See fox in wow

>see fox in wow
>looks cute
>google up images of foxes
>they look cute too
>feel good

pic related, it's the fox

Attached: Fox.jpg (643x489, 90K)

That is one gay fox.

thats a cool fox user, should tame it

What does the fox say tho?

Foxes are nice but bats are nicer user.

Attached: bat.jpg (1296x861, 99K)

>What does the fox say tho?

OP is a faggot

These fucking retarded reddit posts need to stop.

arent those the tol barad foxes with a really low drop rate for the pet? it's time to start chopping their fucking necks off for that sweet chance at a cash-out, user

kill it for exp

Welcome to the fox appreciation train, brother.
>one chance at life
>born a human

Attached: xfoxportrait.jpg.pagespeed.ic.ixgzNQhvnZ.jpg (335x496, 40K)

God I miss that game so much, some of the best times of my life were on that game, even if it's partly what made me a robot

Shut the fuck up you faggot, these threads are way better than the usual bullshit we get on this board these days, such as gay black sissy boi, trap shit, gay shit, tfw no gf shit.

Fuck you, faggot.

Cat killed it.

My point exactly. Actual faggetry is being replaced by reddit faggetry because this is pretty much facebook now for you 12 year olds.

Hopefully everyone that belonged here has gone out in a hail of gunfire or is planning to soon. I'd hate for them to see what it became.

i heard it's unplayable now, shame really

You're a retard, I've been here since 2007 and these threads are way more welcome than anything else being posted here now, sans original greentext.

Kill yourself.

I like sheep. I spent one summer working as a shepherd and I fell in love with them. They are really smart animals, contrary to a popular belief. They make me wanna go vegetarian.

Attached: 4832674358089948926a028043eda5db--smiling-lamb-keep-smiling.jpg (636x767, 64K)

>and I fell in love with them.

Are you a kiwi


I remember playing to 11 pm getting up at 1am to play this fucking game before school.

Zoomers wont get it. Originalio

I thought it's the welsh that like sheep?

Then I can say with all honest that you do not belong on this board.

You don't think that "oh, this isn't a topic for me" wouldn't have hinted at you needing to GTFO back to /soc/? Or do you faggots REALLY think the world has to cater to your feefees and wants? "welcoming" I'm willing to bet you're on some sperg's list at school. Probably top 10 for taking his anime wiafu.

No wonder education's just a giant babysitter now with people like you. So fucking glad I got out of all of that right before it turned into the SJW fest it is now.

God damn endless september.

friendly reminder, friends!

Attached: 1520190069039.jpg (765x448, 227K)

I don't play WoW anymore but I hate that all the bats in that game are fugly.

What the fuck are you on about you autistic retard? I literally can't even understand your post. Try forming an actual thought next time before hitting reply you spastic fuck.

>looked at foxes in petopia
>found a cool one
>its the ashtail fox
>tamed it

way better than the orange fox

Attached: WoWScrnShot_072518_224852.jpg (1360x768, 255K)

I formally request that you retract such false statements.

Attached: batpet.jpg (1808x1252, 341K)

still think I'm fucking cute bitch?
*swallows you whole, digesting you with chakra stomach acid feeling your molecules dissolve*

Attached: Kyuubi_attack_on_Konoha.png (1920x1080, 981K)

You are cancer.

There WAS cancer killing this board. You are that cancer. The board is now this.


C u t e
Original cute acknowledgement.

You actually just need to kill yourself. Please.

Not him but a lot of the new threads here have been pretty bad. I don't want to know about the latest episodes of some whore's drama saga, I don't care about fembots, racebait is fucking stupid, trap and fetish threads are all lame, threads about women, normies and Chad just serve to make robots feel like shit, none of it is worth anything. This thread is just a guy talking about foxes, it's nice and it has no underlying motive like the threads I've listed, dude likes foxes, that's why I prefer it over these other threads. It seems genuine and I would not be surprised at all that the others are the result of different concentrated raid attempts or Discord leakage.

please get a room you two

it looks rabid and wild and not at all cute


Do you understand how many goddamn sheep there are in New Zealand.

God you edgy teen faggots are so obvious with this shit.

Enjoy your nice welcoming comfy board where you can weeb fagot out over anime avatars and discord links on what was once a board about social outcasts and struggling for acceptance.

Almost none of those have anything to do with the content of the board though. It's sad that this is becoming some weeb retard hangout place because normal society has ostracized them because they wern't bullied enough in jr high. Not because they CAN"T like a real robot. Not because they were bullied like a real robot. But because they were allowed to think shit like this is ok.

I used to like it here. I used to be able to talk to robots and help here. Now the entire thing is "STOP BEING FUCKING WEIRD YOU FAGGOTS".

It's like if a furry asked why no one likes him. FFS>

Respect the culture of the board. I bet you don't even understand what means.

No I've never looked into Australia lite

You're so autistic it's unbelievable, no one understands what the fuck you're talking about or why you're upset.

The point is there's nothing wrong with the topic of this thread, and it's a refreshing change from the usual whiny bullshit. r9k was not meant to be a hangout for pathetic virgins.

personally i despise all the discord, avatarfag shitters, race nonsense and 99% of other nu-ko threads as much as anyone but i'm always tempeted to give them a bump when there's some sad oldfag fucker dying inside pining for when the board was 'good'. schadenfreude

nice comfy thread anyways OP

>Almost none of those have anything to do with the content of the board though
Every thing I listed are threads that are made and remade ad nauseaum 24/7/365. It most definitely does have something to do with the content of the board when you can't go to any page/row of the catalog and not see one of these fuckin' awful, unoriginal, tired threads.

You should, some pretty hilarious stuff goes on around there.

You keep trying to get that bait to work. It's pretty sad, to be honest.

And yes, it literally is.

That's r9gay and a anime/discord faggetry. Like I said, people that never had the opportunity to have their weird tastes and anti-social interests bullied out of them so they can exist in normal culture. It's just fortnite kids that missed the bus like the faggot that keeps replying "I CaNt UnDeRsTaNd YoU" because he doesn't understand that he doesn't belong.

Depressing as hell for people that actually need the board.

everyone here has got it completely wrong. The clearly superior animal is the Giraffe