>therapist told me I should go to an anime convention to meet new people
Is this a scientifically valid advice? It doesn't sound like one to me.
Therapist told me I should go to an anime convention to meet new people
>finding people who share interests with you
absolutely groundbreaking stuff, give the therapist a fucking nobel prize.
yes user, it is good advice, go and make friends in real life
>muh science
a therapist once told me to go out partying by myself cause i told her i couldnt find anyone
i dont really trust therapists
What's scientifically proven is that loneliness is harmful, even physically, and social relations correlate with good health and contribute to mental wellbeing. But the guy knows you can't find friends on your own so he comes up with a sort of solution for you. The problem is real, the solutions are make up as you go along. But if you haven't been able to solve it on your own, you may as well listen to them
This is solid advice, but your problem is you'd have no idea what to even do to initiate that.
How would I even succeed tho? Everyone already goes with friends if I understand right, I don't want to be a creep.
How would that even work? I have been dragged to several and everybody basically goes around in groups.
Yeah, you'd have to find a way to bleed into other people's groups naturally. Sounds like heroic levels of charisma are required.
no it really isnt, there is no more a more sad sight to see on a night out than a lone man trying to find people to hang out/dance with. cause people go out with their friends, and generally stay with them/talk to people they have at least kinda known before that they think are 'cool' enough to talk to
>you'd have to find a way to bleed into other people's groups naturally
Yes, user, nobody is going to think you're an autistic retard at all. There's no way to do something like that.
Read books on body language, conversation and socializing. Observe how people act around you and imitate them to the best of your ability, just be more tactful and interested or emotionally validating to them than they are to you.
Maybe find a place to post something like "going to PedoCon alone because my friend backed out last minute, who's up for drinks xD" and try to arrange some company to have while you're there. If there's a fb group for the con, ask if there's any other fans of something particular you wanna see, and ask if they'd wanna check it out with you
I always wonder why you tards act like it's so hard to meet people when it's 2018 and nerds have meetings/conventions/meetups readily available
>anime convention
your therapist is a fucking faggot
when i go out with friends i usually go off by myself and dance with random girls and find new friends too. its not a sad sight at all. the sad sight is a guy sitting with a group of friends all night getting drunk and goes sleeping alone.
been to an anime con, while people there are usually happy to be there they mostly want to be left the fuck alone. you would have to creep up on people and not fuck up your first impression (they already hate being bothered in the first place)
You're only holding yourself back if you feel this way.
>dude, it's all your fault
>dude, you're just not trying enough
kys, literally a normalfag advice
I mean it's true though. It's easier said than done but you've got to fully overcome the fear of rejection and embarrassment and you only do that by throwing yourself into these kinds of situations
Who said therapists have to give groundbreaking advice? What are you talking about?
t. therapist who wants to steal more money
You don't want to be friends with the kind of people that go to anime conventions, trust me.
No, just ask the rapist to fuck. If they're committed to getting you better they'll at least give you a hand
Doesnt work if youre socially awkard. People will just ignore you
This. It's genuinely not that hard to meet people. Find out when the next anime convention or whatever the fuck you're into is gonna be near you and go to it.
Be interesting. It's a convention so there are basically no rules. If you go in with an awesome costume, or do something interesting there, people will find you.
>be interesting
I'm not interesting
>go with a costume
I'm not gonna go alone with a costume, I would look stupid
Well my dude, it seems you are fucked.
you can go to slower bars and try to become one of the regulars. it's not so bad. I did this but at some point it fell apart and i got banned from the bar because I'm autistic.
> I did this but at some point it fell apart and i got banned from the bar because I'm autistic
What exactly did you do user?
honestly I don't know. I can only assume I got too chummy with people and staff at the bar who were more in the mode of being disinterested. maybe i am obnoxious when I am drunk or something idk. I'm just not good at socializing, normies always eventually pick up on this even though initially they may more receptive to being friendly to you.