Why do men constantly attack women for living like the easy way...

Why do men constantly attack women for living like the easy way? Don't you dumb retards realise how difficult it is to live when the only measure people value you by is your appearance?

Attached: how 7 out of 10 women feel.webm (600x450, 1.69M)

if this were true then why am i talking to a bunch of femanons on discord on a daily basis without ever seeing their face nor even wanting to? hmmm?

Because you're an incel loser.

We do. We are also measured by our appearance.

she still looks as good as she did back then, amazing

men can do something to make up for being "ugly".

by being good beta providers? women dont want us until they are 35 and already have 3 kids.

No they can't. This is the opposite of the truth. Women can literally just put on make up and keep their weight in check to be attractive to the majority of men. That's all they have to do. Men need to build a lot of muscle, have a naturally good hairline, good genetics in terms of facial structure and acne, preferably be white, tall, and intelligent to some degree for women to even consider you.

I know you're baiting anyway

We measure you by personality and intellect, you're simply too lazy to grow either for yourselves when you know simply existing is enough for a stress free life of luxury

The problem with this 'logic' is that women enjoy being objectified by good looking guys.
I've accepted that this is the way women are and it's rooted in biology, but when you do something so blatantly hypocritical, someone, somewhere is going to point it out, even if you are women and you're not used to it happening often.

Youre still talking about Chad. Ugly men cant put on fake eyelashes, makeup, buttpads etc

Its dumb for men to attack women for living the easy way and then claim to be stronger in all aspects.

men who didn't develop major codependency issues because he was breast fed until 18 can still do something to make up for being "ugly"

>be me
>have codependency issues
wat do?

realize its bluepilled to be codependent and while the feelings will linger, you can muscle through them.

Nice ad hominem retard. I'm 18 and I've had sex more times than you. I have no problem with that stuff.

But facts are facts. I started browsing this website at 13 and realized that what I saw in the real world wasn't some shit I was making up. Most young women in america really are shallow whores. Most of them have high expectations, and I have seen very few women make an effort to go to the gym or watch their health. Most girls are raised believing that they are owed everything, and men are taught to give women everything simply because she is a woman. "respect women" is drilled into boys' heads from a young age. Girls are never taught to respect boys, or each other. There's a huge imbalance in what it takes to get sex or a partner between men and women. To deny this is a sign of delusional thinking.

tried. cant. its a permanent part of my personality

Your webm is meant to be funny and exagerrated. Nobody would ever do this in real life. Ugly women get hit on all the time, to the point where they are tired of it. OP is mentally disabled

So can women. Having any decent quality as a woman outside appearance to me is VERY impressive because I've come to expect vapid whores. Are you seriously saying that women do not have the same requirements on beauty? I'd argue it's even more-so hard on men.

having a lot of sex could be from your codependency

It's not. You are fluid until you die. You are a muscle that you need to train.

It is incredibly hard to make a decent life as a single woman.

>It is incredibly hard to make a decent life as a single woman.
Just like a man, except it's easier for you to find a boyfriend.

Its difficult for a man, but it's different sort of difficulty for a woman. Single men have plenty of single male role models, living and dead, to relate to. The closest role model single women have is Oprah. It's also seen more as not normal for a woman to be single than it is for a man to.

What I wonder is why men attack women for living the easy way, knowing they would just as well take the easy way if they could.

inb4 "I personally wouldn't" lel most of this board is underachievers or outright neets. Also huge percent of traps is involved in sex work

Attached: 1531854455608.jpg (640x640, 79K)

>oprah is a role model
if this post is any indication, the difficulty a single woman faces is primarily from retardation.

Are you trying to imply Oprah does not model a role?

>expecting white males to empathize with anything other than white males

>how difficult it is to live when the only measure people value you by is your appearance?

Maybe you girls should not look to get everyone to value you for something you'll lose in 10-15 years anyway, but get one person to value you for other things.

But nope not good enough: ALL MUST LOVE ME! AND DESPAIR!

>it's seen as more normal
Tell that to literally everybody that I know, poking and prodding "why don't you have a GF user". It's literally the exact same, except you have it easier to find a boyfriend than a girlfriend.

Also, name a few single male role models in the US.

At what age did you start getting asked that question? How often do you get asked that question? Do you think you will get to a certain age where people stop asking you that?
The nameless good goys that slaved for Mr. Shekelberg in the mines and on skyscrapers for just some daily comfort before they died virgins are role models.

Yes I really wanted to be a wagie slave when I grew up.

I started getting asked at 16. It is literally every family gathering I have, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. My niece and nephew asked me, repeatedly, from the age of 6+ why I dont have a GF. My nephew has even insulted me because of it. At this point, at 25, I doubt I will ever stop being asked that question.

I can garuntee you most girls started being pressured into having sex a lot younger than males and they hear "When are you going to get a bf?" a lot more than males and at a certain age people stop asking men while women will always be pressured into being a gf as thats the only way for them to be seen as normal.

This is painfully correct. My oneitis was a 4-5/10 according to the lookism standards here, but I was beta enough to believe that people actually cared about the personality (which I really did, I helped her with everything I could, did the usual beta-stuff).
Turns out a year later she she 'fell in love' with 6'2 feet Chad with 7.4 inch cock she barely even know, but fucked on the first day they met. Back then she was 15 and Chad was 18. Kind of unbelievable, how a innocent anime-loving qt3.14 turned into a sex-obsessed drug-addict. I realized that may be something common between normies, since that's considered 'normal'.

I'm more jealous of women than anything. If I were a woman I'd be the same way, but I like to think I'd be a little more empathetic of how unwanted most men are.

>Milla was 14 years old in that clip

This is a fantastic pasta

I'm using this thank you

Women will never have to know what it is to go through life being unwanted. Instead of being grateful for this, they come to r9k and attack robots for wanting a place of their own they can belong to with other lonely people. What the fuck is their problem?

Because men have standards, without which a society could not function.

>Don't you dumb retards realise how difficult it is to live when the only measure people value you by is your appearance?
That's just an excuse to be a lazy and incompetent whore.

Truly fucking disgusting isn't it? Everyone judges you by your appearance so it must be very hard right? It's not like make up isn't a thing and that most young men have a high libido thus meaning that they would like to fuck you or even desire you right? Damn, meanwhile those fucking men complain about their such easy lifestyles like what's so hard about: Going to gym, being caring, taking care of the house, putting on the condom, being rich, have good genetics, being able to cook etc?

Attached: 36289721_189972718513326_8827087456131088384_n.png (503x502, 276K)

>Girls are never taught to respect boys, or each other.
Or themselves.