>year 2019
>women have invented the "height game"
>they go around in bands with iPhones
>use the height app on an unaware guy
>if he's under 6' proceed to ask his height
>if he says 6' they all laugh, yell he's a manlet liar, slap him and publish it all online for everyone to see
>it's a growing epidemic
>Men suicide rate skyrocketing
Year 2019
Is it based on proportion or what.
im legitimately 6'1" so this does not worry me.
6'4" so I think people shouldn't lie about height
This is good for the long-term survival of our species. Manlets don't need to reproduce, and it keeps them from being able to lie their way into fatherhood.
We'd need to make sure that
Exactly this. Manlets end up manlets because their moms are 5'5
Ugly men exist because ugly women are allowed to reproduce
>Apple specifically and deliberately building anti-male shaming features into its products
Im 6 foot 1 but this still makes me want to die
Just return fire.
Women are supposed to be more emotionally vulnerable to insults.
Height doesn't help if you're a White beta which all of you are. See attached.
Being good at throwing balls through hoops is only useful if you actually do it for a living.
hot, if only they would also spit on him aswell then, too bad I'm over 6'
we should start the kill game where we go around killing roasties
>This is good for the long-term survival of our species.
Say what now?
6'2" here and no gf, this height stuff is bullshit
Manlets ruin everything and kill massive amounts of people, look at starlin and hitler.
It's a physical activity like everything else, and practicing it will get you stronger and more fit.
>year 2019
>women have invented the "height game"
>they realise they can't estimate height for shit
>all the guys they thought were tall are actually 5'10"
If we are going to argue then it should be "fair"
>b-but don't use an app to see what I look like without caked on makeup, you sexist incel bigot!
A 5'5" Mom would make a 5'10" child. You're thinking of 5'0" moms.
>women aren't shallo-
That's still a manlet
guarantee you it doesn't take into account shoes since image recognition isn't good enough to tell stuffing from real body parts inside shoes. so RDJ is going to count as something lik 5'8 on this thing. it's a joke.
How do I know you are ugly.
5'5 on a woman equates to AVERAGE height, which means you're not going to end up particularly short or tall just because of her. if your dad is tall you'll be tall, if your dad is short you might end up short etc.
Underrated truth being posted here
Why do we allow manlets to live? They're literally worse than NIGGERS
We shouldn't. It needs to be a crime. Manlets need to be put on a sex-offender-like list that blocks them from being able to date, hold positions in government, and otherwise have sex.
I AM 5'9"
>6'4" so I think people shouldn't lie about height
Did you know manlets always add inches to their height? I'm 6'2" so I've always been honest but a 5'7" dude will claim he's 5'9".
Should I start claiming to be 6'3"?
Remember that app that revealed what a face looks like under makeup? Just use that on them if they ask your height.
I'm gonna start a business: Height shirts. You input your height and you buy a shirt with it plastered on the front.
There are no sizes, it is generated based on your height. If you're too fat then it can be a weight loss goal to fit into your height shirt.
And there is a secret Big Boy shirt thrown in if you are exactly 6'4"
Dont really care. Stacy's are the only ones who do this and i dont want to date a stacy. Im 5"7'? And i havent had an issue dating or finding relationships with girls i actually like.
Ive dated 2 taller girls and its never really been brought up.
My old group of friends were all taller than me and all of them but one had bigger dicks than i did and in the 4 years i knew them they never got laid.
>women freak out and go on about misogyny when the makeup remover app was released
>now this is out and women herald it as the best thing
I'm 6'1 and claim to be 5'10. Just to fuck with manlets.
>tfw 6'0 tall with any shoe on
>6'1 if i wear my big boy boots
checkmate roasties
>tfw 198cm
feels good, fuck manlets
I can honestly say that this subreddit is the funniest fucking shit on reddit. Y'all complain about the entitlement of women in posts that scream male privilege. I actually can't get over it, y'all are too fucking funny, the posts are just too sad. I wish you all the best in growing more than two brain cells and realising that you're the problem, not the people around you. And before y'all @ me, your lil nicknames for privileged women aren't going to offend me, I'm too high up on my throne and can?t here shorties below
>Tecate lite
Bruh... nobody south of the border driks lite beer.
you know the romans were manlets right
Interesting that you're throwing a hissy fit about this, but MakeApp was perfectly okay :)
bye bye now
scoot that line up just a bit more. florida and texas are shitholes
finally someone understands, many retards can't understand that ugly and short people still exist not because of the men but because of the women, since hypergamy is real and men have no standards to reproduce
5'9 is lanklet tier for me, kill yourself fake manlet. You can get a date by snapping your fucking fingers at any time.
>t. 5'3
why must you hurt my feefees
be a supreme gentleman and give them a free coffee in the face
>been able to get away with claiming 6' all this time
>actually 5'11"
>no way to hide it now
the game is fucking up, lads
>I'm endorsing eugenics on a board that wouldn't exist if it was implemented
People who post on this board have no self awareness
People don't stand around with the posture they have when measuring their height. The measurements will always be off by a few inches.
>he wants to exist
I request you leave this board and never return.
Shit, New Zealand is cancer.
Might as well join the high suicide rates for under 30s
>5'11 and 3/4 of an inch
game over
in what bizzaro world do these bitches live in where everyone is 6ft+?
i rarely EVER see anyone that tall. most people in my state are 5ft to 5.10ft
Old friend of mine was a fucking giant. Talking about like 1.90m when he was only 14. Both his parents were below 1.70.
>Following the "Height Game" outrage
>Males everywhere start using the iOS measuring tool
>Measure females waist sizes
>Measure leg length
>Measure chest/shoulder and waist/hip proportions
>Any female not adhering to perfect, largely unattainable standards is posted online and relentless shamed
>Sales of full length coats, sunglasses, ice cream, and family "totally not a suicide attempt" sized bottles of Tylenol skyrocket
was about to ask before I saw the filename.
Is the new one any good?
antarctica did nothing wrong
Praying to god a girl does this to me
I don't get it, why not just play the weight game back? Also you can just be honest about your height, I've shrunk to 5'11" over the last few years and frankly that's still plenty tall. Being in shape and having lots of money has been more important to my game than anything.
Shoulda bought into bitcoin back in 2008, fags.
>The year of our lord, 2018 plus one
>Caring what women think
we gotta get them back with the "hip to waist ratio game" to see if they are fit to bear children
good post, contains multiple levels of armor that /r9cels/ won't be able to detect until they're caught in the trap
I'm 6'3 but this still makes me fucking mad because of how roasties acted like that app to remove makeup from pictures of women was a crime against humanity.
Not that user but I tried watching the new logh and I can say for sure watch the old one if you haven't already, better yet watch a remastered version online. The CGI and new character designs are too modern anime-esque with weird hairdos, while the original anime made it seem more realistic. Overall the original is a masterpiece that cannot be replicated.
i bet you dont even live in auckland
like it isn't obvious as fuck that I'm a manlet
My mom and dad are both taller than me
I would give 5 inches off of my 6'0" height if it meant I could have a charismatic personality.
You faggots seriously overestimate it. Height will get your foot in the door( never happened for me btw), but it won't maintain the position if you can't make her laugh.
This is true I'm 5'8 and women laugh at me all the time.
>go to grocery store to get spaghetti
>girl asks my height
>tell her 4u
>she stares at me like I'm retarded
>realize she didn't say i was a big guy
>can't meme my way out of this one
>lose spaghetti and go home
>can't shop there anymore
Should have said "you too".
>"hey user how tall are you"
>"fuck off"
why are you making this a big deal
>men and women are divided all over the world
>both sexes are creating scientific breakthroughs to one up each other
>average male height is 9 feet tall
>average female cup size is tripple g
Daily reminder that sexual selection has literally driven all kinds of species into extinction due to roasties forcing males to invest biological energy into absurd shit like antlers and larger brains for stupid mating rituals instead of stuff that actually helps them survive.
>tfw you will never to get a eat female members of these species alive
Feels bad.
Damn, that's unfortunate.
At least I've still got some movies and misc OVAs to watch. Dunno what I'll do after that, learn moon I guess.
Easy I just carry a scale around.
When they step on it start laughing regardless of weight.
Not that it matters I say I'm like 5'4 when I'm 5'8.
why is my meme about .png's a .jpg?
I'm 6'2 but always claim to be 5'11.
Makes manlets look even shorter
I mean, I personally wouldn't watch the new anime until finishing all of the older material, but I guess if you wanna watch the new anime after it wouldn't hurt. I just wouldn't recommend it as a substitute for the original series. For example they ruined the character design of Reuenthal, and I don't even have the heart to show you how the ruined Julian.
>pic related
there should be an app that tells you how many men a woman has slept with or if her pussy is roast beef
I'm short but still identify as 6'4, so what the hell can they do?
ah man, I just looked at images of the anime a bit ago to see for myself. Didn't even recognize Julian at first.
Maybe I'll consider it one of these days if I have nothing else to do, but some of those redesigns are gut-wrenching.
wait theres a height measuring app now?
How many of you blokes over 6 foot actually have girlfriends?
t.manlets are all heights
Whites are just straight up better than blacks at everything
>be 6'1-6'3
>want a gf that's 4'7-5'2
at least i don't want kids
those apps don't even work half way right
6'2 is giant tier?
How did you shrink user? what height did you shrink from?
I'm a joke regardless
I'm 6'10 and I would become 5'7 if it gave me a good frame and attractive face.
Haha user. It works better if you say 6 on the dot then all those insecure pansies who say they are 6 get shit on in public
>185 pounds
>If any femoid tried to do this to me I would slam them and their entire group of roastie friends back down to the Earth.
Feels good to be stronk
Are you retarded? My mom was 5'5 and I turned out 6'3.
Im the same weight at 5ft16. Wat do?
don't lie about height but if they do this, just use makeapp. Men lie about height, women lie about facial features. Attack an insecurity with an insecurity and you have even footing.
Maybe put on some more weight, or get heavy into weight lifting and maybe some light steroids to increase your strength.