Maggie Steffens

Maggie Steffens

2x Olympic Gold Medalist

graduated from Stanford

smarter than you, stronger than you

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>stronger than you
she can't pull 500

you can't either

except shes on eatmai. Pretty sure anybody could lift big on that shit

Doesnt mean shit. Knowledge is knowledge wherever it is attained
Even if she is stronger than me, she doesnt stand a chance in hell in beating me in a fight

yes I can :)

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She probably majored in Human Biology like every other retard athlete at this school

I am more attractive than her though

Who are fuck can't

But she is ugly so it works out!

6/10 would breed

Stanford has a football team in a P5 conference. That means it has "Rocks for Jocks" classes to allow athletes of dubious intelligence to attend. I'll wait till I hear what degree she received before deciding if Stanford is meaningless or not in this context.

unfuckable man face/body

B.S. degree in Science, Technology, and Society

>American ((((higher education)))) in 2018
>means anything
Oh boy. Enjoy debt, OP.

most definitely
lol, no.

In awe at the size of that chin

So? Is it supposed to bother me that a woman in the 99th percentile is stronger and more educated than me?

I'm at the point in my time lifting where (almost) any girl with raw lifts bigger than mine may as well be on HRTx10.

Come out of the closet already

>t. uneducated zoomer
Enjoy poverty

meme degree

I make a 5 figure salary while working 4 hours a day without leaving the comfort of my own apartment.
I also have spare free time to lift, play vidya, read, make music (which I'm starting to get releases and playing in house clubs) and shitpost on Jow Forums.
>getting in debt just so Mr. Goldberg tells you that you're racist and you should let Jamal fuck your wife

What do you do user

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Work as a freelance consultant for a cyber security firm which sells encrypted software to government agencies and enterprises.
I get paid by comission.

Uglier than you

Bigger forehead than me too

I'm a guy and unironically a prettier girl than her, and I've been told I look like a hobbit for the past 11 years.


>Science, Technology, and Society

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Stanford just means she lived a fake life in high school doing everything she thought other people thought she should do.

Academically, that school is for cupcakes.

>Science, Technology, and Society

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Lol what school do you go to? It better be Harvard or Berkeley or STFU.

so liberal arts then :D :D :D

I didn't even go to college, but now i'm a Software Engineer at Google and I interview college kids who went to HYP, Stanford, etc.

Going to an Ivy league school just tells me you're good at listening to what others tell you to do. Doesn't tell me much about your intelligence level.

>B.S. degree in Science, Technology, and Society

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I wonder if any Stanford people have jobs at google?

user, stanford/harvard/ucla/mit...those names MEANT something when real knowledge was hard to come by and teachers had skill and the ability to help students learn and schools were places for people who were serious about learning and getting something out of their time spent in school.

Now the knowledge they have to teach is everywhere and hungry inquiring minds can get the full stanford experience with a 50 dollar tablet and wi-fi at starbucks.