girl i know from high school that i used to flirt with is asking me for money because she and her daughter have no food. i don't live anywhere near her anymore. wat do robots?
Girl i know from high school that i used to flirt with is asking me for money because she and her daughter have no food...
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if you didn't bang, she don't eat a thang
How do you know she has a daughter?
How long have you gone without talking?
I think you tell her to fuck off, she's probably just using the kid to make you feel bad but if you go for anything you're even more of a cuck. She can go on food stamps and welfare.
as the ancient prophecy goes
How is this even a question? Tell her to kick rocks, she means nothing to you unless she can offer you pussy. And even then, she's used goods, so you shouldn't even want her.
The fact that you're even considering anything but ignoring her tells me you're a beta retard, and that pisses me off. Fuck you for enabling roasties.
>How do you know she has a daughter?
>How long have you gone without talking?
facebook. IRL probably 7 years. on facebook we talked recently.
Yeah don't do it user, let the roastie deal with her own problems, you should call her out on being a bad mother and a whore.
kinda want to see her naked though and i'm wondering if that's on the table. it's strange that she's contacting me since i don't know her that well.
It's not worth it user. She is a mega roastie and you can see girls naked all over the internet.
should i at least ask her what i would get in return?
Does she live in Florida?
no. i used to though. apparently her family left pa for nc and they refuse to help her out.
She is a drug addict you stupid fuck call child protective on her or the police just say the mom says she has no food and you are concerned about her her kid
Red flag stop talking to her shes a meth addict or pill popper OP
fuck her. some roastie tried this with me. ghosted me when i demanded sex for money
If you really must, do it but demand proof she spent the money on food. She sounds like a huge roastie but a child doesn't even ask to be born and does not deserve to suffer due to their parent(s)'s fuckups.
Also make it clear this is a one-time thing and that you're not in any financial shape to be providing for others. Even if you're a richfag, leeches will eventually bleed you out.
why would you even consider giving money to this woman who presumably never tried to contact you until she needed a beta provider? especially considering she doesn't even live near you. might as well go drive around looking for homeless drug addicts to give your money to while you're at it.
But user he wants to see her lewds lol
i hope he knows there are millions of lewds available on the internet for free, he doesn't have to pay some drug addicted single mom just to find fap material.
>wat do
>>wat do?
well listen to lil b ofcourse
OP here. of course i know that. but i also know there's a difference in the quality of faps between those one knows and those one does not know. btw i've never given money to an e-girl or camwhore or whoever and i don't plan on doing so.
advise she eat her daughter. 2 birds w/ 1 stone
Wire her a couple of hundred bucks. Why not? But do explain that you're not made out of money.
Why is it when a guy helps a male friend its a good thing, but when he helps a female friend he's a "beta provider" and "cuck"?
Tell her all about EBT. And if she sold all her EBT money, tell her about churches who give away bags of food for free, specifically for this purpose.
>a female friend
i don't think someone who you haven't spoken to since highschool except when they contact you begging for money is really a "friend". i wouldn't give money to some guy who i haven't spoken to since highschool either.
Offer her money to fuck her, then after cumming on her face kick her out and don't give her anything.
i don't live near her anymore though.
Have her fuck done random robot that loves around there as proof. Give her $20 as a down payment. Then when she's fucked, ghost her.
Cut her a check or send some money to her PayPal. She came groveling to you.
>she came groveling so she deserves free money
step your game up dude
burning coal
deserves a toal
Never look back user.
Let her down.
she's not though.
He should do it because he's kind, not because he's expecting any reward.
except he's already admitted that he's only considering doing it to get lewds out of her, so we can already write off the whole "doing it out of kindness and generosity" option
And that case he should demand a pair of her sweaty dirty workout panties.
What do you reckon you mong, a slice of her juicy peach?
Nothing is free in this world, user.
The roastie should learn the lesson, sooner or later.
The Pussy or the Boot.
no because like i said, i don't live near her. lewds is the best i can hope for i suppose. or i may do it out of kindness. i find it strange that she is asking me considering that she is a girl and undoubtedly has a lot more friends than i do.
Get her panties. Some that are sweaty and crusty.
She's asking many other men to support her too. Are you going to be the pathetic one who sends her money? "Flirting" is not a relationship, there is no relationship between you two. She only asks you this because she thinks she can manipulate you into giving her money. Also, I'm sure her kids will be fine, the state provides welfare for this situation. She's probably gonna use your money to buy shoes.
She's obviously down on her luck and you're her last hope. A lot can happen in 7 years.
Why do you think she isn't asking anyone else? If none of her friends stuck around, what do you think that says about her? You're going to get used.
Buy her a gift card for a grocery near her so you know for sure she buys food for her kid and not some dumb shit. Idk how you'd get that to her though, it'd take at least a few days I guess.
OP here. she claims that she's asking everyone but presumably no one has helped her yet. she's an ex drug user but is presumably clean now (i have no idea for sure). not a coalburner. it's weird, she messaged me on facebook a couple weeks ago by accident by hitting the thumbs up thing then we talked briefly and she said she wasn't doing well. i told her she would be ok since she has a significant other (she's apparently a lesbian now) and a child. and now she asks me for money.
Tell her to put her used panties on eBay and that you'll buy them. Then keep dragging it out.
addicts will still find ways to convert those gift cards into drug money. not saying girl OP is talking about is necessarily a drug addict (although it kinda sounds like she is), just saying that addicts can get very creative when it comes to finding ways to get what they want.
You live in the first world,? Tell her to fuck off. Anywhere else she might actually need money to survive
>she's apparently a lesbian now) and a child. and now she asks me for money.
So let me get this straight
>not attracted to men
>so no way to get anything sexual out of this
>lives on the other side of the planet
>"""accidentally""" told you her sob story
>has needed money for food for the last few weeks but has conveniently had Internet access this whole time
You know what OP you should give her money because clearly youre too stupid to do anything else with that cash.
chill user. this is just a first for me. women don't usually ask me for shit. except one time a girl asked me to buy her liquor on tinder and i said no.
M8 I have read the whole thread, and you sound like you are actually going to do it. There is no possible benefit to you doing it.
Every other answer is sexist.
well whether i do it or not it seems you have made your mind up that i will do it. at the moment i'm thinking about asking what i will get in return but then still saying no.
this comment is original fuck you
This desu. Though it seems like OP planned on doing it anyways regardless of any anons telling him he's being a cuck.
OP here. how am i supposed to prove to you that i didn't do it?
I honestly couldn't give two shits if you did it or not OP. Just remember that women are shit and she probably asked several other highschool "friends" for many as well.
>how am i supposed to prove to you that i didn't do it?
By posting the fb message you sent saying no
kek money not many
Look OP, you can be the beta, you can let yourself get exploited, then what? This chick isn't going to marry you because you paid, if I were you, I would tell her yes then demand she sends nudes first, then when she asks for the money don't send it. Tell her that she's the one that came to you, and you don't do anything until she's given you nudes, if she doesn't, then she gets nothing. You gotta give her an ultimatum then slam her face in the dirt afterwards.
is the daughter at least a qt?
Also, post the nudes on here for us.
I've changed my mind, do this instead.
>left pa for nc
what's her first name, user
No you're not. You're telling yourself that you're going to say no to make yourself ask her. You're going to get scammed by a druggie. She doesn't need the money user, there is welfare that prevents people's kids from starving. You are so starved of female attention (she knows this) that you will end up sending her money to fuel her drug addiction.
Absolutely this. There's no way she's going hungry with a kid unless you're in a real right wing area. And even then there's churches
this is a good analysis of the situation. well i'm not going to send her money obviously. the only question is whether i just say no outright or drag it out.
>the only question is whether i just say no outright or drag it out.
You are too weak to drag it out. She will flirt some more and make you think we were wrong. Say no and block her, she will get what she wants out of you if you drag it.
If the fap material is worth the price, do it.
>You are too weak to drag it out. She will flirt some more and make you think we were wrong. Say no and block her, she will get what she wants out of you if you drag it.
how am i going to get what i want from her if i block her? should i block her then unblock her?
whoops sorry i misread that as "you will get what you want from her if you drag it"
I'd do it OP but make it clear it's a one time thing for old times sake. Helping others should not be done to get something out of it. Altruism and kindess are two of the most respected and sexiest traits a man can have. Do not listen to these permavirgins, theres a reason they're this sour.
But as a sibling of an addict and a son of an alcoholic this smells like bs to me. Using the kid and other excuses she reeks of addiction. If you truly want to help her, for the sake of helping a fellow human being that once meant something to you, you could buy a giftcard or some shit that she can use. Or you could give half the money in cash and half the money in giftcards to make sure she'll atleast spend half of the money on vital things. If you'd only send her cash theres a good chance she'll blow most on it to feed her addiction.
Only do it if she gives you at least a blowjob
>Implying females are human
forget that shit
OP here. i suggested that she contact my brother and sister as they still live in her area. my sister is also a mother and she could at least help with food. but apparently she doesn't really know my sister even though they are facebook friends. and she said it would be weird to contact my brother, even though he knows her from school as well and lives near here. she must think i'm a very gullible person or else why would she pretend that we know each other very well? i have not seen her IRL in at least 7 years and we were acquaintances in high school at best.
>7 years
don't be retarded
If she won't contact them she's pegging you as beta maximus. You'd have to be a fucking retard to fall for this. She's a heroin addict at best.
Kill yourself if you actually do it OP. You're a fucking loser.
You should help her for the sake of not making the kid shitty
Oh send us her porfile picture or something. Show us if she's worth the nudes.
>implying she didn't just mention her kid to guilt trip OP for gibsmedats
>implying she'd actually spend any money he gave her on the kid
OP here. i'm quite sure she could just show up at a women's shelter and get free food just by making up some story (if she even has to do that) considering that she has a child.
old pic but she hasn't aged that much.
The right thing:
>Ignore her or wish her well. Many, many programs exist for people in her situation.
The fun/wrong thing:
Emotionally manipulate her, get her nudes, call protective services after fucking her
WTF? You ask this random, likely addict woman that you're talking to mostly for the nudes to contact your family?
But since she didn't do it, I guess she doesn't need the money that much. She most likely thinks you're gullible as fuck.
>But since she didn't do it, I guess she doesn't need the money that much. She most likely thinks you're gullible as fuck.
yes exactly. i didn't intend for my family to give her money, just food, assuming that that was what this was all about. but obviously it's a ploy.
>probably has a fucking 11 year old something son
yeah homie she in it for the money youre retarded
Nothing wrong with a trade. He wants nudes, she wants money.
Not even worth it OP. She's not cute and definitely is a at least somewhat a skank. And a lesbian as well like you said.
This is really case by case. Like user why the fuck are you asking us? Jerk off first and then judge her character objectively. Is she likely to just be wanting Gibs or is this something she would do as a last resort? How much is she asking for? Is it likely for this person to pretend that they need to feed their kid when actually it's to pay off a debt? C'mon man use your noggin. Also, take the flirting, sex etc out of the equation, if she was a good friend that shouldn't matter.
>Drug addict
>Family disowns her and breaks contact
>Has burned so many bridges now needs to go through random highschool contacts
>Will fuck anything for shekels
>7 year old daughter with no father in sight
Call goddamn child services and get that 7 year old an actual chance at a live that isn't ruined by this obvious dope fiend.
>Is she likely to just be wanting Gibs or is this something she would do as a last resort?
desu i don't see why she's asking me as i don't know her very well. she apparently has a gf (or so i gather from her instagram) so why not ask her? there's also the father of her child who i assume is still alive
>How much is she asking for?
she didn't say. she claims she has a job but she won't get paid until next week or some shit.
>Is it likely for this person to pretend that they need to feed their kid when actually it's to pay off a debt?
i don't know her very well but yes i would say it's likely just because she has done drugs in the past.
>Also, take the flirting, sex etc out of the equation, if she was a good friend that shouldn't matter.
true. i have female friends who i have no sexual interest in because they seem just as much like relatives than as friends. but she is not one of them.
I've already posted this multiple times, but I'll do it again. Welfare exists to prevent families from starving. On top of this, there are numerous social programs provided by churches and other institutions in America, including a sense of community and a decent environment for her daughter to grow up in. You should tell her about those, although she is most likely using you for free shit.
What do you want out of this woman in return? You both seem like scummy people hope you get scammed by her desu.
lewds. but now i don't want them. posting her has convinced me that such an exchange would not be virtuous. if i got her nudes theoretically i would probably feel bad about it afterwards. it was just nice to feel wanted for a moment, even if it was just a scam.
>Like user why the fuck are you asking us?
because i wanted to see if other robots have gone through the same thing and how it turned out by either saying yes or no.
>it's strange that she's contacting me since i don't know her that well
No she sees you as a beta orbiter, she'll use your money to buy coke and jump on some other guy's cock, all you'll get out of it is "user, you're so sweet!" if you're lucky.
Seriously, call CPS. It is too late for her if she is calling on her old flames to bail her out, but you can get help for her kid.
I`ll tell you why fucking not. Because then she will wait a week or two and ask for another $200. He`ll be her ATM.
t. exgf`s ATM.