Would you date outside of your race if it meant that youd have a gf for forever?

would you date outside of your race if it meant that youd have a gf for forever?

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There's nothing wrong with that anyway so yh.

I'm a mutt. The odds of me finding somebody with the exact combo of genetics necessary for me not to race-mix would be insane.There's no way for me not to race-mix unless you count not breeding at all, and I'm not ready for that level of blackpill yet.

Obviously. Any "robot" who says otherwise should neck themselves

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There's nothing wrong with "dating outside your race" so yes.

Sure. Anything but black

Yeah, what kind of question is that

my minority bots are suffering more than me, i can't take their women.

No, shitty bait.
Truth be told, love is love, but I`d hope not to do it

Yeah sure, but I'm focusing on white women.

>for forever
Cute thought, but women do not work that way.
A better guy, or even just a same-ish but shiny, new and therefor more exciting guy comes along, and you are yesterday news and clutter in her chat log.

Aside from that yeah maybe. If she is sexy af, indulges all my kinky spots and we have just the right chemistry, perhaps

unless you and other minority robots live in the same exact city in the same exact neighborhood I dont see why not.


I only want a qt brown Arab wife and nothing less.

>why am i alone wahhhh wahhhhh im just picky thats all

damn that's selfless

It's not about the race.
It's not about the Reich.
It's about the men who fought for them.

Depends, are slavs white?

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Dubs and I get a girlfriend of my race.

YES im not poltars

As long as we don't have kids making mixed race kids should be illegal

T. mixed race user

Same. I'm a hapa. And I'm not even really attracted to other half Japanese either.

considering the absolute state of west slavs are the whitest you can get
dont venture too far tho cause you will get persian princes and mongolian horse breeders

i would if she was east asian

Bitch, my dick is colorblind but no girl wants it inside of her.

>would you date outside of your race
Yes. Don't fall for the Jow Forums bullshit on here.

Yes, but only if I'm attracted to them. I'm never dating an abo and the majority of negresses have manly faces and bodies, but there are a few with white features (small nose, feminine body) who I would consider. Other races generally no problem.

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