User will you ever work on yourself and become the man I always wanted?

>user will you ever work on yourself and become the man I always wanted?

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No because you'll just be with Chad until then

no fuck off ugly nose ring bitch

Eww a girI!

I cant gain 2 inches of height and 2 inches of dick length by working on myself dumb cunt. Take that shit out of your ear.

Not for a plain Jane hipster arthoe like yourself

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Are you surprised you're alone in life?

And whomest are you?

>user why are you so insecure about you penis size and height?

Because thats the only thing woman have ever and will ever care about

you might aswell commit sudoku

sadly enough, I know this to be true and have fucked up many opportunities because of it.

This is my favorite Chad edit.

Still waiting for a girl like that to drop out of the sky with that proposition

>Improving myself just to please a roastie
Nice try, but no cigar.

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If you think this cute shit will work after being around women long enough in life to post on this board then you are off the walls retarded. I've met smaller cuter girls who have literally been slammed by eight cocks, tied up, choked, etc.

>Thinks women care about height
>Thinks women don't care about
>body shape

if you can not be a crazy liberal whore and also pump out 4 kids, sure

You probably already did meet her and pushed her aside by your self destruction.

Let me get this straight you've met better girls that to sick left, right, and center and you didn't try your luck?

I've only ever had negative interactions with women. If I had to put in the time, effort and embarrassment to impress the girls who saw me as not even human in order to "meet that girl", I'd gladly prefer to be alone in life.

If I'm not already the man you've always wanted, this relationship isn't going to work in the first place. I am who I am, and pretending otherwise has brought me nothing but suffering and depression.

So you're basically afraid to fail?
Look user you have the capabilities of being someone you thought you could ever be. You can't be afraid to fail, failure teaches you lessons that help You achieve success.

You should call yourself DOUCHE, not Deutsch.
KYS, your thread sucks.

Failure and temporary setbacks are two entirely different things. Seeing as you're posting this banal bullshit, you probably haven't experienced very much failure in your life. No one who's here wants to hear your bullshit. Go away.

>Feel like I want to do this
>All of the cute white girls want me to burn my body on a pyre
>The price outweighs the reward

I can't do it.
It's retarded.

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No because I'm white and I should never have to work everything should be given freely to me like Chad REEEEE- R9K

>All of the cute white girls want me to burn my body on a pyre
why do you feel they want to do that to you

Said no woman ever to mee.
Fack off cunt.

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I'm mixed-raced.
If I want them to even give me a chance, I have to crucify myself to make-up for the absence of physical attraction. This is the only way to get a mate that has their own race in spades.

I'm not naturally conscientious or self-disciplined. I can't and don't want to do it.

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probably playing tiny wings or some shit lmao

I don't understand why you guys complain about your failures and never do anything about it.

he's on tinder desu

it's not always that way
I try every day to be better than i was yesterday but i never move forward, it's always the same
I'll always be a piece of shit and nobody wants a bitter piece of shit who lost the genetic lottery

Girl I'm working on myself to stay the man I want to be.

>complain about your failures and never do anything about it
I know this bait, but most of this things can't be fixed.
Some due to the fact that i can't go back in time.
Some due to the fact that i can't change my genes.
Just let me know when you invent the time machine and can use CRISPER to change my genes before i was born.

>become the man I always wanted?
Doubt it.
You change who that is depending on what you watched last and shapeshifting is a tough one to learn.

I exercise all the time, am 6' 2" and I've been single for a few years now. and before you ask, I'm not really ugly either. I'm a ginger tho, so maybe that's it.
>I look like the guy on the right in pic related

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You sound kinda hot tbqh

I originally despise women.

Will you work on yourself and become the woman who's worth my time?

Just find a qt mutt/mulatto girl. There's an abundance of them in the South these days, with all the coalburning sluts giving birth to them

Face and body shape maybe

>Things that are never said
Can't change genes, and good genes are what girls want.

Kys roastie I don't need you and your ways.

No. Women don't know what they want, and I don't speak German.

> For you? lol no

no the only thing I'll change about myself is things I want to change not what you want me to be
she should like me for me and have the same interest as me

Redpill comic, regardless of edit. Women don't care to wait for you to "become the man they always wanted", like some romantic comedy for nerds. They care about guys they're actually attracted to.

Vollidiot OP...geh schlafen!

no never. I'm not changing myself for anybody but me. if I'm not good enough for you now I don't want you when I am good enough.

Women 100% care about height. I didn't want to believe it at first, I thought as long as you're not a literal manlet (like 5'5'', not Jow Forums-manlet), you're good to go. Then I paused and looked around me and realized that the people who've gotten solid relationships even though they're not chads are all, without exception, tall (6'+).

Fuck off normalfag. Nobody asked you. Nobody wants you here. Kill yourself.

I tried. And I still wasn't good enough for you. Now I'm completely broken and ruined because you cut me out of your life and changed your number.