Why does this always happen?
>be me, 20min ago
>entering my building lobby
>approaching the elevator
>as im walking to it to press the button the doors open
>two girls walk out
>I take a step back and let them through
>they both look at me while walking by
>as im entering the elevator they start laughing loudly
>why the FUCK, I didnt do anything weird at all
>I took a shower two hours ago, I am dressed nicely
>had a blank facial expressions, and didn't stumble or bump into them, just took a step back so they can pass
>they still fucking laugh at me
>makes my whole day shit
Why does this always happen?
i dont know whats actualy worse, what you describe or, what i witness, girls passing by are almost always looking away, or look kinda disgusted
But they are mocking me, laughing at me for some reason. They are making fun of me, even when I hesitate leaving my place but still do thinking "yea I look pretty good this time actually, clean body, fresh shave, clean shirt, clean new shorts, yea I can pull this off, I can go out" and then this shit happens, roasties mock me. I fucking hate it. You can try to fix yourself up, I cant do anything else.
well the thing is, just like you, i take a shower every morning, shave, dress nicely for work and this kind of shit happens, but yeah, geting laughed at is also a pain
i guess whatever we do, we were doomed from the begining
Nice dubs.
I guess man but it sucks cause these normies preach self care and looking your best and confidence and all this shit, but when I do all those things I get mocked. Fuck. When this sorta shit happens I always tell myself im done with trying but after a few days I decide to "give it another chance" and it just never ends.
Are you sure they were laughing at you? What makes you so sure?
Maybe they laugh because you`re really attractive, and it is more of a giggling?
Schizophrenic thinks they were focusing on him when they in fact were not
They were walking out silently, noticed I was at the door as I moved to the side, they passed by me looking at me, I walked into the elevator, they were still silent as they walked away, the doors started closing as they started giggling/laughing. I dunno man seems it was me, or a VERY late reaction to a hilarious joke one of them told during the ride.
Do girls do that? Im not sure, I honestly never paid attention to it.
They farted in the elevator.
of course if you are norman the normal chad they dont do it and there is nothing to pay attention to
They want the D user. They want it!
Shit happens. Shit people sometimes ruin your day for no reason. Don't overthink it user.
I highly doubt they were laughing at you, man. There's hardly any indication that they were.
Also, there's a good chance it was this to be honest, lol
I'm pretty sure they thought you were cute. Girls often comment with eachother when they see cute guys. Don't overthink and next time say something with confidence!
t. femanon
They could talk about some sensitive subject so they were silent while leaving the elevator. Then burst out laughing because they have thought that you wont care
Dude, as a norman with some decent experience with girls, you need to listen to these people
Girls legitimately giggle/laugh after passing by/noticing guys they think are cute. It is honestly a thing, you can consult google if you'd like for confirmation. Hopefully this changes your perspective, my dude. Good luck out there, and try not to give yourself so much negative talk. It's not healthy to automatically jump to the conclusion that they were laughing at you, it's indicative of always assuming the worst about yourself, and I'm sure you're a top notch guy with many redeeming attributes, you just need to focus on the good in yourself.
I mean this made me laugh but it didnt smell and they stared at me. They looked at me. Both of em. And as soon as the doors closed they both laughed. Makes me feel like theres something wrong with me, that I give off a retard vibe that pushes people away.. yea, lets say they farted hahathe.. yea prolly.. haha
What does it mean when a girl always smiles when she sees me? A proper nice smile.
Really? I dunno, but you said say something with confidence.. Say something?! I cant converse with people as it is, let alone saying something to girls I dont know. When I see people I know on the street I just mumble random shit cause I get so nervous when I have to talk.. I guess my confidence needs some work. Can you give an example sentence maybe?
What the fuck do you think it means? It's obviously a good thing, it's a god damn smile.
Girls will laugh at anything guys do.
They breathe laughing gas
Nah forget that bitch telling you to say something, I was only referring to her pointing out that they likely thought you were cute.
It wasn't a situation where you can say anything (except maybe "have a , they're exiting and you're entering.
stop being so cryptic you cunts
*(except maybe have a nice day) is what I meant to type, it auto submitted as I was typing
the only way you're going to find out is if you post a pic
if you have any flaws, Jow Forums will ruthlessly point them out
not going to happen any other way
I don't know what the fuck, maybe she's just being nice/polite whatever.
I'm a turbo autist who has no experience.
But she's always smiling when talking to me etc. But her replies are short. Maybe she's shy?
Ya smile back at her and if she smiles more, you're in the gold
Haha wow thanks man. This honestly made me feel pretty good. If you say so, but I just get too flustered when engaging in any kind of interaction with people im not sure what to do in these situations, and I get scared as you saw, that they are making fun of me. What should I do in situations like these?
Just smile at them, maybe even give a little head nod. There's not much to do in situations where you're just walking by cute girls except enjoy the view and move on with your day.
I do. It's cute. I want to step it up but I'm shit at talking to people.
Haha post a pic on here? No thanks, especially not on here (((rules))). But think 180cm, brown hair kinda going to the side ( pretty normie hair style desu ), a clean shirt and shorts, some slippers cause its hot (clipped nails) and id say a 6/10 face (im not butt ugly but im not that high above average).
Ask her out on a lunch date, but give her an out if she's shy. Something like "Hey if you're not busy I plan on going out for a walk by [insert nice street in your town][insert day and time, preferably noon on a saturday/sunday] and would love some company" Pretty simple. If she's always smiling she'll likely say yes, that's when you ask for her number so you can arrange to meet up or whatever.
t. a normie
This has happened to me.
Teenage girls are infamous for being immature and to cackle at pretty much anything.
To anyone who has had this experience, here is what I advise you try:
No matter how difficult it might be, and no matter how much you have to force yourself, just stop and LOOK THEM DIRECTLY IN THE EYE. Maintain a neutral face, don't grimace.
When I did this, the giggling bitch immediately averted her eyes, dropped the smile and increased her pace. Keep in mind, I didn't scowl or show aggression in any way, shape or form.
Also, grow facial hair, if you can. It probably wont make you any more attractive, but it might just make you look serious and grown up enough that people leave you alone.
Don't worry user, I believe you. They probably were laughing at you for being a weird nerd
Thanks man, this time I just kinda stood there with no expression, kinda confused as to why they are looking at me. Ill try with the nods next time, thanks a lot friend!
>No matter how difficult it might be, and no matter how much you have to force yourself, just stop and LOOK THEM DIRECTLY IN THE EYE. Maintain a neutral face, don't grimace.
>When I did this, the giggling bitch immediately averted her eyes, dropped the smile and increased her pace. Keep in mind, I didn't scowl or show aggression in any way, shape or form.
Please don't listen to this autist, lmao. Looking and staring at people, especially girls, directly in their eyes is a good way to give off a serial killer vibe.
The best thing to do is literally NOT CARE because it's just a passerby. You're putting way too much thought into it.
Haha could be. I do wear glasses and im not that buff..
How about when you are sociable and also actually a nice person so girls interact pleasantly with you almost always, but it very clearly platonic to you and then you become certain it is platonic after you juxtapose it with how women act around men that they find attractive.
Shit sucks. For all three of us. Its fucking lame shit to be a sexually functioning human that can't negotiate courtship.
Do you guys think other animals feel bad? The ones that you see in nature docs where they dont successfully court a female? Do they feel like failures too? I wonder...
This seems a bit mean, I don't wanna make em feel bad, im just confused as to what is funny. And for the facial hair I have the genetics, but im not sure how id make it work, im not sure if it be able to pull it off at all.
It was eye contact that only lasted for barely a second, it was all that was needed. I was standing still to begin with. If people ridicule you, I don't see the problem with calling them out on it.
You're welcome bro, good luck out there, and remember not to overthink things. As long as you're pleasant (keep the slightest of smiles on while you're out in public, it shouldn't even feel like you're smiling, but put a LITTLE effort into relieving the upset neutral face most people have, it takes practice but with time becomes easier), and as long as you don't come on too strong, then you're golden.
Don't listen to him, he's trolling. Also, you were just feeling good a second ago and got confirmation from me (a normie) that it's common that girls giggle after seeing cute guys. Don't be so fickle in your self-confidence, believe in yourself and even if you have to fake it, in time it will become real. The human mind is strange like that. You have the power to make your beliefs come true.
When two monkeys fight over a girl, and the girl chooses the winner, the loser goes to the bushes alone and masturbates out of fury. So I guess they do.
>Walking down hall
>couple girls right behind me
>"he cute but not THAT cute"
>day ruined
what did they mean by this?
No one is ridiculing anyone here, you said:
>To anyone who has had this experience
Referring to girls simply walking by? That's no reason to assert your dominance.
If you were actually talking about someone laughing at you (and you're sure that they're laughing at you), what you said is called for, if not more. You can go ahead and tell anyone laughing at you to fuck off, actually.
As I said, don't show aggression. A simple glance at them. They have acted in a way that obviously attracted your attention, and now you are giving them exactly what they wanted.
I'm not telling you to furrow your brows at them while you sharpen your katana.
That fucking sucks for them
I think its really fucked up that there needs to be that kind of shit in life.
We live in different towns unfortunately. We're coworkers.
Yes. I was in a convenience store, and they actually walked around for a couple of minutes, laughing loudly and I could see from the corner of my eye that they were glancing at me. I just happened to accidentally catch one of their eyes as they passed by, and that was when I discovered this miracle cure.
Why in gods name would I suggest that you prowl the streets, staring people down left and right?
It's the natural order of things. The sooner you accept it, the sooner you can work on improving yourself to become a hotter man as opposed to wallowing in self-pity.
Just think, if you were a girl, you'd be forced to have to pick between guys too. And it doesn't make girls bad people, it's just how it is.
That sucks user, here, take this danger dog to help ease the pain.
Wow thanks a lot for niceposting user. I dont mind you are a normie, I kinda hoped someone who knows this stuff would answer. Im going to sleep now, and thanks to you I feel pretty good now, and im actually smiling which is kinda weird. Thanks a lot. Have a nice day/ sweet dreams !
I don't know, but that's why I thought it was strange.
Anyway, it's still not so much of a concern what other people do, really. I guess if your ego is hurt by some random bitches you can go ahead and stare at them or whatever, but once you achieve true confidence in yourself, what other people do literally won't affect you at all. That's what you should strive to achieve.
You're welcome, and I wish you the best luck in life and your future endeavors.
Take a hot girl with you on your way to dreamland.
Thanks a lot friend! Very nice doggy!
Okay then just ask her out on a regular date then. But if she's a co-worker that might not be such a good idea afterall...
Did you yell about someone getting dabbed on in a theater?
Why is it a bad idea to date coworkers?
If shit goes badly, it becomes very, VERY awkward
Its even worse at school. Did that in college last semester. She rejected me and we had lab together. Could not even talk in class anymore or make eye contact. Hated the last 2 months. At least I wont see her again anymore.
Holy shit how pathetic of you, OP. How old are you btw?
>look at me
Don't worry user!
Girls are usually weirder than men, they may have been laughing about a joke but stopped laughing when they saw a stranger, and continued afterwards to not make them feel uncomfortable(me and my mates do it sometimes) but i guess it can completely backfire like you just experienced. But. Sometimes people are just dicks, dont worry about it! Theres plenty of people worth your time out there. Who cares about a few cunts.
Go for her, user. She likes you
Why are you feeding them bullshit? You're fully aware nobody posting here is good enough to pick up girls from the street. Do you want to see another post about being rejected and laughed at? Fucking evil
It's not evil. I just want everyone to be happy...
they werent laughing at you dumbass
They somehow found something cute/interesting about you and wondered why you didn't say anything but just stood there like a mute
Roaring laughter and a giggle are different things tardo a giggling girl is almost always a good thing
what if they aren't
i had a similar thing happen to me but it was my former neighbors, about three i think, after i went outside to put some power in the meter i noticed them looking at me then i looked away disinterested and went inside then i heard them laughing
i wouldn't say it bothers me but it randomly shows up in my mind and i wondered what the point was, i'm not even good looking