Black GF Thread

If you had a real life opportunity to have a black gf would you do it? If not why?

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Yeah probably. The only women that like me are fat, and black women don't look as bad when they are fat as opposed to white women who look absolutely disgusting.

Some black women have literal ape faces though so I would pass on that.

>If you had a real life opportunity to have a black gf would you do it?
no but i can understand why someone would
>If not why?
i like dudes, id take a black boyfriend as long as he wasnt a normie and didnt try to be overly dom like it was some hentai

please stop making these threads. anons hate us enough and you're inviting the gay porn spammer here just by making this thread

I've had my ass grabbed by black girls back in high school. What did this mean?

Absolutely, black girls are so fucking hot.

But deep down, I still want white kids, even tho I am not really interested in white girls

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That faggot hasnt been banned already?

Anyway, non-faggy racemixing is nice tho. Black girls are really pretty

Black grils look beutiful when you're on mdma

means they liked what they saw. also that's called being molested btw
.t blkfemale

I would not because AIDS

> porn spammer black woman thread #14 of the day

He is the gay porn spammer you stupid nigger pay attention.

White men belong to black women

prove me wrong

>anons hate us enough
prove you're a black fembot

alright spammer has landed, everyone out. goodbye

We loved black girls long before that faggot showed up.

The keyword being black girls, not black guys/trannies

>tfw anons think this thread is mine
i can't believe i've actually become the boogieman on Jow Forums

user ples that's lewd

> girl
Both times it was done in a crowd or as I was walking. When I turned around I saw a black girl running or a group of them giggling. So does this mean I could get me a black qt if I have a big booty for a guy? Do they dig this?

> porn spammer

Shut up faggot you are easy to spot and this is the FOURTEENTH thread you've made about this today

Anyone have any goth or arthoe blacks they could post?

Because you are gross and annoying. And a huge faggot (and not even in a good way)

White men need to know that their purpose is to please black girls. They are a tool for their pleasure.

I think a lot of women just like a nice butt on a man regardless of race but if you're confident in your approach black(normie) girls will prolly dig you, yes.

user would you like me to dump the porn? i mean if thats what you really want we can derail this whole thread about black women into just big black dicks and big whites dick fucking and sucking.

Not that faggot. Gay shit is disgusting

it seems i have been summoned. Poor little black boys need love

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Same faggoting faggot i prefer your faggot porn than this constant nigger bitch shilling

>need to know that their purpose is to please black girls
this reminds me of the Futurama episode with the Amazons breeding with the men until their pelvises get crushed. imagine if the world was actually like that, wud b nice

Of course
All women ignore me
Robots can't be racist

if what you really crave is the black cock than i shall provide it my child

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So now you post Bm tops you have no code of ethics you just faggot and bait however you can

reminder that this thread was about women but the people have spoken and they want white and black men together. Robots really can't stand women it seems

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Please fuck off. Fag shit is disgusting

Again, I am not that faggot

Nigger women are really hot tho. A lot of us here love black girls

Absolutely. Imagine your whole purpose is to be used as a sex toy for black girls to receive pleasure from

Remind that I was correct and that a faggot spammer made this thread along with the other 13 same threads today. Neck yourself

>code of ethics you just faggot and bait however you can
because it doesn't take anything to trigger you at all. I don't even need snappy lines anymore to bother you just a tumblr file, a white man, and a black man.

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I have a feeling most guys wouldn't like the idea of being a living, breathing dildo for women though

>black ex would get lots of looks from other black guys when together
>She was told occasionally when I wasn't there that she was a race traitor
>They didn't know their jealously turned her onto me more and we'd fuck nonstop until I needed an ice pack
I miss her anons...

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Robots can't be racist

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Yet black men all fuck hundreds of white women each. Strange monkies

the people want fag shit though just look at
i was content to jerk off to some black girls but he cant stand the roasties so i must bring him the gay

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Well fuck what they think. Its people like them that rape culture exists.

no because I don't want half black kids or some creature like pic related to pleasure the jew.

that's gay

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>thousands of user post pro black stuff all the time, threads, images, etc
>no one cares
>one user posts pro white stuff sometimes
>everyone loses their shit


Non-sequitor racist nonsense posted in an attempt to derail thread

That creeper/group of people who constantly posts interracial gay porn

well it was fun talking to you anons, good luck with your butt grabs

stay hunky white boy

Yeah, but it's hard finding a black girl that's shorter than me (I'm 5'6"). They're objectively the hottest race of women though imo