What mode is this?
What mode is this?
roided monk activate
Photo shoot
fake monk mode
Tibetan squatless routine, a classic of the 90s
lmfao why do some asian dudes look like black people
I see people miring when I'm in a tanktop, but i get even more mires when im wearing nicer minimalist clothing
Southeast Asians, especially Filipino and Thais, are often called the blacks of Asia
alopecia juiced out monk mode initiated
Brolightenment Mode
no eyebrows
Brodhisatva Mode
>what do you think of our city, outlander?
Its niggers of asia. Leave blacks out of this you fucking racist
He isliterally wojak incarnate.
>be buddhist monk
>leave all earthly attachment.
>except for gains.
>brb meditating.
>jk gotta sneak in some squats, milk
>pinning dbol when all the monks are in the sauna.
>other monks suspect nothing.
>think im the dali lama because I'm getting SWOLE through meditation
>really SS and GOMAD.
>pinning dbol
Theres a thing called injectable dbol
Guardian of nirvana, Muslim slayer mode
This. Monks are not allowed to partake in any form of entertainment, something which bodybuilding certainly is.
Or maybe he gave up bodybuilding to become a monk, but I doubt monks are allowed to take selfies
Turtle power
>I am pretending to be pious for the social credit not because I care
You can tell because he took selfies.
LARP mode
Brodha the redpilled one
"Leave desires behind" mode
you don't know jack shit about monks, do you?
I actually lived in a monastery, everyone there had a phone, even despite the fact taht the head dude was against it.
how do I achieve this mode?
Tien mode
Lived in South Korea. Visited a monastery, or whatever, on the way to work a few times each week just because the dudes were friendly and I walked right past it every day. Most of these places are not quite what westerners imagine. Hell, each of the monks at the place I frequented had an iphone. I'm sure some monasteries are very strict and very traditional. But Buddhist teachings allow people to commit to monkhood temporarily out of the belief that Buddhism can have a meaningful impact on people's ordinary lives.
Almost. He hasn't gotten the third eye yet, though.
A young guy will go be a monk for a few years, it's like spiritual national service, good for getting away from gang/work entanglements. Seems every other Thai boxer goes off to the temple for a couple years after about 300 fights starting at 10 years of age.
be 5'4"
Bigger than me mode.
(like all modes)
Roided poser mode.
The only correct answer.
This too
Bootleg Dwayne Johnson
>not knowing about the actual blacks of Asia
Probably because we genocided most of them
hypocritical mode? defying your assumed beliefs mode
>not knowing about the actual blacks of Asia
> Probably because we genocided most of them
Thank you. America needs your help
for anyone wondering the fighter doing the knee is Buakaw Banchamek
No one cares, looks gay as fuck tho
muay thai mode
^^^^ this guy right here yeah fuck this guy