"What's that user, it's time for another catigrl thread?"

>"What's that user, it's time for another catigrl thread?"
You know the drill.

Attached: .jpg (968x1024, 86K)

Catgirls are objectively better than normal women, this is a fact.

Attached: .jpg (573x525, 239K)

Oh, I love catgirl threads.

Attached: 9fd03be3385c58a4fb74d8bb1fd08cfe--catgirl-anime-art.jpg (477x637, 33K)

Thank you for the thread, OP.
Everyone needs to know this fact. It's undertaught
Thank you.

Catgirls, catgirls. Haha

Attached: Konachan.com_-_139063_sample.jpg (1500x1125, 1.68M)

Cat girls are kawaii sugoi desu ne~ :3

Attached: 1532389674043.png (970x1263, 807K)

>tfw catgirls will never be real

Attached: 1523498642627.jpg (640x640, 13K)

It hurts my heart to know I'll never get to be with one.

Attached: 1.jpg (1024x683, 111K)

Catgirls are very kawaii. Thank you.
They will be real, user!
In Heaven

This is not an unoriginal post. Mr. Robot.

Attached: 2.png (724x1023, 992K)

Thank you very much for posting Chocola and vanilla, user. I really love them and they're special to me. I see them as my waifus.
Thanks for the cute catgirl sitting.

I hope they are. That would make all this suffering worth it.

Attached: .png (1158x1204, 800K)

This post exists on the board that has the url of r9k.

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The sun is a star in the solar system.

Attached: .jpg (1920x1079, 151K)

Rare picture of the catgirl planet by undercover operatives in the Trump Space Force.

Attached: .jpg (1800x1200, 1.41M)

Catgirl hunter in an archery contest.

Attached: .jpg (1024x600, 188K)

Catgirl in a dress. Orig.

Attached: .jpg (1070x700, 88K)

More Chocola and Vanilla. Not spam.

Attached: .jpg (1500x968, 271K)

Catgirls are simply perfect.

Attached: .jpg (2048x1448, 670K)

it's so cute :3

Catgirls are great!

Attached: --bastet-original-drawn-by-houtengeki--6eab0652c92b258c3c5cb7877154bf7e.jpg (1632x1500, 653K)

Have you built your own petgirl yet, anons?

Attached: 419134fed12c49c2a53ffdb0277b2adb[1].jpg (350x524, 22K)

Has a variety of ear- and hair options and even an alternate color scheme available

Attached: Frame-Arms-Girl-Innocentia-Blue-ver-model-kit-_1[1].jpg (400x380, 37K)

I've made her in my mind if that counts. I go and see her whenever I feel sad. The downside is when I stop I feel even worse.

I want a catgirl pet to take ownership of me!

Attached: __black_cat_d_va_and_d_va_overwatch_drawn_by_choney__sample-f912463bae58c2c717fa41cda57e4271.jpg (850x1276, 214K)

I'll probably end up getting the kit I posted at some point, as she's the closest I can get to real life petgirls for the time being and I've already got another girl from the same line
Probably gonna get the blue version because of that delicious tan

>petgirl thread isn't getting any traffic

Attached: angrydognoises[1].jpg (800x450, 101K)

I gotta take a nap, but when I get back I'll dump a ton of shit.

Thank you user, I'll try to keep it alive until I go to bed and hopefully we'll have some more people in by then

yall mind if a fellow user just...
spam best catpanion?

Attached: Maple Shrug.png (259x224, 16K)

That's a sexy image of Cheshire cat. Thank you, user. I hope the suffering ends soon.
Cute maid catgirl! Thanks
Catgirl in a swimming suit. I like it. Thanks
Why can't this be real? Thank you, user.
Pretty catgirl. I hope she makes it out okay. Thanks user.
Cute. Thanks user.
Thank you for posting the cast of Nekopara, which incidentally has Chocola and Vanilla, my 2 (two) waifus in it. I appreciate it very much. Thank you, user.
Comfy relaxed catgirl. Pretty. Thank you, user.
Curvy catgirl. Thanks, user.
Not yet. Not yet.
Would do it, too. Thanks, user.
Sorry, user. I've been doing things. I hope traffic gets heavier. Thanks

Bumping with headpats

This post is original, damn it

Attached: get[1].gif (540x300, 1.63M)

Catgirls are the cutest. Orig.

Attached: 1.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

ANOTHER cat girl thread?
here we go fellas...

Attached: prepare to get bullied.jpg (842x848, 70K)

Hello, Mapleposter. Thanks for the cute catpanion.

This is a post that is a post and is not a spam post.

Attached: 2.jpg (2880x1800, 253K)

Wow, it's amazing how much of a post this is!

Attached: 3.jpg (2560x1600, 239K)

This one is especial and originally nice.

Attached: 4.jpg (2757x1867, 646K)

Origional post here, that's all. No spam.

Attached: 5.jpg (3500x1969, 238K)

Nothing to see here, just move along to the next catgirl.

Attached: 6.jpg (1600x1000, 503K)

Catgirl, with a cat, blowing a bubble.

Attached: 7.jpg (900x1202, 317K)

Cute catgirl with a sword.

Attached: 8.jpg (1600x900, 192K)

The resolution on this might not be good, if so, sorry.

Attached: 9.jpg (540x671, 58K)

Rubbing your catgirl is part of your duty as owner. Thanks, user.
I agree. They're a blessing. I can't wait for them to be real. Thanks, user.
Cute Miqo'te! I wish they were real. Thank you, user.
Every catgirl post deserves a reply. Thank you for posting a catgirl.
Cute! Makes me smile. Thanks, user.
Edgy catgirl? Thanks.
She's already in my bag. It's too late. Thank you, user.
Pretty. Good artwork. Thank you.
>tfw will never go on a grand quest with a catpanion wielding a sword
Why live?
Thanks, user.
It's all good. Thank you, user.

I really need to get some sleep. Next image is the last for a bit.

Attached: 10.jpg (940x1410, 337K)

See yall later. Keep the thread cute.

Attached: 11.png (934x1200, 1.33M)

Also, that's a scythe. I don't know why I agreed with you on it being a sword. Still
>tfw no catpanion
Why live?
Miqo'te are the best race. Thank you, user. Rest well!
I'll see you later, catgirlposter. Thank you.

I love her milkies
Love her middriff

Attached: __jahy_jahy_sama_wa_kujikenai_drawn_by_konbu_wakame__sample-9250d32d30f55b64641a84deea3c6607.jpg (850x1204, 95K)

Perfect catgirl thighs


Ruby a cute

>ywn be a genetically altered spy infiltrating a catgirl planet for the sake of covertly integrating them into the federation

Page 9, I got back just in time.
It hurts. I guess heaven is our only hope.

Attached: 12.jpg (578x1029, 53K)

Nice trips for a nice catgirl.

Attached: 13.jpg (640x1136, 136K)

Your money or your life! But...hmm...maybe there's something else you can give me...

Attached: 14.jpg (400x400, 26K)

This is a very cute catgirl. She may be mad, but not at you, because she loves you more than anything.

Attached: 15.jpg (736x1009, 88K)

I really like her hair in this one.

Attached: 16.jpg (736x1253, 78K)

Catgirl at a dentist appointment. Their teeth require frequent checkups.

Attached: 17.jpg (564x1003, 58K)

"What do you mean we'll never be together"

Attached: 18.jpg (640x796, 69K)

Very nice catgirl with a very nice hat.

Attached: 19.png (811x1200, 1.34M)

Those sure are some big ears. I wonder how she would react if you touched them.

Attached: 20.jpg (500x732, 39K)

Oh no, a catgirl has been captured!

Attached: 21.jpg (600x852, 77K)

Good thing you were there to save her.

Attached: 22.jpg (640x766, 67K)

I sure am glad we went on this walk user, the park is so nice this time of year.

Attached: .png (1031x1565, 1.53M)

Origional post, containing a qt catgirl.

Attached: 24.jpg (736x1530, 99K)

>But...hmm...maybe there's something else you can give me...
B-but that would be lewd!

This counts god bless you all

Attached: F663025E-86F9-4FF7-8127-719FDBF6EC27.jpg (600x848, 117K)

Very cute. I really like catgirls in jackets and nothing else.

Attached: 25.jpg (1080x1920, 365K)

Take your furfaggotry to you fucks.

>Ears and a tail = furry
Wrong, you just can't handle how perfect catgirls are.

Attached: .jpg (724x1024, 74K)

More keyhole. Origionaly.

Attached: 27.jpg (1600x1131, 235K)

Some NSFW coming up.

Attached: .jpg (2590x3624, 701K)

Double the catgirl, double the fun.

Attached: .jpg (1500x844, 513K)

Checked, but pretty sure one's not a catgirl

Now some wholesome headpats.
Fox I guess, close enough.

Attached: 30.png (653x926, 435K)

Thank you for the spoiler.
I prefer my cat girls without lewd

Lewd is good also what the hell is non-ascii text

Attached: 25454745-5730-4440-B434-5FFC8005EDF9.jpg (600x848, 121K)

I wish user would take a nice rest and sit on my thighs and lap!

Attached: __miqo_te_and_warrior_final_fantasy_and_final_fantasy_xiv_drawn_by_momoko_momopoco__sample-13c5b67c5 (850x1020, 174K)

Alrighty, here's some more headpats.

Attached: .jpg (640x903, 75K)

I seem to have made a mistake and accidentally posted another catgirl thread without noticing this one.
I will keep posting in the other, but here is a catgirl for this thread.

Attached: neko_126.jpg (2521x3508, 1.17M)

Now I face out I hold out
I reach out to the truth of my life
Seeking to seize on the whole moment, yeah

Attached: 1488798594651.jpg (800x1138, 289K)

Time for some white haired qts.

Attached: 23.jpg (471x880, 70K)

Post lyrics with your cat girls

Attached: 1489014865618.jpg (1127x1600, 255K)

That's one lewd catgirl
Is she in heat? Does she need help with that?

Very nice. Originginginoly.

Attached: 33.jpg (747x800, 284K)

Very nice one user, saved.

Attached: 34.jpg (676x1000, 392K)

I've got some super lewd catgirls and just lots of lewd anime girls in general but I can appreciate just plain cute catgirls so I'll respect that other user's wishes that lewd ones get spoiler'd

Attached: 1490105047136.jpg (1178x1669, 197K)

Not the other user, but i also like spoilered for lewds.

Attached: neko_206.jpg (1954x1201, 601K)

I like catgirls in short shorts

Attached: __drawn_by_m_da_s_tarou__sample-79c9a87768d6c9afc674b19543865bef.jpg (850x1200, 184K)

They are good, but i like skirts more in general.

Attached: neko_225.jpg (4961x7016, 1.97M)

Skirts provide easier access for lewd acts

maybe, but they cover more when not being lewded.

Attached: neko_159.jpg (1240x1754, 524K)

I love skirts too they're super cute. I don't have too many cat girls in skirt though

Attached: zvoT0dE.jpg (2240x3200, 412K)

I have quite a few.
I don't feel like making images smaller right now, I have too many catgirls that are above 2MB.

Attached: neko_141.jpg (2091x2953, 1.54M)

Honestly I don't get the point of downloading images larger than 1MB and with proportions larger than like 1200 unless you're trying to make it your desktop background

Attached: 1523610024129.jpg (600x894, 65K)

Are they supposed to have two sets of ears, or no?

I enjoy the high quality
Uh oh, i have 2 catgirl 186's.

Attached: neko_186.jpg (1240x1748, 350K)

No, definitely not. That's a girl wearing cat ears.

I don't really notice the difference much
I like that one's slight chubbiness and small tits nice choice user
Also how come you name yours? I used to name individual files when I first started collecting anime girls years ago.

Attached: tumblr_o6i2drjNEk1v6dvjyo3_540.jpg (540x675, 222K)

Thad depends on if they're a biological catgirl, got surgery, or are just cosplaying.

Is this a Kizuna Ai catgirl?