163 IQ here.
Bow down to me brainlet cuckolds.
163 IQ here.
Bow down to me brainlet cuckolds.
>January 3rd 2017
It's really been that long since I first shared this. I like to come on every once in a while to make you feel bad.
My IQ is around 120 something. But fuck that, I say my IQ is 100 because it literally doesn't matter from 100-140.
What's mensa like?
Like club meetings where in everyone circle jerks
nobody fucking cares. i bet you didn't even go to saw con
Anyone could say that. Go into detail.
>doesn't care
>replies anyways
Guess who's inferiority complex is showing?
Bow down, I am a benevolent man.
141 user here
so did you go to saw con?
I'm sure buddy :) Ur real smart arent ya? That's why you post here instead of doing something with your life like every other legitimately high IQ person
Faggot lmao
You're attempting to trap me with a thing that doesn't exist, so you can say I was lying when I am unaware of what you're saying.
you must be really fucking autistic. did you go to saw con or not? it was hosted 2 months ago
What was hosted two months ago?
Saw Con
What is saw con?
Can you prove you exist yet?
sawcon my dick faggot
>standardized test
>accurate measure of intelligence / intellect
Pick one.
>163 IQ here
And what do you do with your life?
Nobody cares about your faggot personality bullshit. What a sub 100 IQ thing to say, holy shit you're really disabled
What does that matter, though? What does that mean for the universe?
5 replies just to blurt out an errant pun. As a comedian this disgusts me.
Can you prove I don't?
What do you think? Anyone on this website claiming to have an IQ over 120 is not only lying, but a complete and utter failure in life.
I actually can't believe that worked with all the Ligma and succondese shit.
OP just proved he's a fucking retard
>Right click on picture from google
>Save Image as
>Blank out the names and addresses
>"hehe i can now flex on Jow Forums pretending i'm really smart"
But this time original.
I was tested at around 150 and had the results broken down to me. I wonder how that has changed as I have gotten older (been like 3 years, was 18 and am now 21). Knowing me, it has probably declined quite a bit despite such declines being atypical.
>tfw still a failure despite high iq, good grades, and countless opportunities for success
>tfw cry myself to sleep most nights.
I wish I was just some dumb whore desu
Woopies guess who forgot to save there paint edits.
saw con guy here. but seriously, why do you feel the need to brag about some (probably innacurate) number that judges how smart you are at the very specific topics they give you?
>translation: i'm too autistic to get a girlfriend so i use the long version of words to make people think i'm smart
>translation: an ironic word that only heavily autistic people would ever use unironically, trying to make people think they're smart but they're actually autistic
>this entire post
>translation: desperate beg for attention
>blurt & errant
>translation: trying to sound smart by saying longer words like an idiot
also, you say you're a comedian but you get "disgusted" at some ironic joke. who's the real brainlet?
You are confirming you are the INFP then, yes? How does it feel being inferior?
>And what do you do with your life?
Make people laugh for money. Great job, really. Tremendous socially, low workload, great pay for hours worked, lots of vacation time. No bosses. I also play piano, write books, and am dabbling in composing with an orchestra.
Comedian. Investor. Philanthropist. Author. Also have the fallback of nutritionist and historian.
PhD in lacking education.
My philosophy was originally to acquire as much money as possible, to retire as soon as possible, so that I could focus on my hobbies. But why stop there? With the potential I have been blessed with; I use all of my time towards furthering an objective. You will of course need time to rest, that is when you use a productive hobby, such as the piano, to craft melodies, all the while increasing intelligence further through neurogenesis, which has been documented to cause brain cell growth in the hippocampus. It will also increase neuron connections in your brain, making you progressively smarter.
When I first took an IQ test, I was tested at 125. Let that sink in.
Nice edit of my profile there. Good work.
So your an asspie.
For being so high IQ you are kinda boring
>l-look at how cool I am guiz!
Also, as a note.
>he actually believes that the myers-briggs test is a valid tool to assess human personality
>something that has the same predictive capability of a horoscope sign
Yes. Only retards and asspies post here.
>t. INFP
I'm content with my insane capacity for factual recall, I don't need a slip from some fancy institute to validate my ego like the majority of MENSAns do. I've seen the mags your ilk get because my stepdad's a member, and jesus christ... half the articles are about how emotionally sensitive and prone to illness "geniuses" are and their idea of fun is greek sudoku. It's literally the ultimate buzzkill. Heard some super cringey stories about the meetups you all host as well.
But what do you do with your life though
woops, meant to reply to OP my bad lol
> super cringy Mensa stories
Tell us about wannabe geniuses, aka Asspies, acting like tards. We wanna laugh at them.
>Pays a lot of money for an IQ "test"
>Paye even more money to be a part of a made up little club that literally accomplishes nothing.
Yep, real intelligent there. I'll send you my patent pending really super official IQ test and tell you that you got a 199 IQ, literally the smartest man ever for the low low price of 1000 bucks. Also, I have a great deal on a bridge in Brooklyn if you are interested.
Your samefagging is annoying. I do give you props for your persistence, however.
It is clear you have done this for years.
>speaking in personality types
>thinking predicting something literally anyone else could makes you smart
>inferiority complexes because I said so
OP here. It's more about your ability to do well on standardized testing than anything else.
If you solve puzzles in your free time, I find it far more likely that you'll do well on visual spacial aspects of the test.
So naturally, there are SOME (and I mean some) people who think using big words is an aspect of intelligence. Much like reddit. These are the one that likely studied.
to be fair IQ =/= Intelligence
IQ just calculates your problem solving abilities and abstract thinking but nothing else. Just because you have high IQ doesn't mean you'll take intelligent decisions in the future and absolutely doesn't make you socially smart.
The system is flawed as you can actually train yourself on the type of questions/problems to actually get good at them and score a high IQ; most of the time it's just "find the next one in the sequence".
>when Hawking jr. references pop psychology
As a note, you are given a base intelligence in your life, but beyond that you can increase it dramatically through the process of neurogenesis.
And yet you still won't answer me regarding your type. It's obvious I am correct.
Wrong if you're not born a braincel then you're always going to be retarded. Why do you think there was only one Einstein?
Eq ov 15
So you, chestnuts
Your life is a joke, that doesn't make you a comedian
It's more about applied smarts than anything, since IQ really only evaluates the visuospatial and mathematical aspects of intelligence and tends to neglect others this is great for sperglords because it completely ignores their social retardation
Feynman IIRC only had an IQ score of 120 and while that might be due to test limitations in his day I don't think his case is that uncommon
also you have absolute flops like Sidis who spend the majority of their lives washing fucking dishes after mastering latin and greek at the age of nine or some shit so the benefits of IQ are greatly exaggerated
>And yet you still won't answer me regarding your type. It's obvious I am correct.
I'm not even that user from before you retard. I don't give a shit about personality tests.
Spergs waste their IQ on memorizing shit about sonic that nobody gives a fuck about. A high IQ is only useful if the intelligence is applied to useful shit, not boring factoids about crappy anime that autists love to sperg out over.