Can we have a qt girls thread going? Post qt girls robots
Can we have a qt girls thread going? Post qt girls robots
Elle est magnifique.
seems good to me
hot, but she seems kinda dumb
Sure buddy, here's one for ya
who is grill #1? she is qt as fuck
This thread is depressing in an original way
that's marky thompson
You should have seen me 5 years ago I had a folder filled with girls i named in order to feel closer to them.
oh shit. i think ive seen pics of her before, but older (she was older, not the pics). total babe.
yep, she's the qtest girl i've seen on r9k, imho. spoke to her a few times on o.megle
ay potato orignaliato
Where the arthoes bots at
original patrician taste my friend
that's not even the same girl fag
it is, but she's younger in this pic
shes really something out of the oregano
please tell me her name (reverse search is just random shit)
Tell me she's not perfect..
Holy shit, holy shit. Number 1. We'd be perfect together.
maybe if you posted a pic, user
oh mommmmyyyyyyyy
one version of perfection
literally angelic
that doesn't even look like her at all racist
this is why we will have clones someday
You conveniently cropped the picture so that her self-harm cuts are not visible. Sad!
yeah user, whatever you wanna beIieve
>Post qt girls robots
I win
Top this fags
>emily rudd
thats a win in my book, user. only way to improve that is if she was a chan poster
Hermione is cuter
Jow Forums has qtest grils. /s/ btfo
That girl is incredibly photogenic
i kno. it hurts my heart :'(
this gril has a whole set but i don't have it
she stacked af tho
im getting depressed again :'(
>C cup
>"stacked af bro"
Get out of this thread with your low IQ FAGGOT
does anyone know that feel when no girlfriend?
>doesn't even post a qt stacked gril
You suck but i still luv u user
they're actually smaller than i remembered
this girl is qt
qt indian desi
i just wanna find a qt that's taller than me
i honestly think indians are the cutest asians
i'm going to sleep before depression kicks in, bye my dudes
>tfw you will never pair bond with a prime Venezuelan qt
i'll miss u fren
Indians are not really "asians"
Indian qts are Persian Muslim property tho
>wanting to fuck a spic
I mean, good taste, but common, they're spics
their forbiddeness only adds to their allure desu
ain't no kiaa or kro's lips in your shit thread
i have a whole no gf folder and i look through it when im sad and it makes me feel slightly better
it just makes me sadder desu
is it ok if i post some that are nude
the nude ones make me even sadder tho
her skin looks really warm
fellow patricians ITT, i see
I like this one best. Any more of her? Orig
im a man of wealth of taste
there was this one user once that had a bunch of scene girls saved and we exchanged in an unrelated topic.
if you're reading this user, hi ur a good fren
and in his memory i will share a few. nostalgia for scene is making me even sadder desu
look man, i just want to see their butt shapes
i got a few of those
i really want to be snuggled :'(
Get these whores out of here. I'm tired of looking at them.
>that watermark
careful with that edge, user.
oh shit i never noticed that lol. i don't think those sites are up anymore and i'd be scared to even check
this thread is sacriligious to this board
giving women attention is the most beta thing you can do
please take this business elsewhere like /b/
HNNG perfection
oh JFC she's perfect
most of these girls are roastie sluts.
imagine being this ABSOLUTELY fucking soggy i mean jfc so fucking soaked in sauce
Something tells me angels wouldn't fondle their tits on camera. Whore detected.
Fucking poseur. Pass.
then post some more i'm the only one posting atm
>tfw no gf
aesthetic comfy scenery+little boobies
but those boobies are too big
i thought that was a max payne 2 screenshot from the thumbnail
Her name is Sierra Bonney. She lives in North Carolina. You can find her on Facebook. I fucked her years back, she's getting married to a beta numale, lol.
holy shit you're awesome user. but i hate you for fucking her.
what does she look like now?
they are just right tho =/
on another note does anyone have pictures of punk/goth/alt black chicks, preff skinny ones. or even like phillipino not sure what race or mix the chick in this pic is but she looks like a nonwhite shannyn sossaman
i like DFC's user. to each his own.
most qt girls are whores user... feelsbadman
sorry m8, i don't think i have a single black girl in my folder
i kno the type tho. its rare and qt
Luka doncics mom
Orginalio comment
I'm sure no one here knows that feeling
thank you user, she's adorbs
well it feelsbadman
nobody can stop me from posting qt grils
i might have to post the nudey ones in a min
i just wanna meet a tall rich blond qt to sweep me off my feet
i'll dip into the nudes
zendaya is a grade A qt
I miss my favorite waifu
yeah, "All Access" is right.
Anyone got a name? I remember seeing a whole set of her, she's got a nice puffy pubic mound.
hannah snowdon is a huge qt, nice taste user
oh frooty tooty tooty dooty
Fugg my pp hard
i still dont quite understand this term. could some kind user please spell it out for me in plain engrish?