Who else likes big fucking tits?

Who else likes big fucking tits?

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I do, but any woman who has them is probably already being chased after by a million guys, so there's no point in even trying.

But can you imagine how good it would feel to cum between those things?


It should be legal to rape big titty women.

It should atleast be legal to jerk off against her humongus tits

They say there's no justice in this world, but just the fact that you two are going to die alone proves that wrong.

Thankfully, we end up being mass killers, so we will die surrounded by other people

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I do, they're a big weakness of mine.

Woah chill and smoke some loud no need to be so aggressive, what's got your panties all bundled?

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The bitch has fake tits silicone implants who cares about her

Gee, I wonder why you guys are virgins... must be those evil feminists...

I sure fucking do.

>tfw American and no easily accessible titcows for titjob services

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Referring to prostitutes/escorts I mean.

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those milkers look uncomfortable

wife had baby 2 months ago. tits went from DD to cowtit territory. she says they're really sore and won't let me touch them. also we fucking hate each other and she'd probably report me for raping her if i just grabbed one.

>2 month old baby
>fucking hate each other
I'd probably kill myself if I was in that situation.

Damn nigga you got the source on this shit?

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If you hate her why don't you just leave her

we also have a 3 year old. i couldn't leave them. i don't see things getting any better, but i feel like they'd be far worse if i left. she'd get everything and i'd be a shitty dad.

You should at least cheat on occasion. You are basically living life on nightmare mode.

i've thought about it but i'm afraid of getting caught and having her turn the kids against me. i was kind of having an emotional affair with an ex awhile ago via text and she offered to give me a blowjob. if she didn't live 200 miles away, i might have gone for it.

Why have a baby to begin with?

That kind of defeatist attitude is why you're sitting here on Jow Forums instead of fucking your big titty gf.

More like it's how I'm sitting here on Jow Forums instead of paying out the ass for alimony or rotting in jail due to a false rape accusation

things were going okay when we had the first one. things weren't so good when we had the second but i really do enjoy being a dad. i'm already stuck and i don't want a weirdo only child, so we had another. we're actually very responsible parents and we never fight in front of the kids. we just really don't seem to like each other very much anymore.

Anri Okita, retired JAV star. Her tits were big before, but now they're massive because she had a baby.

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you seem to be acting very stoic about this. is this manhood? biting the pain of life? *ponders*

me me me me origidisu

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allow me to make this original post, robot

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do re mi fa so la ti do

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Based JAV poster

ye boy

is gud

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i think it is for a lot of people. especially after you have kids if you value being a good parent and not fucking them up. i can deal with being miserable myself but i can't deal with projecting that onto my helpless children. they don't deserve that. i try to do little things to improve how i feel about myself (and possibly how my wife perceives me) like reading and exercising and playing the piano but life is exhausting enough so progress is slow.

lorem ipsum originality

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big nutt

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ding dong hello robot i would like to make a post

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weiner wiener

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You're life seems like absolute hell.

a big tiddies

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>big tit thread
>they instantly start posting the only two azn women with big tits
>they could have posted some of the 100s of white or black tittymonsters
>but dis 1 com from muh animu cartoon country!

Betas, like clockwork

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it feels like it sometimes, but it could be a lot worse. i have a six figure job, decent house, no health problems. if i could just figure out how to get my titcow wife to show me some respect and suck my dick once a week, life would be pretty fucking good. but it is easy to fixate on the no sex thing when you have no clear way out.

find me a tittymonster to surpass hitomi plz

nationality has nothing to do with it, i just like her body the most

no blacks though

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Sounds like a jealous roastie.

I think you're problem is that you have no "big" problems, nothing that forces you to change. I understand that you have to care for kids, but in 20 years you will mourn the years you wasted.

Or you could just rape youre wife ( we're on Jow Forums after all).

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also i don't watch anime

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I don't see you contributing anything faggot

Yeah, I have thought about this a lot and I do think you're right. I've been looking for more personally fulfilling jobs lately because I think a change of scenery at work might push me to change more things in my life for the better. Or maybe that is just my way of avoiding facing my marital problems head on.

I came here to but then I saw the company I was in like this guy and decided not to

>hurr find me a better one
>no thats no good
>no she not cartoon waifu
>no seh mite b black
>no dats no gud

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If you can touch them, they're real.

And don't act as if your "standards" are keeping you from tapping that. You couldn't land the nastiest cave troll if you tried.

since you have 100s of options idk why you won't post any suggestions, i'm all ears

my only requirement was no blacks

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Do it dude, you will be better off. Just don't let your kids fall in the dirt.

damn dude. go play wit yo ugly kids nigga.

How deep does the hatred go? If she were to be nicer to you would you like her again? Or are there grudges involved?

i think she just hates men. we got together when we were both young and naive and she has become more and more liberal and feminist over the last decade. any time we talk about current events or politics or anything, it ends up in a fight. i'm actually slightly left leaning but we live in an extremely liberal city, so i'm basically a nazi by comparison to most young people here because i have fairly moderate views. part of me thinks she secretly wants me to just be more assertive and rough and just force it but i also don't want to go to jail.

you never made a single suggestion, wise guy

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of course not, any I did you'd counter with some kind of
>my opinions are facts
and then post more cow-faced asians

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idk what makes you think i would do such a thing

that's too bad, i could use some more titcows for my folder

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you should keep your terabytes of chimp webms to yourself desu, "no blacks" is a reasonable request

And you should keep posting your terabytes of fuggly chinks, maybe one of your cartoon women will love you someday if you get her a passport

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Here's an original big milker goblina

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Leave this thread faggot. Boobs are boobs

I'm not even the one posting japs, I just agree that no niggers is a reasonable request. Obviously white women are better than any one of those insect and people and that guy was posting the top 1% of attractiveness found in Asia, but all you did was bitch because nobody wanted you to post bad shit and that's probably just all you have while trying to critique others' tastes

negro detected


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insect people*

>we're one race. the HUMAN race
pic related

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>no niggers
>no Maserati in a titcow thread

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>>no niggers

robots are merely a symptom of the rot of modern society, boomers are the ones who caused it and let it happen

>that puffy vulva
Either that or its all hair since japs seldom shave
Either way, imagine the smell

zip zoop origi

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You're missing out originally

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Then why the fuck did she marry and have 2 kids with you? God, thats why I fucking hate women. I wish I was gay so I could avoid those thots 100%
Also just rape your wife. There was an user a few months back that went in details how he literally rapes his wife daily and gets away with it everytime.

i onmly like msall tits , but im probably a pedo so guessi ts not normal. lel

They're alright, I guess.

Usually more than a handful is more than can be played with, but it's nice to be able to put both of her nipples in your mouth at once while you suck on them/manipulate them with your tongue.

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oy cunt big bums is better yeh

Having her tits big enough to have both in your mouth at once helps get things done a lot quicker.

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No, not really. For one, they're usually ugly in way or another. Either they're really deflated and long and saggy or covered in veins or have huge nipples. Meanwhile the qt flat chests are usually aesthetically pleasing. No sag or any of that other stuff.

I had my first prostitute earlier this month and eventhough the photos looked great, her looks were okay, her tits were large but the skin was too sturdy and not that soft, nipples were too pointy to play with. Feels bad when you pay for the wrong kind of tits.