Why do you want a daughter knowing this could happen?
Why do you want a daughter knowing this could happen?
Because I also have sons
My dude Your daughter is going to be having sex with tons of dudes, and be trying all flavors of dick . She will never need to masturbate
well, they dont look ghetto and I see 3 girls with 3 boys, unless they are going to have an orgy, I see no problems
Then raise her properly
I can only dream this happens
Just date a black woman then you won't worry about your daughters ruining her white heritage
Black women are the ugliest of all races then you would have to deal with a black girls ghetto family. Im 5 foot 8 175 pounds and most black girls are taller and weigh more. Black women just fucking suck. Half black is alright tho but Id prefer quarter or none
not if ya elope!
No amount of raising can prevent it. The media and peer pressure is too much. It's "trendy" to fuck black guys these days.
long as the nigga is high IQ and not violent i'd be okay with it
It's pretty easy. Don't be a controlling dipshit and tell her to not date niggers so that she doesn't fuck any of them to spite you.
Like the other user said, as long as they are smart, and treat her well, I don't care.
>It's "trendy" to fuck black guys these days.
apparently not
I'm gonna have a hapa daughter with an asian qt. I'll make sure she goes to private school so shes less likely to get blacked.
Only the middle one is kind of cute, the other two are pump and dump material.
But on the topic, I wouldnt give a fuck if my daughter dated a nigger, as long it was something serious.
My only fear is that she would become a whore and fucked everyone (the main reason I will never have a daughter).
You're threatened? Go ahead and feel threatened. You deserve it for filling this board with your stupid fucking raceplay fantasies.
And where is this data from? Okcupid is for ugly people. Check tinder. Check Instagram and twitter. Matter fact out to bars around campus, white girls have jungle fever.
Lmao no wonder you hate yourself and blacks so much you faggot manlet
>82% of white men exclude Indian women
>53% of white men exclude Asian women
LMAO fake as fuck
Anyway, you're too much of a brain dead faggot to understand the bullshit you're posting. The sample size only includes those with a racial preference, so you're leaving out a massive amount of the population. Jow Forums is really fucking dumb holy shit
Hey now I dont hate blacks. Just ghetto ones. If youre a normal person then Im not gonna hate you. And I was really just going on about how black girls are the ugliest. They are. Nappy hair, big and large features, and usually loud with a chip on their shoulder.
Bro I can multiply fractions
Conversely, don't let a shitty mother raise them. Girls rebel against controlling fathers and follow the example of lenient mothers.
Cause i will groom them to be even more of BBC addicts
Same implies in reverse. Controlling mothers and lenient/absentee fathers lead to beta males.
Well yeah most people agree with that. Black women are consistently the least sought after race of women. Same with how asian men are the least sought after. Black women are too masculine and asian men are too feminine for most people to like them.
There are a lot of nerdy quiet black girls out there though. But they are usually autistic and/or shut in
>implying I live in a country infested with niggers
Americans are so much less racist than everyone else holy shit. SJWs here have no fucking clue how good they have it
Read it and weep faggots, insecure nigs gonna insecurely nig, but your white girl fetish isn't gonna happen in reality ;)
true, all I want is a white bf sadly our kids can't be fully white because I'm a dirty shitskin whore, I want big white cocks
Bahahaha get a load of these coping nigs "j-just go outside! look dude! your peer reviewed studies are wrong because I like, totally saw a black guy with a white girl yesterday!"
>175 lbs
No matter what you say majority of black girls will be valued more than you Jesus Christ that's sad
>World's largest recorded dick
>Belongs to some middle age fatass
Kind of fun
It's alright my guy they're either flat or chunky the whole black guys like white girls thing is a meme majority just pump and dump your retarded if you think we go after bitchy whores or get into relationships with them.
>The sample size only includes those with a racial preference, so you're leaving out a massive amount of the population.
It had a sample size of 6000 and took place in some of Americas biggest cities such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York etc
Keep coping shitskin boy
I don't want children, original or otherwise.
Lmao tyrone9in put your trip back on
Wow he's really posting cuck shit without his trip on? Talk about insecure.
lmaooooo tyrone9cm gettin put on the spot, lil nigga chimpin out because he cant get a white gf BWAHAHAHAHAHA
I stole the image from that fag you retarded bastards Jesus Christ
Yeah bullshit tyrone you fucking faggot, same image ID, same size, you can't fool anyone
Why the fuck are you replying to yourself and accusing me of being that other black guy
Also I'm the user who just replied.
You fucking retarded faggot that ain't me the only thing that's got to do with him is that pic I stole for my reaction folder
I don't OP. I'm not having kids in a world where miscegenation is legal.
Timestamp a pic of the back of your hand, go on ;)
The fuck are you talking about Tyrone you fucking cuck
samefaggin hard
Well my it ain't allowing me to post due to the file size being too large but you can take my word for it I'm not Tyrone
That's not me for fucks sake
Only the top two are me and I'm pretty sure I made that obvious
>ayo just take my word for it
Lmao tyrone come on lil man
I want a daughter HOPING that happens. My daughter will have only big black african nigger seed in her
Resized the photo and that's my hand fuckhead also I ain't getting out of bed to write on a piece of paper
Now fuck off you bastards I ain't Tyrone
It is an unspoken rule that girls in camo pants are always trying to get black guys
Hey bro I hope you keep your balls healthy and well nourished because we need you to pass on those big nigger ass genes to those white girls. We need black african sperms that are going to stretch and plump the fuck out of their mixed daughters asses. Feed your ballsack, keep it healthy brother
Niggers shouldn't be on Jow Forums. Fuck off back to the cotton fields.
>wahh wahh
lol this guy
yep yep yep yep yepo yep
bahahahahahah another samefag by tyrone9cm
What are you, chicken?
B-cuck cuck cuck cuck
I would cut my child off in all ways except on paper (excluding them from my will being the lone exception) if they ever committed to race mixing.
.t the nigger just bitching about how white girls are disgusted by niggers in literally every race based attraction study
Are you in America, negroid?
Fucking degenerates Jill yourself white girls aren't attractive black girls look better but middle Eastern girls look good to and I highly doubt I'm going to be giving anyone my sperm
Fuck off cracker this nigger is here to stay
Your trolling but just incase your not fuck off already that ain't me
i'm tired of screen capping you fagget just clue in already you dummy
holy fuck the samefag
This user gets it. Dating black women is the best route to go; everyone complains about Tyrone stealing white women, but nobody thinks of doing the same.
Well I'm pretty sure your trying to talk to me but if you are no I'm not in the great US.
Sure why not, I don't see why I shouldn't be in America *shrug*
thats fantastic
I hope his big nigger balls are healthy af and his gene transcription is at the top of it's game. you mad? i hope the allelles responsible for fat round african asses is overexpressed just to fuck with you
Why we need the ethnostate tbqhwyf
But if you raise them right they will not end up like this. Women who date niggers have major daddy issues.
>actually gets it right
>doesn't matter bc i'm not trying to conceal it
Fuck off you degenerate bastard I swear I shall slit your throat in the name of Allah
What continent are you in then? Are you a European refugee nigger or a good nigger in Africa?
not fooling anyone schlomo
Lmao I would if I were you, the black sissy poster is waiting to put you in your place
Fuck off you pigskin I'm not here to get tracked by the Jews puppets
I fooled you into revealing yourself Benjamin
Welp it has been fun lads but I've got to go now, godspeed pigskins, godspeed.
We need pretty mixed girls with brand new genetic combinations and sexiness we've never seen yet before. We need the best ass shapes of every race to combine into super mixed girl ass shapes. HUMANITY'S GOLDEN DAWN AWAITS US
Jesus Christ, this is the disgusting thing that says he's gonna steal your white women, just a reminder for you all, fake it till you make it doesn't work
>yfw his balls have the sacred seed
>that says he's gonna steal your white women,
I said they're ugly and have shit tier bodies what are you on about
Fuck off my dick is only slightly above average you faggot there's nothing amazing about it.
I have yet to see a white woman who would date a black guy that wasn't complete trash
Well I need to go so long faggots and farewell my good crackers
>tfw this entire thread is larping jews
>Not wanting your daughter to breed with a black man so your grandchildren are Uber Race.
Mixed Race children are the master race. best of both worlds. The strength and intelligence of the black race with the looks of the white race.
Cuckposters need to be gassed asap
because thats hot as fuck
What exactly is wrong with this? They all look happy.
If I get a daughter I'm aborting
>because thats hot as fuck
Dumb sissy white boi.
Fuck is there anything hotter than small white girls getting bred by big black studs. I like to imagine a farm of white girls where black guys just go to deposit their semen
that looks really awkward. you think if a black woman walked by she would be giving them guys some hard looks. Also those whities look like plastic impure elastigirls