FemBot here

Hey Fembot here I want 100 replies.
I will contact 100 replier.
Leave email

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Post your big milky boobies pls.

Maybe you should contact all of us with tits and time stamp in this thread. Now.

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That capitalism one should read

"Alright since i inherited my weather that came from my forefathers exploiting poor people such as yourself, i now have the worlds only food supply and you are to pay me with your first born child for a slice, the seccond slice will cost half of your paycheck, i did this all by myself"

tits or gtfo, stupid roast

Bait image

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>Capitalism makes the pie bigger by exploiting 10 times more ressources to make it which increases the workload, increases demand, increases fees. Tgen because demand exponentially increase, the pie has to be made bigger and bigger as more and more peopke show up for their piece, then people start asking for 3 pieces each so the market in hope of expanding their territory, abide and make the pie bigger, but now that everyone has 3 pieces each, nobody will settle for less so the standart is 3 piece by customer as demand increases more and more. Now you have to consume 80 times the initial ammount of ressources. Providers of said ressource can barely meet schedule because the ammount that is asked of them to be provided is too massive for their manpower, but they can't afford to expand without a loss of profit and hire more people, so they ask that everyone work unpaid overtime for small wages, increasing stress overall. The companies now, also need to make budget cuts to meet the requirements that everyone have 3 pieces and because of that, cheap additives and other "corner-cutting" products are used to replace those who are too expensive to produce, so you get more, but the product is cheaper and a lot unhealthier. Health and sanitary inspectors do not agree with the practice, so the company bribes and cheat to bypass the norms just so that everyone get their 3 pieces.

>but demand keeps increasing nonetheless so it's time to expand and sell across borders. Now shipping becomes a huge expense, so the price of the original product is raised and the quality decreased to meet quotas. Now as a promotion, everyone gets 4 pieces, now everyone want 5 so in order to not dissapoint the customer base and risk lising a foothold in the market and be supplanted by competitors, the company offers a full pie for everyone. Increasing workload, increasing demand. Now the company requires 100 times more ressources than initially required, needs to pay enormous fees for cross border shipping. Pollution increase, quality of product decrease to make sure everyone gets some, price increase, wages decrease, workers are overworked, workers go on strike, the population is dirt ass poor, but they want to shove full pies down their face and will not ever settle for less, ressources are running out, but the production rate only increases. Mental illness and depression increase due to unfair working conditions and overly expensive cost of life, cancers and diseases increase because of the cheap chemical shit added to the pie, which clogs healthcare system, drug abuse increase because more and more people want a way out. The whole system is steadily marching itself to a ravine of death and nobody gives a single shit.
>Meanwhile, the piemaker is filthy fucking rich

Fairness of Equality > Fairness of Outcome
If you are given the same opportunity as everyone else and still fail, its not capitalisms fault. It's your own fault. It's not because of some government mandated systematic fault, and it's not because you had more money to begin with. We live in a society where if you do what you NEED to do, you will succeed. Period. The only people who disagree are dropouts, drug-addicts, and undesirables in general. You failed, and now you are trying to project your own failure on the government, or anything other than yourself. Which only shows how weak minded and unmotivated you are. By pretending that nothing is your fault you just show the world how everything was your fault.

I don't want to contact you and I only came here to say that your pic is based and I'm looking forward to the bitching of triggered commies ITT.

also original

and it was all okay til video games starting getting bad

Ok, but we're not giving the same opportunity to everyone. My parents being rich and getting me into a private highschool where there aren't literal retards interrupting the class every 2 seconds screaming "ooga booga" allowed me to become what I am today. I still worked twice as hard as some other people in that school, and got rewarded for that as well, but some people just weren't given that chance in the first place.

>food analogy

Are you implying that you're going to bake me a delicious pie OP?

>Fembot here

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Nah, I wrote the big greetext. Communism and socialism would just be.
>The good people of motherland haef made of the beeg pie, now we redistribute equal share of pie that everyone need not more.
>We take of 80% of pie for ourselv to cover vodka and public service and redistribute 20% to peopl
>What is of that? filthy worker not happy working conditions? GULAG!
>Filthy children of the starving? GULAG!
>20% of pue too leetle for cyka blyat family? GULAG then public execution for questioning of perfect system
>the worket is good, the worker is life, the worker work for perple of motherland, not himself. Meet quota, shut of the fuck up and enjoy moldy pie or else GULAG.

>We live in a society where if you do what you NEED to do, you will succeed

Except one of the most apt criticisms of capitalism is the lack of fairness in opportunity. Especially as wealth becomes more and more concentrated every generation.

So your point is privilege? I went to the high school you described. An inner-city, poor, overpopulated, school. We had ooga-boogas and I dealt with them everyday. I focused on school, and excelled on the SAT/ACT, got into a great university, graduated, and now I make enough that I live comfortably, without worry. There were students in my classes who are undoubtedly dead/in prison. I sat with these same people, daily, and they had the same opportunity as me. The difference is they threw their opportunity away... that they didn't care enough to try.

I came here illegally and pulled my own shit to citizenship on an 8 dollar an hour illegal immigrant wage, i literally make more than my college graduate friends now and im in my mid 20s.
Im pretry god damn good at life senpai, im just stating the obvious.

>Hurr you can be a space cowboy autronaunt if you believe

Nah nigga get out with that meme, if you truly believe that you've never been poor, well not truly poor not the "im white middle class and im poor"

Not everyone has the same opportunities.
Your life isnt everyone elses
Your opportunities are not everyone elses.
Fuck off.

I didn't read any of your textwalls, I just want to see people get butthurt. Doens't matter who, politics isn't worth getting worked up over. It's not like any of that even matters anyway. Just vote for the most rage inducing candidate and laugh at the people who take it seriously.

>Comparing your life to everyone elses

>Hey tyrone could of showed up to school but he skipped days at a time! Wow niggers are terrible!

Meanwhile at tyrones;
Welp shit the car broke down and we live too far and there are no buses in this town and we are too poor for a taxi. Fuk.

Clearly its Tyrones fault, that lazy school skipping negro.

>mfw this shit-tier thread will probably unironically hit 100+ replies because IM A GRILL BTW XD
>mfw im contributing to it

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Here you go fembot, anything to help the cause

What don't you understand? It was a public school, there are buses provided. I took one everyday, they could have too.

It will most likely hit 100+ replies because of MUH POLITICS. We could still report it en masse just to spite the roast for being off topic, since this is Jow Forums and not Jow Forums after all.

Tyrones and Jamals usually live in big cities with schools in walking distances and have no need for a car to get there. He'd have been on time if he bothered to wake up in time to walk there, but he couldn't cause he was doped out of his mind the night before and had to get some sleep for once, that drug abusing negro.

Isn't the image backwards

This picture is so retarded noone deserves to have contact with you

Jesus... may the lord have mercy on you dude.

Your life isnt everyone elses. I understand you are proud of yourself but your opportunities are not everyone's.
Congrats you had it slightly less shitty that the other ones.

What ever the original was like, I'm 100% convinced that it's an order of magnitude more retarded than the OP pic. Dobson is like all bad opinions in the world given physical from, and if there's one thing that you can always rely on, it's that everything he produces is complete garbage. And that he'll always be a fat fuck obsessed with pies and burgers.

Genius thread making

Not the scenario provided amigo.

That doesn't make sense. I grew up in the same neighborhood, going to the same schools, doing the same work, until they either dropped out or went to prison. We had the same opportunities, and I guarantee if they performed the same as me, they would have gone to an even BETTER university (Affirmative Action). The difference was the outcome, not the opportunity. Now you want to turn it around and say otherwise? Sure, some kids DO have it harder; maybe a drunk for a parent, or another unfortunate circumstance. But the amount of children like that is so miniscule compared to the ones who just don't care. And we have so many programs and benefits, dedicated to assisting those in that situation. Are you just afraid to admit that some people perform less well than others? Because that's the truth, and you can't pretend it doesn't exist just because of your feelings.

Yes you did, but your life is not the same as theirs, you cannot say that they could of succeeded just because you did.

Again i came to the US as an illegal immigrant, this was before DACA so i had absolutely no choice but labor after school, i did work my ass off im in a pretty good spot now because of my hard work but im nobody to say that my fellow schoolmates should of succeeded just like i did. I got lucky enough to have both parents and got lucky enough in life to have small chances that payed out.

Yes there are those who dont give a fuck trust me a lot of Mexicans dont like black people because they are Americans that somehow still complain but im not the one stroking my dick saying "everyone can be a space cowboy astronaut" and if your not its because you suck.

We need 100 replies guys


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It is if You're a trash fucking commie faggot bbc worshipper

[email protected]

More like
Alright since i inherited my weather that came from my forefathers giving an opportunity to work and get into society to poor people such as yourself because your unevolved ass couldnt let you create your own and get out of that mudhut, i now have the worlds only food supply and you are to pay me with your first born child for a slice, the seccond slice will cost half of your paycheck, you can choose to save and start your own business or complain like a retard because you didn't and don't want to achieve anything in your life

>Had no choice but labor
Context? What does that even mean? Did you come and get your GED? You can still go to an institution of higher learning with a GED, just as you can with a regular diploma. Again, by being a citizen of the U.S, you are given access to an array of taxpayer funded programs and care. Those are the tools you use to succeed. Even if you come from a poor background, a single parent household, whatever... you can make the right choices and succeed. If you are colored and/or a female, you have even more utilities. I'm not saying that everyone has the same position, I am saying everyone has the same opportunity. And it is solely on the individual to make the choices needed to succeed. No one else can make that decision for you. If you want to dropoout, gangbang, sell drugs and fuck prostitutes, by all means, do it. If you flunk all your classes because you decided it was cool to smoke weed and get into trouble, that's on you. If you get beat on a daily basis by a parent, and are hindered from your rights as a citizen, it's not. And there are many programs to assist you to help even the playing field. Again - Opportunity.

>Heh, if I care about nothing I can never be wrong.

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You're a quality poster from what I've seen. Would you like to be friends? Also, are you actually a negro with 9 inch?

I never said I care about nothing. I don't care about anything political. You were half right though, I legit believe that I can never be wrong and am one of the most egoistical people in the world.

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How do you know that's not what they are already doing? Why are you assuming they all arent trying to better their life. Im just stating the obvious.

As an illegal i could not go to college. This was before the DACA thing.

I dont panhandle. Im not going to use programs when i can do shit by myself, i dont go to college now because i landed a sweet gig that pays pretty good and has pretty good job security.
Even if i get fired i have enough skills in this line of work to continue to make okay money.
I get paid more than my college graduate friends and im not in debt like most of them are because of said college.

In your first post you implied that anyone could succeed and if they didnt that they were "dropouts, drug-addicts, and undesirables in general"

I just called you out on it.

Lmao look at this faggot lying about his life to push his just world fallacy bullshit

Kill yourself you braindead retard hahahaha

I think you are confused sempai.

Does it matter who's "fault" it is? Would you rather live in a world where one faggot can hoard all wealth and make everyone else suffer just to get by or a world where resources are distributed more fairly and everyone can enjoy a basic dignified life without having to kill themselves for it? I'm not saying people should get free stuff, i'm saying there should be more equal and realistic opportunity to attain those resources

here's the OG

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Ideally social justice wouldn't shit on white people while coddling minorities, but reality tells a different story. Same with feminism

Good to know that both versions of the pic are equally retarded.

C'mon guys, we've reached the half way point!

bumping for the pol talk

found the wagecuck


Sure why not and yes.

Nowhere does that pic say anything against white people. You are just projecting your fears on to it.
"Everyone is against me and trying to take away my white children hurrr"

>Supporting a system that will inevitably create full automation
>Even though this would cause the collapse of said system

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Those are the wrong terms and show you have no clue what you're talking about.
Equality of opportunity* does not exist under capitalism. The child born into wealth has far, far greater opportunity than the child born into poverty. Several longitudinal studies have shown that the single greatest contributing factor (by far) to success, career advancement and general wellbeing is HOW MUCH MONEY YOUR PARENTS GAVE YOU. Literally just by BEING WEALTHY and HANDING MONEY TO YOUR CHILD, you are giving them an advantage which completely outstrips any amount of natural or hard-won ability of other less fortunate people. Capitalism creates a self-perpetuating class system, objectively.

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There isca stigma with automation that I think is simply unfair and ignorant. Full automation does not mean a loss of job or purpose. Automation is simply a different market altogether and you will always need people to operate, maintain and manufacture automated plants. I work in this industry and I find it retarded that so many people get so unteasonably terrified of automation as if it was Skynet or some shit. As a matter of fact, our rate of consumption has become so astronomically high that the only realistic way that we can keep up with demand is by making machines do most of the work since they work 10 times faster with a lesser rate of defective production. Otherwise we'll have to increase the workload on an already overworked workforce. This just means that rather than working for Mckucks, you'll have to study to either operate or maintain automated machinery. As a matter of fact, there is a desperate demand for this market and many companies are willing to pay your tuition if you are willing to work for them. Most people are simply not aware that there is a massive restructure coming our way and that the point is not to replace humans with machines.

AI is much more worrysome in my opinion. Nobody talks about it, but there are already examples of rogue independent AI on the net and algorythms designed to fuck with specific people. If weaponized, we're in deep shit.

Those people will eventually be replaced by machines that are trained to fix other machines. Even menial labor can eventually be replaced with AI driven machines.
Efficiency is a driving force in capitalism. If you aren't as efficient you are just running the risk of death. At some point the only competitive option will be to have complete automation. Even if some human jobs stick around it wouldn't be anywhere near enough for capitalism to keep growing. Stagnation in capitalism is just another way to go about collapsing.
The death of capitalism by it's everlasting goal of max efficiency will inevitably lead to it killing itself by being forced to remove consumers to stay competitive.

>free food

that's a bunch of sci-fi nonsense LARP shit. you clearly do not work in that industry.

General AI is far away if even possible.

Do you like sucking kike cock?

Accurate post user make some more

This user knows more about the topic than you.

This guy I work with heavy machines in the production field. They have all sorts of automated machinery and companies are hiering operators left and right.

Its not, ive been to a place where they have self driving forklifts that decide how and where to organize what products and what to prioritize. Its pretty sweet watching a bunch of square robots just drive around picking shit up and efficiency working together like clockwork.