How's your education/job hunt/career progression going?
How's your education/job hunt/career progression going?
started my first job post-graduation about a month ago, I like it. Moved out of my parents place, doing well.
I graduated but every job I can get is boring and I would rather just be a NEET
I'm a NEET about to enter an unskilled labour job.
kill me
2 Years left of Uni. I cant wait to be out of here.
I'm good at my job and I like it. After a while of waiting, a promotion spot opened this week and I put in for it. It would be much like my current job but recognizing that I'm on top of my shit and give me a little more to work on. And it would pay more. But I know there's other people going for it so I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.
Half way through my graduate schooling. It's going ok, just grinding, but I feel like a little fish in a big pond. I never stand out.
I found a nice job and scheduled an interview for today 9:00 am but didn't wake up on time. Tried to call them but they didn't answer.
good - after 5 years of NEETdom i've been accepted at one place, and had to turn down a second interview at another place that sounded like they wanted me. Escaping from the NEET life because I need money and don't get NEETbux or have a mum to buy me tendies.
Don't worry. If you live at home rent free, you can buy stuff. I'm a recovering long term NEET and I've been washing dishes. I've bought myself a whole bunch of nice stuff and even though wagecucking sucks and I'm not really financially independent it feels good to buy stuff I've always wanted. Got a 144hz monitor, a gtx 1070, and weed.
I do realize I need to make more money even though I made progress. I need to make more...
>be chef
>pretty good but kind of suck at life so eh
>industry kind of makes life suck in general
>internet friend is a javascript engineer making 150k
>keeps talking about w a n t i n g t o t a k e a y e a r o f f
>talks about wanting to open a restaurant despite not knowing how to cook and never having worked in a restaurant before
>keep seeing people try to open their own places and not be able to get business loans or have it just not take off because that's what happens
I'm sure everyone will tell me to fuck off because I'm a wage slave and whatnot but what is it with people in the tech industry thinking they're good at literally everything? It's like illusory superiority or just a whole lot of unknown unknowns or something.
you should have had your mom to wake you up
I'm in my last semester of my shitty degree. Got two interships and good grades so hopefully I'll be ok.
I live alone user kun, no one to wake me up. I just want a different job.
I probably have enough money to live on my own without my parents now but why would I? My life is comfortable without having to pay for all my own groceries and bills when I can give my parents money to cover my end of things. I live rent free and work full time I feel like I am gaming the system.
But it would be nice to have "my own place" but then I imagine I would be even more votes and lonely than I get now sometimes.
>31 years old
>burned myself out on a bunch of completely bullshit retail jobs since I was 18
>*this close* to just joining the army
I'm easily in the best shape of my life, really fit... I guess I'm justing waiting until I run out of money to pull the trigger (hurr) on joining up.
What the fuck kind of typo is that? I mean to say bored and not VOTES. I don't vote, that shit is fucking stupid
>Fucking phone poster blah blah blah
>I feel like I am gaming the system.
And you are, congratulations on figuring out how to succeed in modern society. Don't leave your parents house until you have bought (or finished paying) your own house.
Thanks bro. Following your last line of logic there I believe people used to get married more traditionally of course and when they got married it was common to get new land (property) out of the deal and then you would make your homestead and raise the next generation.
I don't know when and where exactly the idea that everyone should live in some loft or high rise or condo or some shit and everyone is miserable and nobody acknowledges each other. Fuck that way of life
Turning 30 soon. About to start my first "real" job. Im 110k in debt to my parents but my job pays 110-140 an hr
>110k debt to your folks? how come user?
>but my job pays 110-140 an hr
>110-140 an hr
Doctor, Lawyer, or Data Scientist?
Because they gave me 280k for my schooling and i told them i would pay back half
remember to stream your suicide to your fellow robots here
Why would i commit suicide
My job is 9 to 5 every other week and i have underlings to do almost all of my work
Im not a surgeon
How is 100k half of 280k when 150k is so much closer to "half" what kind of education did you receive exactly
I already paid back 30k or so of it
This was during my residency which i did not count as a "real" job.
I guess i have an MD and a license to practice
I just wasted the last 7 years in college/uni studying music. Needless to say, I can only apply for shit jobs.
Now I'm trying to find out if I can get into an electrician course or something.
what was going through your mind for those 7 years
I worked for four (4) months and now I'm taking a break because I got hired somewhere else and that job won't start next week.
It's kind of like being a NEET again.
>have degree in sociology
>end up as a programmer in a small construction firm writing gigantic abominations in BASIC on a Unix server for $27/hour.
Kill me.
>legacy code
are you the sole developer?
I hate this kind of shit. Web development in C with a Fortran data layer. So glad I got out.
Yes. The woman who managed it since the 80s is retiring and teaching me the secrets to her subroutines and some are quite horrifying, though mostly because BASIC was never meant to be used as a genuine programming language. Fucking private sector.
Mostly I was just trying to learn as much as possible. I mean, I knew it would come to an end one day and I'd have to get some entry level job, but I thought I'd be fine with it. Turns out I wasn't fine with it.
this is true.
I'm a single guy with no other real expenses so everything I earn goes in the pocket for whatever I want.
just submitted another 100% fabricated resume/cover letter for a job
reminder: if you're not lying to get an entry level job, you're not trying
Just more than two weeks of wagecucking, plz kill me.
Man I would love to trade places with you right now
Right now, i am waiting for a callback for a position at a real estate firm as a human resource rep, desu the job and environment looks decent, but I hate how i am another cog in the machine
Im on summer break right now, trying to get Jow Forums. Holding a 3.8 GPA right now, couple more semesters until I can wagecuck it up again
I'm...sort of making it.
I got into a post-bac program and just got my bachelor's. Med school is still a way's off, but it's at least a possibility now. Not totally redeemed yet.
Well personally I got my mechanical engineers certificate about two years ago now and having been In the trade for about 5 years in total.
However I've hit a brick wall of idleness and apathy and have done for the last two years where I will literally only work when my rent money runs out as wage cuckery for worthless shit I don't need seems dehumanising, not to mention saving for a pension is laughable as I'll be dead way before that.
So in a sense of the last two years I've had off I've probably worked two months in total and have slothed the rest off playing vidya, watching anime and shitposting.
Needless to say I've become quite content with this lifestyle and plan on doing it for the rest of my life as it's comfy as fuck.
Not to mention I can easily work the extra month here and there if I feel like travelling around the world, in order to break up the Longevity of NEET life.
>lie on my resume
>get interviews
>bomb every single one
Going to a recruiter for the USMC next month. Hope I can get a medical waiver for some shit that can't be hidden or lied about
Pretty bad. I wish I had it in me to go to school instead.
>that image
those job boards are just insulting us now, right
>over night security guard
>8:30 PM to 6:30am
>All I have to do is push buttons to open dock doors so trucks can take and put back in trailers
>Work with the shipping manager but he stays in his own area of the warehouse, far from me.
>Can bring in laptop. Can shitpost, watch netflix etc all night.
>Make 13.35 an hour.
>Been doing this for 7 years.
>Have full benefits, including medical and 10 vacation days.
I feel I could do better. I have enough experience to be a manager some place else and make more money but I know I'll never find a job as comfy as this again since this was a fucking lucky find. Because the state I live in sucks my salary isn't enough for even a shitty rental place unless I bunk up with some random spic so I'm kinda stuck on what to do.
>get stat degree
>have recruiters from Microsoft, Amazon, etc crawling over each other to get me to come in and interview
Am I going to make it?
I've got a degree in advertising and work at a tech firm for like 12.50/hr doing what ultimately amounts to data entry. They dont have enough to keep me busy and I made more money waiting tables.
I've got an in for a go government job that's looking promising, it'll start of with regular raises and theres potential for promotion there so I guess things are looking up.
Graduating with a cs degree soon. What are most programming jobs like? How hard is the interview/hiring process? Is there usually job training before you're actually hired? Or are you plopped into a cubicle and told to program right off the bat?
The interviews are fairly straight forward. Most only test shit that you learned by in Compsi 102 (i.e. algorithms.) Some might ask you about design patterns and shit. Also learn about Version Control if you don't know about it already.
Oh and don't forget to white boarding.
Haha what progress? Ahem, I'm actually getting somewhere in freelance. I do both art and am learning how to do extermination. I'm finally making enough to do things like better my diet and take better care of my pet. I intend on furthering my education at some point after I get better self discipline, which these freelance jobs certainly help with since I'm my own boss and crier. This is the happiest and most productive I've been in years
getting a diploma stuck on one essay that i'll have to pay someone to do because i can't write
well not sure applying for some jobs but doubt ill get anything I got my information systems AAS degree but was going for a CS degree but i dont have any money for it. dont know what im gonna do.
Counter Strike degree?
computer science dingus
got my IT degree like a month ago and am having an impossible time getting hired, it sucks
yeah guess i need to turn into a fucking Indian
About to drop out of university
It started out fine but then I got schizophrenia
After spending 2 years getting better my brain is still not great
I have no idea what to do with my life
I got so many options and have no idea what I should do.
I'm NEETing my life away in the meantime.
I seem the only one entered this position right out of school without prior experience in field of military. Generally now i'm overlook in most things now. Good pay, great benefits, not sure if I can keep it up though. Just seems too good for me for how little work I seemed to to to get it.
*I seem like
One more semester (Fall) until I'm completely finished with community college. Should I join my college's yearly commencement ceremony? It won't begin until June next year.
Specialty? Internist? Family Med?
Your 31 dude. If your going to enlist do it now.
>JavaScript engineer
I hope you are just baiting
I scraped by highschool but was ultimately too depressed to continue public education so college just didn't pan out for me... I've taken it upon myself however to revisit all the courses I took through Khan Academy and maybe hit up more job fairs instead of sitting on my duff like an invalid every day
Switching major from computer science to geology. Don't really know much about the subject but I'm going to take an introductory course and see if it interests me. Who knows, maybe it might be fun. Plus the geology department of my school only has like 10 students so maybe I can make a friend.
masters or bachelors?
LOL good luck finding a job buddy
huehue here
I'm in my first year of a pharmacy degree. Was accepted into the police here in my state (SP) and will be joining probably january or february next year. Can't decide between transfering to a medical school next year or going for a chemistry degree and trying to become a professor in nipland.
>trying to become a professor in nipland.
I'd try to do a PhD in Japan or in a respected uni in another foreign country, in that case.
Would really appreciate any advice btw
Semi hs dropout, going to virtual to get a hs diploma and maybe save myself from NEET-hood
no real progression. I work as a tax accountant assistant, after one year of NEETdom. managed to neogtiate a part time contract and work only 24 hours a week, but don't earn much either. 9,75 an hour.
I started learning c++ programming a year ago when I was still a NEET, but now with a job I can't bring myself back to do any learning. I feel like I'm just too slow and to bad to accomplish anything.
Failing out of uni because mine won't let me into the major because competitive majors and I fucked my grades trying and I'm too far in and idk what to do I want to die every day I think about it more and more and the advisors give me shit advice
I want to study CS or Applied Math/Stats btw
There's a chance he could get a pretty decent job in the oil and gas industry with a good geology degree though.
>34 celsius
>2 hours 'till getting ready for a job interview with 40 min public transit beforehand
>old, go certs but no experience, that CV has no gaps but is simply one fat canyon of NEETlife
>small company, so thinking about just being frank with the boss to avoid wasting each others time
Meh. Lurking would probably be less useless time, but pic related.
what classes are you failing?
An AAS in IT isnt going to cut it anymore at alot of places thanks to poo niggers taking all the entry level positions.
I recommend getting your BA in Comp Sci or Mech Engineering
Better hurry up before its too late, then youre 31 and the age cut off is like 34 i think.