Welcome to pajeet feels general. ITT we talk about our sexual statuses, methods of self improvement, recent events in the subcontinent, and justt life in general. Non indians are welcome to join but please keep trolling to a minimum.

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take this bump mate

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brunt toast = blacks
not toasted at all = whites
well toasted bread = indians

thx dude, but after lurking so much, im kind of tired of pooing on other races. Not against bants per se and im not attacking u, but it gets a tiring after a while

checked. Hinduism isn't even a religion.

"No. Hinduism is not a religion. A religion is all about certain practices and rules and regulations and God's fury if you don't follow. They always glorify God, His fury, His greatness, His compassion, His forgiveness and all sort of things like that. If you ever read Shreemad Bhagwad Gita, you'll find that it never emphasises on such notions. Because Hindutva talks about being divine and not worshipping divine, being one with God and not merely worshipping Him."

Don't ever get trapped in intellect.

yes hinduism is not a religion, sanatana dhrma and its various sects of shaivism, vasihnavism, vedic polytheism etc. are

True Hindusim is a state if being no one seems to understand that.
Worst part at the moment Hindus are like the white people of India I can slowly see it happening anything happens media jumps to blame us even when we have nothing to do.
Feels bad man
Hindu girl gets raped no one bats an eye
Muslim girl gets raped protests nation wide

Modi seems like a cool guy. India superpower 2020

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>A religion is all about certain practices and rules and regulations and God's fury if you don't follow
No it isn't. That's just how monotheistic retards do shit. Fuck, you're retarded like them

Modi is pretty good actually. He solved the black money problem. He's boosting the indian economy while looking out for the social welfare of indians as well. His opposition is mostly uneducated tards or muslim supremists.

What was the black money problem?

Massive amounts of counterfeit rupees used to be in circulation. Pretty bad for currency stabilization and regulation. The treasury was pretty corrupt as well so they did nothing about it. Modi is doing a lot better than I expected with cleaning up this stuff

Thanks for the explanation user. Sounds like he's pretty popular, so it's most likely he gets reelected? Are their term limits for the PM?

my white boss scolded me today for a tiny mistake.
if it was pre-Jow Forums, i'd have not taken seriously.
but these days, im not sure if all whites are racist and view us as subhumans

got pretty embarrassed today.

i dont know how to deal with this feeling. im down all day

I think it's 5 years. With his election, India has moved away from a secular socialist state to a more Hindu capitalist state. This in itself should not actually pose a problem to Muslims but there has been violence towards on sides and people were worried that Modi will exacerbate it. So far though nothing bad has actually happened


I see this a lot actually. Not just towards me. Indians in general get yelled at way more than whites for the tiniest fucking mistakes. I think it's because we are such a small and passive minority in the US as opposed to blacks and hispanics, who are not afraid to shout racism when anything like that happens. But Indian numbers are expected to increase a lot soon so things will change in our favor (i hope)

I know that pajeets belong on the board full of losers but I still don't like sharing my board with you. No offense you're just really gross

White people are going to regret their bullshit so much when Indians outnumber them in a few decades lmao

Indians are literally the same as jews, just with darker skin. Whites let their guards down because of this. Too bad

>Kills someone over a cow
>When they push back and complain call them a Muslim supremacist
You uneducated retards need to burn already

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>wh*toid criticizing others for killing people.

>kill for land
>kill for oil
>kill for jews
>kill for race
>kill for religion

you abrahamic filth must be burnt first and we'll achieve world peace


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rincy bunkky sink a boonga boonga tinky dinky rink

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have you cut your dick yet wh*teboi?

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waaaaaaaaaa im superior aryan
im also neet

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why are barely any indians into indian spirituality? its so cool holy fuck. fucking babaji of the Himalayas, hanuman, trailanga.... these fuckers r so cool

>tfw when no skinny, smart indian boyfriend

>ywn be a British colonial administrator with 13 bibis.

>wishing the Bengal famine of 1943 killed you all

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pajeets are the true robots, at my uni women pretend that average guys are invisible but with pajeets their hatred is so obvious, it feels like pajeets are their natural enemies. It's not uncommon to see blacks and even asian guys dating a slut but the pajeets are always alone.

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>whit*oid wants a race killed. surprise!

seriously, if the black plague had killed you all, there'd be no wars in the world.
we'd all be dancing around fires enjoying life

Who pajeet hapa here? Also do pajeet fembot gfs exist?

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>tfw you are tired of washing yourself in the stagnant river

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thoughts on the Pakistani elections lads?

women are intimidated by how handsome we are

>nuke everyone on the earth bc they're degenrate scum, except for me , of course! I'm the only decent person . Nuke everything!!11

Kill yourself you self hating cuck

>recent events in the subcontinent

A women's group is trying very hard to keep female genital mutilation legal.

best friend is Indian and feels awkward to ask him,
what does Hinduism teach about sexuality? Are robojeets seen as failures or ascended hermits? any good kinky stories?
Also, got any favorite chapters of The Panchatantra?

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When will these fags learn?
Also how do I get a qt asian gf as a pajeet?

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>looks at nuke button uneasily
>glances to 500 year supply of tendies
>headbutts nuke button full force

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meh, doesn't matter when i smoke a pack a day and never workout

It's the .,,,, jewws?

PUFF, 2, 3, 4 PUFF, 2 , 3, 4

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