Be arab

>Be arab
>Think Islam is bullshit, only wear hijab to pick up cute white people
>Love raceplay
>Actively go to alt-right websites and places around town and talk about Islamic views in hopes of being insulted.

Thanks for all the Jill-off material guys~

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're a blessing, user.

Awe thanks hun~

So which part of Dearborn do you live I'll come pick you up

May Allah smite this thot

>normies wonder why acid attacks happen

>ywn behead dis bitch

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Post cute brown feet, OP

Youre not welcome here culture traitor.

Damn I wish this was true, so hot

wear hijab to pick up cute white people
I don't think white guys go for that.
I certainly don't want anything to do with a woman who wears one, I would bet she has a crazy Muslim father or brother just waiting to kill me.

I prefer seeing pale girls with white guilt wearing hijabi before taking brown cock desu.

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If muslims cut off the tip of the guy's dicks they should cut off the tips of the women's heads holy shit.

>white boi larping

fag 69

>only wear hijab to pick up cute white people
Would you not do that, I evade girls wearing one since it seems no point in trying.
Unless you really only wear one, that could work.

Are hijabs considered attractive or something?

You'd think but the "sweet Muslim girl" shtick goes a long way. Doesn't work as well at the gay bar but I've met a few girls who want me to keep it on

Please have discord and be my hijabi degenerate gf

I remember that user posting about the Muslim girl he fucked who was really into being degraded and having her hijab came on.

I want a repressed Arab girl.

Dearborn or FL dickhead

May Allah punish you, you filthy murtad

>tfw when islamic "race"-play is my biggest fetish but the OP is probably some fag looking for people to catfish and get off on pretending to be a girl.

I once started chatting to this salafi girl on telegram and we argued about islam and muslims until we eventually started sexting but quite often she'd disappear or temporarily block me after sexting because she'd feel so guilty.

Anyway she once told me that she had a fantasy where she'd be arguing with an atheist angrily then suddenly start making out with him.

It was hot.
Islam is so braindead and stupid, lol

A covered woman is a lootbox, considering her face is cute.

add me

Canada my dude
Get that weak shit outta here
Whatever keeps ya going
Yeah it's a crock of shit

have you ever been fucked while kneeling on a prayer mat and doing your prayers in a hijab and abaya? Doing that to an arab girl is on my bucket list.

Nope but I have gotten fucked in a mosque

hnnggggg fug
by a non-muslim guy?

>only wear hijab to pick up cute white people
Won't you get honor-killed by your family if they catch you?

i would fuck a middle eastern non-muslim if her family wouldn't kill me.

You know it. Can't stand brown dudes.
My dad would be pissed but would tolerate it, mom is pretty chill

disgusting, kaffir trash.

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g do you live in detroit? we can hang out

Don't you have some BMW to wash and white girls to text?

mass acid attack on arab race-traitor thots when

I want to ruin you. email?

bitch the only text i know is the quran and i recite it daily. also i own a vauxhall.

How do you initiate conversations with white people? It's not like you can go to a bar and talk to random people and participate in our degenerate hookup culture that way.

The only places I see muslims hanging around in public is in cafes and those dessert shops... muslims seem to eat a lot of icecream and cakes.

The Prophet, Peace and Blessings be Upon Him, said: "Whoever changes his religion- kill him"

You deserve to die, even if you look like pic related

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Yes they are

t. Muslim with an arab niqabi crush

She is a murtad not a muslim

how did it turn from arguing to sexing specifically

>muslims seem to eat a lot of icecream and cakes.
They got some rather involved cooking themself, and I totally wouldn't mind stealing receipts off a kinky muslima girl.
To throw a wrench in it though: Damn, you girls often look like yeast after your first kid.

>race traitor
Only on religion traitors

t. Sunni Persian who NEEDS to racemix with a qt Arab Muslima

pic unrelated

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Sounds bullshit desu

Unless you have pics, of course

Are you racist? The likelihood of me engaging physicality over Jow Forums humor is quite high


If you people and your cuck leftist allies are going to cry "racism" every time someone criticizes your death cult of a religion headed by an illiterate pedophile desert warlord, then don't complain when everyone ascribes the term "muslim" to every shitskin that wears a hijab.

>They got some rather involved cooking themself
The only positive thing that ever came out of the Arabian peninsular was falafel and that's easy to make.

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Who says I can't get laid at a bar? I get most of my female hook ups from my local gay bar. If I'm looking to fuck I'm normally going to a bar or tinder.
What if I'm darker than pic related?

>self hating arab thread

Well thats a new one

>The alt-right thought that Islam would conquer the west
>they never thought that our degeneracy would conquer Islam
maybe the cure is worse than the disease

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>Doesn't know that Christianity was based on a young teenage whore who fucked out of marriage with a guy way older than her and then convinced a bunch of people it was because of God and later gave birth to some manipulative guy who'd create a religion that has the highest kill count because of retarded interpretations
The only reason Europe got better was because of secularisation it would've resembled the middle east if we kept Christianity like Muslims keep Islam

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You're doing allah's work, middle eastern girls are pretty qt. Shame the only one who was ever into me had bad acne and no tits.

Based Arab femanon. I knew a girl like you in hs. Sadly I never noticed how redpilled she was else we would have had so much fun

Mmm yes tell me more about how awful Islam is~
I mean I don't hate myself if that counts.
Laaame, big tits are the best. I wish mine were bigger
Feel like I should clarify, not redpilled just think Islam is dumb. It's only use to me is having it yelled at me by white boys

No I'm not racist and I'm not white. And yeah if someone called me a nigger irl I would stomp them. What part of detroit do you live in?

I don't believe you. post hijab with timestamp

>doesn't like people who look like her
>only likes white boys
>bonus points if they demean her culture
>I don't hate myself

user...thats not how this works

She a roastie bro, rational thought is non existent.

raghead slut
you should get fucked while doing that retarded sing-song recitation of the quran

I don't like brown dudes because the only ones I've ever been with are demanding assholes who don't shave or wash their dick. I like more than white boys, love me a black chick and asian dudes are cute too. Kinks are kinks. And I'm rad. That's my reasoning.

t. smelly nigga.. fuck off monkey, go to the nearest zoo and replace Harambe.

>love me a black chick and asian dudes are cute too
As a man I too like these groups

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>and later gave birth to some manipulative guy who'd create a religion that has the highest kill count because of retarded interpretations
Islam has the highest kill count because it's fundamentally a doctrine of conquest and war, the central figure of the religion was literally a warlord, and the entire religion has been embroiled in a civil war since the very day that central figure died.

The only reason Europe wasn't conquered by Islam is because the Mongols steamrolled over the caliphate from the east and fucked them. If that hadn't happened we wouldn't have progressed past the medieval age. The "golden age" of Islam was based on the libraries and technology that they decided not to burn when they took over Byzantine and Persian territory. The scientific method and individual rights of "secularism" were all born from Christianity and the church training the European mind to think within the confines of a single cohesive system.

Secularism is a meme. Christ separated church and state by saying "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's". The west is living on the corpse of Christianity, and it is time... for it to be resurrected. If you are not a Christian in the year of our LORD two thousand and eighteen, then you need to rethink your life.

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I will stone you on sight you dirty fucking infidel thot.

Inshallah my brother, no need for violence. May allah punish her in the afterlife. For all we know it could be a homo fat american larping


I lost most of the conversations because of various events but this is an example of how it would go.

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My friend, I thinks its real. The west allows such degenarcy as homosexuality and pre marital sex. My cousin went to the west to study and now she is a transgender activist or so, I dont know we cut ties a long time ago

See my friend this type of degenarcy

Man you're trying
Christ you sound like my uncles

Let me pull out my mushaf and recite suraah al jinn you infidel thot

and at other times she would be like this. She always unblocked me after a while . We drifted apart but are on good terms and are still occasionally in contact.

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greentext the story of you getting fucked in a mosque?

i want a qt muslim gf to role play 'hijack my penis'

Love using the "faithless" shit with people, especially when I say it like a meek little bitch

Stop fucking ignoring me OP

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does it become less exciting if they see through you or know that you're just pretending to begin with?
do you get off on the white guy thinking that he is conquering and colonising an arab muslimah
Preying on you like you're weak and naive.

>only wear hijab to pick up cute white people

What? Doesn't that repel most white guys? That's like the cultural/religious contemporary of a wedding ring or a preggo belly.

Its a larp. Dude is trying to trigger muslims into rage so a terrorist attack happens

not for a significant fraction of white guys.

Leftists are not our allies. And the "muslims" who cry racism are secular brown people who are scared that white people are too dumb to tell them apart from actual Muslims who happen to be brown

>muh pedophile warlord
Neither of these things are a bad thing. Again, I am not a liberal cuck

>What if I'm darker than pic related?
That is really delicious. Samrawat are really nice.

Apostates deserve to die, even the cute brown girls

Arabs, as a general rule, are disgusting and are a burden to the ummah.

Their women are perfect tho.

Its dividing us into turbo degenerate atheists, and hardcore Muslims (like me). Moderate cultural Islam is a thing of the past. Either be a real Muslim, or be a hellbound degenerate, and no room for the middle

They are qt as fuck. But what makes them uniquely special and hot is that they are Muslims. Take the Islam out of them, and you might as well be fucking curries and spics

ex muslim women are hardcore sjws, and not "redpilled". Pic very related

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Stop the larp habibi. I wont commit terrorist attack

I mean it is way more fun if they genuinely think I'm a sheep. I know it gets their motor running too with how god damn hard some dudes get when I go full "N-no! Filthy infidel... I would never let something so Haraam" before looking at his bulge and doing the deep breathing shit followed by "Ungh, Allah..." Course that's only with one night stand shit. Can't help but break character with an after sex smoke.
Sup dude

wait your trying to make me anger again. I will rather have my hand cut off then fuck a degenarete whore like you

Hey cutie, I burned down a mosque. Want to suck my cock?

I will burn down your mothers house and rape the woman of your family

I do, are you the femanon?

post kik or something

Wow you guys all suck at this

You gonna post contact info or is this just a larp?

Ugh. this post is so male. you blew it.

Ha! confirmed larp. Muslims dont say ungh allah. We say somethin entirely different

It would be really hot, but given her situation, that is really sad.

I mean, I am kind of a cuck and I enjoy seeing hot brown girls fuck cute white guys (for aesthetic reasons, not for bullshit reasons like yours, because secular humanists deserve to hang), but that is still no reason for her to consider ridda.

Kaffir white boys are for the pleasure of brown girls, and that is all they are good for. It regrettably sounds like you both need to hang, unfortunately, since its obviously more than sex, and nothing is worse than ridda

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You see mad, Haji. Eat some pork.

Not before you eat some lead

Nice larp
The Hour is almost upon is and there shall be no more forgiveness or compromise

If you think war and terror are hell you think wrong

I think orthodox looking girls are way cuter and pure/hiegienic looking than flaps

T. Muslim who Will Go to hell

So many things wrong with this but to put it short Christianity has a higher kill count due to being around much longer and too many interpretations between different groups and then there's the fact the old testament exist which beats the Qur'an in violent shit and then there's the divide it caused between different sects plus the Bible got changed so much there's no point of reading it at that point also the Islamic golden age wasn't just technology and Scientific methods taken from Byzantine and Persian territory as it says on Wikipedia
Christianity is a load of horse shit, Europe only maintains traditions from Christianity and has a declining rate because who believes in fairy tales. Look at America there are still Christians trying to justify child marriage but what's your excuse 'DAS NOT TRU CHRISTIANITY'. If you actually believe this shit in 2018 end your life it's a stupid religion just like the rest and it came from who again oh yeah the Jews.