Letter Thread Schizoid Edition. Those letters aren't for you, just if you're wondering

Letter Thread Schizoid Edition. Those letters aren't for you, just if you're wondering.

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I had a dream about you last night. We got together again. It was my birthday but you were still kind of cold towards me. You then asked me to buy you a specific skirt for trans people (?) which really confused me. You then said you were transitioning to a man. This further confused me because I know you hate the whole idea of that. I then went out to dinner to eat with my family for my bday. An asian jewish family came in and ordered us to move from our seat so they could sit there. Fucking jews.

Uhh anyway it made me miss you for whatever reason.


Femanon, i'm pretty sure you don't like me that much. In fact i'm prett sure you hate me. And I understand - I've said some pretty bad things about you... and i'm sorry for all of it. But I just wanted to ask you...

Could you ask your friend if she likes me? Thanks.

Kill yourself. Not even your parents like you.

I guess its just me projecting
I promise I'm not a catfish or someone trying to datamine you, my feelings are geniune and I did want a life with you, in fact, /I/ would benefit the most from it, in a wholesome way, in a feelings way, and not in a abuse situation way.

I just keep photos and "proof" of people I talk to for my own personal reasons. I promise.

You probably think I love or hate you. Maybe I do. Sometimes I say things to give others an impression and it wasn't intended for you. Sometimes it was. If you wanted something different it would be. Enjoy torturing yourself either way.

There's a 100% chance the person who wrote this letter is a crazy person

Please stop stealing my initial, I want to.be the only J left thnx

I'm so, I'm so reborn... I'm moving forward

Shame we never got to cuddle and pat. Was looking forward to it.

Dear fembot,

I'm actually a really nice guy. I'm forced to act like Chad dbag /soc/ poster because it's a numbers game at the end of the day and I can't talk to enough girls if I'm respectful in my approach.

I genuinely want to meet a sweet girl who I can connect and bond with. That my situation is what it is is a reflection on the current state of society, not of any degeneracy on my end.
Contact me If any of you are in the DC/MD area. I promise you'll be shocked at how charming and handsome I am, even by normal standards, not deflated robot ones.

Yours Always,

PS I'll still be mean to you in bed though.

A is going to get benis in bagina anyway

You are torturing me.


I still think about you. The things I said the last time we chatted were cold and blunt, but that's only because I was so hurt and I tried to keep it together. I'm not angry at you, so don't worry about that. I made it sound so final even though I would still love to talk with you, but at the time it sounded like a good idea to be blunt, I had to be strong for my own sake. Please message me again sometime. We can chat like we used to.


Jokes on you I have a small peen so it would've been shit anyway.

Why is it that when I try to dig deeper into understanding myself it stirs up thoughts and images of you? I was sort of glad to hear you weren't like me in that regard, it's a shame I could never really share that side with you. Talking to you made me anxious yet aroused, curious as to why I felt such a strong attraction to you. Maybe it was my mistake for not hinting at my attraction to you and I think that is was alluding to why I am so reluctant to form proper relationships. I'm not a robot, I'm something different that can't be described by such binary terms but there is a level of familiarity. I'm trying to really understand where I've made all my mistakes and how to move forward.

Explain more about what happened? Why is she so upset with you?

Dear BPD roastie
Yous a dumb hoe fuck you and die

I understand that you probably have a reason for not talking to me, but I still want you to talk to me

I don't know what to talk about.

I don't miss you. I just wish someone would smile at me again.

Its okay though. I'm used to it.
I still don't want to talk. Reminders are bad.



I can't do that, I'm sorry

To whom for
From whom

>all these normies writing to real people
Dear Hermione Granger,
I've watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone 3 times since Monday. Your perky little boobs in Prisoner of Azkaban are like little pink Hershey kisses. You are awesome. I love you. You are the perfect debt free virgin without tattoos.

throwing a pickle down a hall way? the girl you like must have a lot of dick mileage on her. anyone besides you she says no to? sounds like you might be alone there.


i miss our palship


You had your chance a couple months ago.
Seems like you're also pulling a me.
You lost.

days seem to get longer and harder. its been awhile since we've seen eachother. i wonder when you're going to break up with him. you told me a while ago that you were talking with him about it but nothing seems to have come of that. i miss hanging out with you darling, but it doesn't really seem like you miss hanging out with me. idk. maybe im wrong. i love you. see you soon i hope.

Idk man I just made that shit up. I'm gay anyway.

please send that to Emma Watson on Twitter
also mention that you wish she was black

I miss you so badly, girl.

Dear L,

I'm sorry things are so hard for you right now. I hope that I am of some help to you still, even though we do not talk as much anymore. Please feel better soon. You are too wonderful and kind a person to never share your smile with the world again.

Love, S.


I haven't seen you in a while, I think you're the last person I spoke to face to face. You'll probably never read this but I get the feeling you browse this board, I might be wrong, but it seems like it. Anyway things are the same as usual, I'm playing video games and you're most likely off talking to people and having friends and whatever. I don't know why we don't talk as much anymore, did I do something wrong? Did I work so fucking hard to make you happy for you to give me nothing in return? Waste 8 years of my life chasing after you so that you could just ghost me all of a sudden? Wait until I find out what you've been up to. And why you haven't returned any of my calls. Don't think I won't. I always do. You can't hide anything from me you disgusting slut.

You know who.


If you get into Heaven, I won't be seeing you there. I've already talked to the big man upstairs, and it's a destination that we wouldn't share. I'll be living on the New Earth because that's all I'm worth. Personally, I sometimes don't want to go at all, and I'd rather take a fall; because I think of those set for Hell, and it's dreadful knowing most their souls are perfectly well.

How can we feel good knowing those just like us face obliteration? The thought alone is almost enough to want to demand my soul's emancipation.


I know you hate me, why won't you just actually say it so I can let go?

Maybe they don't hate you? Hate is a strong word, or so they say.

Okay how about don't care for me then.

I don't think I'm the person you're talking about because I haven't been in a relationship, or been involved with anyone, going on the third year now. I was just offering a simple explanation.

It may very well be that they don't care for you, but I doubt they hate you. If you require hate to let them go then you might be in a spot of trouble. That being said, they may have nothing against you. It's maybe they're just neutral toward you.

you're an emotional leech that has wasted 2 years of my life with your daily meltdowns, bye