>getting drunk, partying
>some netflix show she likes
>some menial job or some bullshit bachelor's degree
>sedan or minivan her parents are paying for
>leggings and a hoodie
Where are the girls my age who aren't just this bitch copypasted a million times? I'm fucking sick of running into the same cunt no matter where I look. They're fucking bums.
Libraries. Music stores. The Pottery Barn, I assume.
All of those would contain these girls if there even are girls there
But they'll also have a cutiebug curled up in some hidden nook.
I'm not gonna pull a fucking Elliot and sit around in Barnes and Nobles waiting for pussy to magically appear. Just tell me where I can find someone who isn't Ctrl+v: The Person.
I'm not even kidding, I get sick of one's shit and the very next one I meet it's like I'm back to the exact same shit. Even the media they like is identical. Meeting a new one is like picking up where you left off with the last one.
these whores were likely 14 or 15 in 2013, get ready for gen z's comeuppance in a few years
This made me laugh
Nobody said that you should spend time in a place that you aren't interested in, yourself.
What are your interests, Anonymous?
we want cutiebugs
not girls wearing uggs
Comfy thread. Reminded me I am sometimes glad not to be a normie. Imagine it. The exact same emotions, experiences, effortless happiness, experienced billions and billions of times by 95% of people. The universe probably cherishes us. We feel pain and disconnectedness. It is probably a breath of fresh air
what does it matter if the universe cherishes us when all we will ever know is the human existence? we're at the low end of the spectrum in most people's eyes, thus we are low in terms of society's values. society is all we will ever exist in
Poetry, reading, history, math, ancient mathematicians, linguistics, politics, conspiracy theories, planes, guns, cars, steam engines, electronics, machinery in general, biology, nonfiction books on evolution and epigenetics, psychology, animal psychology, sci-fi, horror, gangster flicks and westerns, (GOOD) coffee, sour candy, trying different hot sauces, spooky music, grungy music, screamy music, drawing, everything being painted black, and good animation.
It's not even somebody I like that's been cloned is the thing.
I honestly don't mind this look every once and while because I live in the South so women are only like that for part of the year and then the rest of the year they're in daisy dukes and tank tops but I could see how that would get really old since up north since it seems like that's all anyone would wear. Especially around youth areas in cities or a college.
Tbf uggs, leggings, and hoodies are really comfy
>muh comfy
These women are the female equivalent of a dude in basketball shorts smoking his life away playing COD on PS4. They're fucking bums.
Why are you angry about people just wanting to be comfortable
because hes mad he'll never find a mate
The turning of the seasons in the south is marked like clockwork by the transition from yoga pants to short shorts.
>effortless happiness
Normalfag lies, all they experience is alternation between numbness from the drudgery of their pointless existence and dull, mild satisfaction from their trivial interests.
It fucking sucks, the only way to make normalfag friends (or friends in general) is to settle on some retarded hobby. My autistic obsession with metallurgy makes it impossible to interact with other people. Other people in my PhD program (in metallurgy) think I take my obsession with metallurgy too far and just want to talk about stupid gossip shit or TV shows. I've given up on finding friends much less a girlfriend and have decided I'll just have to be content pursuing my hobbies (blacksmithing, welding, casting, machining).
Coffeeshop near college. Look for the nook.
the ghetto
>tight clothes
>early pregnancy
>no job
>It fucking sucks, the only way to make normalfag friends (or friends in general) is to settle on some retarded hobby. My autistic obsession with [interest] makes it impossible to interact with other people.
>I've given up on finding friends much less a girlfriend and have decided I'll just have to be content pursuing my hobbies.
I know this feeling very hard. I will always be alone. I wish there was some sort of system for matching people up who have obscure interests and outlooks that simply don't mesh with most people and thus doom them to a life of isolation, being forever unable to share what is important to them with those around them.
>Fave Movies: Star Wars (original trilogy is the best but I like the new trilogy too!), Most MCU Films, The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings
>Fave TV shows: Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Stranger Things, Doctor Who, My Hero Academia
>Fave Games: Fortnite, Skyrim, Life is Strange, Detroit: Become Human, League of Legends
>Fave Books: The Harry Potter series!
>"I also really like Dungeons and Dragons but I've never played it!"
wow, it's almost as if white people have no real culture besides material pursuit~ uwu
>Not marrying an older woman whos matured and perfected her identity
>Not marrying some young broad to tailor to your ideals
Go to any Asian community and have fun
>crusty boxers
>Jow Forums
>no hobbies
>no job or future prospects
>crying in bed
>can't drive
>doesn't go out
>can't go out
Yeah well at least we're individuals
Lol stfu roastie, go get a pap smear.
mmm baby, where you from? Also i don't browse r9k at all or Jow Forums even for that matter
So is any other form of clothing that doesnt show off your camel toe.
R9k has one single personality and zero hobbies. You are less interesting than these women.
>leaves the majority of the personality checklist unchecked
>conforms to Jow Forums board culture
>pap smear
Who taught you that word, user? Have you been looking up ob-gyn stuff to see nude women?
I'd like to discuss welding, machining, blacksmithing, and metallurgy with you if you don't mind. I just finished welding school and want to go into metallurgy. What's it like?
You sound like a generic cynical dork.
stay toasty roastie
I feel you man, the ghetto sux
>eat nothing but fast food
>loud music to drown out any potential thoughts
>stink of tobacco or weed
>spend any desposable income of cheap cosmetics
>shit music
>really stupid
>I called someone I disagree with a girl. I'm such a robot
Same to you, user. Maybe take a creative writing course in the meantime.
Okay heres how you do it OP
step one
>fuck off normie faggot
Music stores are only these girls or dude weed addict girls.
>he thinks he isn't copypasta: the robot
>posts on Jow Forums about "muh basic women"
Maybe you're the problem, 12 year old
It's called being (((normal))) dude!
I fucking hate these threads. I really do. Not the premise, but that there's always faggots baiting/being dumbasses saying
>and ur just a loser faggot on r9k so whas tha say bou yu huh?
Like jesus fuck why are you even on this board?
Of course we're all losers, but at least we realize it and some kind of existential awareness of our existence. These dumb broads just drink up whatever kool-aid the media and general internet feeds them. They spend every day being engrossed in absolutely pointless things, while thinking they're above others who do other pointless things. They've got no passion, no life to them. Literal walking NPCs. They don't like to think too much because that takes them places they'd rather not explore. That's why they're so easily impressed by dumb facebook quotes.
Sure, I don't like the faggot who spends all day moping about his life either, who cannot hold a discussion about anything other than how his life sucks and he hates women. But at least most of the people here are decently self-aware. Not enough to fix their problems, but enough to not be too boring and vapid.
Really if you wanna go a little arrogant, you can say it's all a battle between people who'd rather be smart and poor vs people who'd rather be dumb and rich.
But being retaliatory fucktards replying with one sentence firecrackers just further reduces the quality of the board, you know. It doesn't make you fit in, it just makes you an annoying brat.
>inb4 boomer zoomer
fuck off with your shitty forced shilling memes. Literal redditors and kiddies, everywhere.
Lol toasted roast. Enjoy your HPV tumours.
>i call someone I diasgree with a virgin
No one here wears a fedora lol. Dumb cunt.
You are a liar and the nice girl at the music store will marry me someday ;_;
Theu come here because they think they are fighting some cause to keep robots ftom becoming Jow Forums. Certain groups maintain and overwatch on here when they arent busy on Jow Forums. They shame robots, bait us, call us virgins when they lose arguments and generally seek to torpedo any thread that may be deemed insensitive or a threat. Anti female threads, trap hate threads, anti-faggot threads etc are where youll see them most active. Basdically a mix of green haired, poison cunted feminists, JIDF rookies and ANTIFA types who cant hack it on Jow Forums.
I used to pay for beer by posting trap shit on here for 4 hours a day before an offsider took over for their watch.
This. It's the double standard. At least we know robots are bums and treat them like it.
Cool to hear. I'm admittedly not great at welding yet - no certifications or any sort of formal training. Getting a lot better than I used to be. When I need a leak-proof joint I just cheat and braze it with silver. The propane torches won't work for thick pieces so I just stick them in my forge and braze them once they get red.
Welding metallurgy was one of my favorite courses though. Probably be something you'd be really interested in as well. Big focus of the course is how the heat input affects the micro-structure/behavior of the weld. If you make a burner gmail account I could send you pdfs of the course lectures from a burner gmail if interested.
I built a forge and keep it in an unused lab at the university. There also happens to be a rolling mill right next to it. It's pretty sweet for faggot-welding (the one type of welding I excel at) steel. I've also been able to use it to roll high-speed steel end mills (M42 specifically) into knives. I know it's a terrible steel to use for a knife cuz brittle as shit, but I measured it and it's 68 HRC after temperature at 1100F.
I'm always worried that some day someone will make noise about what the fuck is this forge doing in this lab and evict it. I've always tried to be very helpful to other professors in the department - machine stuff for them when they need it so hopefully that wont happen.
I moved to Brazil and live in a ghetto there, with a local girl. It wasn't an easy desicion, but I couldnt deal with white millenial women, nor did they wanna know me.
One of these days I want to build a full-on blast furnace - not a pussy bloomery but a real blast furnace. I tried when I was in high school but really had no idea what the fuck I was doing. There's now a useless monolith of concrete in the middle of a swamp in my parents land. I have a much better understanding of the theory of blast furnace operation and practical considerations of construction.
Of course once I have blast furnace I'll have to build coke ovens to make my own coke or charcoal as well.
Another cool thing I've wanted to make is an Acheson furnace - what they use to make silicon carbide and graphite. You basically make a turd shape of charcoal surrounded by sand then pump a shitload of electricity through it. Lets you get the ungodly temperatures you need inside there to make graphite.
It's looking like my upcoming job will probably take me to the northeast for a while in a comparatively heavily populated area though. Maybe I'm biased being a Southerner, but every Northerner I've known is the type that would complain to a HOA if I started blacksmithing out of garage. I'm considering trying to learn a lot about electronics so I can make my own induction furnaces. Sadly it isn't as simple as just get a function generator hooked up to a solid state relay with a high current transformer...got to know about resonant circuits and shit. Maybe that will hold me over until I can relocate to somewhere innawoods.
Just out of curiosity, what do you wear?
Something no other men wear I assume?
Fedora is a state of mind, dumb cunt.
I want all four of them to beat me up