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ickly bfliffy got the stiffy uh

Attached: 1499751196163.jpg (288x289, 11K)

you wanna try that one again or...


Who else /scrunchyface/ here?

Attached: 1530073946896.jpg (250x187, 5K)

It's a gymface whatchu talking about bro haha

W-why does it look so lewd


just look around in r/yiffcomics or whatever, I think I remember this one

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Realistically thats kinda close

Attached: 1532971437285.jpg (830x960, 49K)

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audibly keked

Attached: received_938774409634612.jpg (640x480, 16K)

Attached: 1523046370465.jpg (324x632, 277K)

>mfw moving the 110lb dumbells to the bench

Attached: tumblr_inline_nt9hdd9VFS1r52oys_1280.png (914x700, 530K)

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Literally me after my 4, 25 reps on the bar with 180 lbs.

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>getting that air pump

Attached: pfff.jpg (208x200, 7K)


kys nigger

But sauce first

I'm guessing Onta.

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Its by an artist called meesh
They changed the position of the collar in that pic for some reason

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