.

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Ricemixer here. These caricatures and this do not represent my experiences in any way, shape or form and I don't understand why you people have such a bone to pick with us.

>I find gooks physically repulsing and whoever sticks the sausage into the chink menace is a race traitor.
Guess I'm a proud race traitor, then.
I still believe whites should have a racially exclusive exclusive homeland, though.

>If youre currently in a relationship with a gookette get a divorce or break it off
Break off my closet relationship for your selfish desires? Nah

>so you dont breed disgusting hapas that ruin your white genes.
I specifically want to have hapa kids. My genes weren't particularly valuable to me to begin with.
Visually, I'd be very happy if my son looked like Joji Miller, Cr1tikal or Daniel from Hiding in My Room. Their only real problems are social, and if they're raised as asian and only asian, much of those problems will go away.

So if they're betas, why would you hold it against them for doing what they can to find a relationship instead of living out their lives as miserable incels?
This is a way out, and you're shitting on it. It's as if you don't want white robots to be happy.

>Statistically and objectively wrong.
Attractiveness is subjective. You're referring to the opinions on aggregate of normalfags, something I don't pay much mind to.

China one of the most beautiful countries in the world, though. Have you been there?

>In china it is literally NORMAL to fucking askin someones WEIGHT, and how much money they make a year/ hr.
There's nothing wrong with that, though. Those are both indicative of a person's worth as a mate.

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Have fun making a mentally fucked half-cast kid who won't fit in with the asians or whites because you had a gook fetish.

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hmm, I wonder who could be behind this post.

originalio commenterino

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Someone who cares about the outcome, i don't give a shit if you fuck gooks. Just don't make little freaks woth them.

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where is elliot rodgers

roastie cope containment thread

you have the big gay you're a faggot

He will fit in with the asians, though, if he's raised as asian.
And even if that weren't the case, that'd be the fault of normalfags, not me.

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Only Japanese are attractive the rest are fucking dogshit