R9k is being attacked

big brother Jow Forums here
I've come to warn you guys about the sheer amount of trannies attacking you guys in particular because of how unsatisfied you are with life. (Which we know all too well.)
Don't be tricked by these fucking degenerates. It's not in your best interests, especially when trannies get to about 50 then realize they're a fucking monster and rope themselves, becoming a 1 in 2 suicide chance statistic.
Ignore anyone telling you to take hormone treatment, call them out on their faggotry.
Do not mutilate your genitals, if you want to change yourself, fix sleep schedule, eat decent and work out, just a bit.
Good luck anons, I'm gonna go to sleep.

Attached: trannies invading r9k.png (538x495, 50K)

Before I go, I genuinely want you all to not die.
I don't wish death on the trannies either, they'll do it themselves.
Good luck, and 1488.

>big brother pol
>big crack head brother pol that visits every month and asks for money and flirts with your gf while holding his son's hand
Is more like it, faggot.

most of us know and we've already withheld this gay shit before
the degenerate robots among us who fall for their tricks are no loss either

we are all well aware, buddy.
thanks for the heads up, tho

Dear God, pol has infiltrated this board more than previously thought!

not all to bothered that a pol fag is here but yeah the ones who fall for this shit are degenerate enough.

/r1488/ when?

Nobody cares, keep your board to yourself.

Also, I remember seeing that image a couple of weeks ago, literally nobody unironically trannyposts(except for the interracial guy, but nobody talks about him).

pol are allies against normalfaggots like u

No I kind of agree. Robots aren't complete retards, just sad people. Anyone who browses this board for more than a day should know that the tranny treads should be ignored just like pretty much any fetish thread

can i get the discord? these are my kinds of people!

this shit is so boring now

lmao youre so pathetic

>Good luck, and 1488.
Kek. This is the silliest shit I've read all day

I agree, it was somewhat fun with the reiko drama and whatnot but now it's just so played out and it's just by a bunch of literal whos. Nobody cares anymore about your "epic" raids.
If you actually fell for these shit-tier bait "lmao why don't you become the gf" then you're fucking retarded.

wait is aeromatic a fucking cult leader making traps
who love him

Attached: 1532116419800s.jpg (125x83, 3K)

discord link pls?? would reallly love to talk to people who think like I do....

There's nothing wrong with traps. I'm not gay, but I wish I was so I could love myself and wouldn't be tantalized by shitty women.

>it's a Jow Forums fags create another conspiracy to justify spamming the board episode
Dont forget the tumblr "raid" they imagined, and don't forget who was really behind all the Reiko shit
Fuck off Jow Forums

Ok thanks, I needed someone to say this to me or I might have become gay. You are a good man, user.

dumbfuck that was months ago

It was deleted a month ago

that's nothing
this one autist kept reposting a screenshot for literal YEARS

Attached: years.png (728x835, 121K)