What was her name anons? Who was she?
What was her name anons? Who was she?
Stacy(ironically). She asked me to sleepover to play Smash and Halo 3 during high school, so I went and I steal her games instead. Never talked to her ever since.
Mary, a very cute girl in math class
Jokes on you, I asked her out in high school
Then she left me 4 years later and I'm an empty husk of a person who never found another partner in 8 years since and probably never will
>tfw u will never have a girl ask u to play Halo 3 with
Darla. 12 years old, 5'6", brown hair, brown eyes.
>What was her name anons?
i cant even remember,we used to talk a lot, i was too young and retard to realize she was into me, she had massive tits and cute as hell
>tfw you're not deluded enough to think you ever stood a chance so you're regret free
Anna, a conservative christian who liked to draw and play RPGs. It would have never worked but I know a lot of robots have fallen for an Anna.
delete this image now, user - i think about this shit enough without someone reminding me
Carla. We started dating in first grade of high school (in my country that's around 12 years old). Five months later her crazy friend (I would discover the crazy part later) asked me out and the same day Carla tells me she doesn't want to date me anymore to make me say yes. I felt for it and ended up in a toxic relationship which lasted 2 years.
Carla and I were very young and shy and did literally nothing as a couple. I still regret not being able to man up and keep her.
>was pretty and kinda weird in class
>gave me heart melting looks
>graduate without ever interacting
>saw her again recently
>couldn't look her in the eyes
not 1 testosterone in my veins.
Her name was Elisa. I saw her a lot because we were in a club together. She seemed like one of those studious girls with no personality but turned out to be surprisingly chill and have a good sense of humor. Our friendship was vaguely flirty but I was too dumb to ask her out. Neither of us have been in a relationship to this day but she hooked with someone for the first time recently. We still snapchat a lot.
I don't know her name but there was this homely looking chubby girl that would always smile at me at work before I quit
I would always avoid her like the plague, even though I'd date her
It's easier to do nothing than to do something
First love of my life, my first friend since kindergarden and literal girl next door. She told me that she was in love with me and I ghosted her for 6 years irl
Second love of my life, cucked myself because a good friend of mine liked her and I knew he was a better guy then me and could make her happier then I ever could so I walked away.
Third love of my life but again I cucked myself and let someone else take her.
3 girls who actually liked me, yet due to my problem of self destructive behavior I've managed to fuck it up every single fucking time.
26 now and I've given up all hope because I know that if ever fall in love again it will ruin me.
She approached me during the last year of high-school told me she loved me, I didn't even answer I couldn't believe anyone could love me for who I was, but these days I wonder if I hurt her feelings.
Hey mine was called Marie!
Always messaged me first, always sat next to me in class, got touchy sometimes but I was too much of a sperg to recognize it and we drifted apart eventually.
One day we walked home 6 kilometres at 3 AM from a party because we missed the train, that was probably my chance to make a move but again, too retarded.
Funny enough she ended up dating my cousin a few years later.
Was she a big titted girl??
Very noice, devilish robot.
>cucked myself
Why does this shit happen? Even the likes of Elliot believe they are entitled to being loved by others and yet I (and you) believe we don't deserve to be loved.
>Asian QT
>In college band class together
>One of the first days we had classes she invited me to her dorm room
>We were both on her bed and watched the Office
>I had never seen the Office before and the humor was a little different for me at the time, so I didn't like it
>Just kinda awkwardly watched an episode and a half together
>Didn't ever hang out after that
>I wish I tried something, or asked her out some other time
anna she was dumb but it was cute
Ella, but my autist sences told me the entire time that she must've been joking with me. Who knows really
Did she grow up to become a collussus?
such girl never existed in my life so I don't even bother
I remember it now, this 12 year old who wanted to date me over world of warcraft, most likely wouldn't have led to anything. But I still feel like it was a missed opportunity.
I forgot her name, I knew her as "Nick".
She was from Poland, and I was the first person to talk to her in our school. I invited her to my apartment and we cooked together maybe ten times, we watched movies a few times. We even saw the Pope speak together a few time (I live in Rome.) The reason we never dated was because she only lived in Italy for a year so it would have been useless.
After she left I stopped eating for two weeks, before passing out. I started playing a lot of games, wasted a shit load of money on drugs and DVDs, and missed almost an entire month of school.
I prefer this one actually
>First day of high school orientation
>See guy walk past with cute hair, want to take a better look
>He's gone
>He might be going where I am! *heart speeds up*
>"Don't be a dumbass, even if he is, you're not gonna sit anywhere near him."
>Long walk
>Make it, can't find the guy, decide to sit in middle row.
>Listen to 20 minutes of boring speech with principal
>Something catches my eye
>He's right there, one row in front of me
>*There goes my heart again*
>He turns around can see him
>Holyshit, he's adorable
>Can't gather the strength to talk to him
>I catch him looking at me several times throughout the course
>Nothing happens
>Fastforward several years, I see him walking around with girlfriend.
>Oh well, that sucks.
>Decide to approach him anyway because I like his shirt.
>We talk for a while, have a lot in common. Good chemistry.
>Hey aren't you that girl?
>Yeah. (Holy shit, he remembers me)
>Thinks I'm pretty; didn't approach me because he knew he was too young.
>He was in 8th grade at the time and only visiting the campus.
>I was a second year.
I dunno, haven't seen her in many years
girls grow up faster and earlier than boys, but then stop growing much earlier too
fuck off whore you arent welcome
Lick my cockroach infested cunt.
>first gf
>beautiful blonde blue eyed girl
>weeb but not too obnoxious about it
>introverted and shy but sweet and kind
>intelligent as hell
>didnt have a care for social media
>talented artist
>had cheesy but hilarious jokes
We broke up eventually, and although we remained friends, we began to talk less and less, I thought it was just first love, but I never found a woman nearly as wonderful as her, Last time I talked to her, she told me she came out as bisexual and had a girlfriend. Thats three years ago
chubby kind of homely short asian girl who always liked to talk to me and worked up the nerve to ask me for a hug a few times. i was actually totally oblivious.
a girl invited me to watch the sochi opening ceremony and she cuddled with me under the blanket so her parents couldn't see. she was uber christian and waiting til marriage so i didn't do anything but now I'm 22 and a virgin and she's probably already married.
I feel like that's probably the fundamental difference between a robot and a fake robot(incel).
Hannah. Was my neighbour in my dorm as a college freshman. I'm almost certain she was a virgin at 18 (girls only high school). She was a nerd who studied oceanography at college. UNfortunately I was too beta to go past small talk with her and she ended up getting a boyfriend who she married 4 years later. She was really cute and awkward and kind and I think she was the chance given to me by the universe. I fucking blew it and I want to kill myself.
>held hands all the time
>we would put our hands through each others hair
>moved her seat so we could spend time together even though she hated my best friend
>had names for our kids, we both wanted to move into the country and own a farm
>wanted me to go out of state to the college she was going too
Ended up fucking up our relationship, been getting in shape and bettering myself because I fucking love her guys
Kenzie. Never had a chance. Liked the hockey players. Not the nerdy stoners. Heard she got eiffeled by a couple of em. Still creep her Insta and have weird dreams of her a decade later. Talk once a year for about ten minutes. Just enough to remind me she isn't interested.
>Whats her name
>Waaaa Mexichad didn't date me because I was too old
Get off our board whore
>Driving out the only type of female that would even consider a relationship with a guy like you
I wasn't aware a negative IQ was possible
The only woman I've ever loved ever. We talked a lot about getting married and having a family. The longest we spent apart during the relationship was 4 days. She left me for someone else after I succumbed to depression for a long time, bt incorrectly identified the source of my anguish as her. She wasn't some innocent and understanding angel, we had our points of contention, but if I was as aware of myself then as I am now, we'd at least be engaged at this point.
>so I went and steal her games instead
Chad walks among us
Never had one, other than some girl who showed me her pussy on skype a few times.
>Stacy asks him to sleepover to play gaems
>steals her games instead
Autism is a helluva drug
Christina. A woman I met while trying to improve myself. Beautiful. A gunner with two of her own businesses. 3 crazy kids. Married. Laughed at my jokes. After a bit of work, fun and easy to talk to.
I relate, my relationship with my ex made me depressed but I still wanted it to work out. It didn't last long but she really made a mark on me.
Different girl
>Be me, 11-12 y/o
>Mexico, in a bilingual, christian school
>See a girl that looked like Ellen Page (Juno) at lunchtime
>She was from another classroom so I didn't give it much thought
FFWD about a month
>It's recess and I'm just chilling in the classroom using my laptop
>Karen walks by and sees me, we start talking
>We talk every recess and after class
>I start opening up to her, she's someone I could trust
>We begin hanging out more as school continues. we skip class to be together, find each other at the morning announcements (the whole school would get together in the theater)
>I began to steal some hugs here and there
>We would listen to music together while hanging out in the halls
>After school we would spend hours on the phone sharing our dreams and events that happened throughout our day
FFWD to the last-day-of-school's festival
Her and I are at an outdoor (but inside the school) basketball court alone, I ask her
>Had I asked you sooner, would you have gone out with me?
>She says yes.
I left to the US that summer and never really talked to her again. 21 and I've yet to meet a girl whom I can share my heart as I did with her. But hey, at least I asked
Absolute legend user, good job.
She was pretty different from all the girls in my class or at least the one i noiced that standed out the most from the rest of the girls. I never got the balls to ask her out, also if i did ask her out, almost all of my classmates would have made fun of me or pressured her into leaving me because apperently i was the kid that they hated the most. Thinking back at it there was a girl who either had a crush on me or was trying to manipulate me for more bullying, but i never really paid attention to social stuff when i was young, mainly because i was a social outcast i thought i should remain that way until high school came in
>implying that I'd ever fall in love with a subhuman "female"
I know you were probably also in middle school but I really like to imagine you were in your thirties, please confirm this
Diane. A little chubby but not what you'd call fat. Eventually ran for and became class president. Never talked to her or tried to make a move on her, I just left her alone and to this day she probably has no clue I liked her
she had really huge tits too
Kristina, the most friendly and attractive person I've ever known, never asked because my sister and her brother were dating and then they moved to away for business reasons
Not gonna say her name since I'm fucking insecure and don't wanna be too specific. She was kind to me during freshman year, when no one else was (I was a socially retarded, below-average looking weeaboo). We talked about anime, just a couple of times. She moved to another school. I never got the chance to actually approach her.
Life is a joke. Existence is pain. Whoever claims otherwise is in huge denial.
Stacy. I'm a chad, she liked me, we fucked. She's dead now.
Nichole. She kept talking to me JUUST AT THE END OF THE FUCKING SCHOOL YEAR in June and she might have been trying to be friendly after seeing me sperg out in front of her when I was talking to her and her sister I never really asked about her life or anything. I wonder if she even remembers me at this point....
Out of curiosity, what did her last name start with?
Trust me sex solves nothing, I've had a few and I'm still a pathetic creepy loser cunt.
Yes I was in middle school. Gah.
Are you trying to make me cry? because you just did
Lydia, Victoria, Susan, Angie, Catherine, Jeniffer, Simone, Erica, and a few others whose names I cant remember because it has been over a decade
This post makes me furious.
A girl in my first and second years of HS. She was hot and kinda smart, I usually helped her with class problems and stuff. Got a crush on her by the end of our first year of school. Too beta to ask her out (also poorfag). Started getting closer as school friends, but that made me realize that she was a bitch and not worth my time. Never got interested in any other girl since then.
Hannah, a coworker at my shitty first job I fell head over heels for. Was always really friendly and cute to me but she started dating a failed chad a few weeks after I met her so I never really had a chance though I sometimes told myself I might've if I'd met her earlier. By pure chance I met a girl some time later just like her, down to similar looks, interests, personality to some extent who became my first real gf so I guess things worked out in the end.
>first love of my life
>second love of my life
>third love of my life
I don't think that phrase means what you think it means
>I steal her games instead
Have you ever wondered that you are a fucking dick? Stealing from your friend is not okay no matter their gender.
Shelby. She was a total catch and I let her slip through my fingers because of my crippling social anxiety when it came to initiating relationships and hormonal rollercoasters which only increased upon the abrupt death of my father
Her name was Alex, and we met at a meeting my female friend put on for writing camp back in freshman year. We hit it off, started messaging back and forth, got real close online. When we met up again IRL she was kinda distant. Stopped messaging after a while. Havent talked to her in years.
I find it best not to dwell on it because if I do I end up looking at the messages we sent and they are some of the cringiest fucking things youll ever see.
Pic related.
>What was her name anons?
she never existed in the first place
There's been a couple.
And who really cares?
that sucks but at least you did something chad-ish
I don't even remember her name.
She and I both liked Sonic and Gorillaz.
>tfw I don't know this feel because I've asked out every girl I've liked but they always say no
Aldana/can't remember her name
How different would my life be? I don't know.
Chinese girl I met when I first started uni. We were both pretty autist and as pretty much the first person the other met spent the first few weeks exclusively hanging out with each other to the point where we both missed all the other social groups on our course forming and ended up not really knowing anyone else.
Hanging our in her room and she straight up asked when I was going to ask her out. I panicked, had no idea how to react in this situation, said I had to get something from my coat that I'd left in the kitchen so I could get a second to think, walked out, suddenly felt even more overwhelmed and just left and went home without saying anything. Cut off all contact with her and felt crushing embarrassment for the rest of the 4 years of uni since she was still in all my classes.
I just looked her up on facebook, which was difficult because apparently she's married now so her name changed.
judging by her timeline
>she got married before even graduating high school (she was a year below me)
>she has a kid now
>apparently a second one on the way?
she's getting kinda ugly now though, so i'm actually glad i dodged a bullet with her. she was so cute in high school too. oh well, that's life.
Cailey b. She was so pretty and cool and had the best rack ever. I walked her home one time because here friends asked me to and they were all giggly about it. Every time we hung out she always said how much her mom liked me and that shed often ask about me. She always said i was funny. I was too occupied with being a retarded pothead to put the pieces together, and too insecure of a highscooler to ask her out. I saw her years later at her work and her friends got all exited when i showed up and called her over. She said i looked summery. I said thanks and left with the pizza i came to pick up.
I always thought she was out of my league but i now see it probably didn't matter. I wonder if ill see her again. Even if she has a boyfriend now ill still ask her out. Ive got to.
This happened in college? Damn. This sounds like some dopey high school fuck up.
How bow a follow up?
I see nothing several of you had a hit and miss or a near miss but you keep wallowing. None of you tried to approach them again, mend or make up for your sperg?
It's not too late still.
Her name was Meghan, and the smile she gave me makes me suicidal because I know a girl will never ever look at me like that ever again.
And it's all my fault I'm not with her now.
I don't have a her anymore. There's nothing special about women or people.
They're just clueless shithead bumbling about.
Oh God OP why did you make this thread...
>be me
>be 14
>in a co ed boy scouts type group
>helping train new "recruits"
>2 girls are having a hard time, crying because its hard
>tell them I'll give them marshmellows if they try harder
>didnt think anything of it
>2 weeks later at the end of training they come over to me
>friend of girl says "did you know someone likes you???)
>"n-no why would you ask"
>FOG says "tehe its girl!" and proceeds to grab her friends arm and put it over my shoulder
>go full spaghetti and just stand there like a beta tard
>girl blushing and nervous
>sweating like crazy and visibly shaking
>"h-haha I got to run!"
>proceed to sprint away like a fucking faggot
>she never talks to me again
Christ why was i such a homeschooled faggot, girls name was hannah and I feel bad putting her through just dealing with me. I'm better now but every time I think of this it makes me cringe. Public school is for retards but for the love of God NEVER HOMESCHOOL YOUR KIDS.
Mine was called just Mari, I believe her family was of Slavic descent.
Sweet girl I knew in HS, I guess we technically dated for a bit even. She never really understood why I spent so much time on vidya instead of going out with people and quite clearly expressed that I should ask her to go out with me. I did a few times but was afraid that I was bothering her. Never really kept in contact after HS because I suck and she probably took it as a sign that I wasn't interested.
'scuse me while I grab a bottle and beat my head in with it.
What happened that made her distant?
Spoiler alert:
>you don't remember it correctly
>you would never be more than friends (gently speaking)
>she doesn't remember you
>she never cared, same goes for you
>she is being railed by chads as you read this
Heather, it was grade school but ever since I've always gone after women like her. No luck.
I'm still with my first gf, first girl I felt stuff for and I told her and now shes mine it's literally that simple anons :^)
She was the only female that stood up for me in 3rd-6th grade when I got bullied, and one of the few people that actually hang out with me.
She moved in 7th grade and I haven't heard anything ever since.
I won't even say the name because it hurts too much. It's all I think about. Fuck me. I'll have all the success in the world eventually but don't think I'll ever be able to have her. I'm utterly incapable of moving on mentally. I believe it's called limerence but it's been so fucking long, I'm so in love with her that I almost don't even want to just get over it. That tiny sliver of the faintest chance of a distant hope is what keeps me going. Fucking sucks man. Perpetual muse. It's bullshit.
Didn't realize till ten years and after she fucking died but there was this cute girl I was close to in middle school. She was real short like 5 feet black hair and a total bitch but in a way that made her really cute. She started doing heroin and it killed about 6 months ago. I had feelings for her but her best friend who was an Uber Stacy kept my eye even tho she thought nothing of me. I'm an asshole she should be alive
I met her at a gig and had some really good conversation with her. I would've had better conversation if my dad wasn't there. I ended up finding her on facebook and added her. I might meet her again 'cause I'm going to a couple gigs that she's also going to.
Her name is Mahdiya. This happen on Valentines day so, February 2018.
>meet this one girl
>she's 18
>has a strict parents (doesn't know about this until a certain time)
>so get to know each other bla bla bla
>she confess to me, I do like her too but the fact that I'm 21 makes me somewhat shy to go for it
>we date for the next 3 months
>we're the cringiest when it comes to conversation
>from PG to 18+ like we planned to get married someday, have a family etc like I legit like this girl so much
>want to make her mime forever
>one day she asks me
>girl : do you think that we can have a future together?
>me : yes ofc
>basically she has a doubt that her parents might against her dating someone that's not her kind and dating in general
>she had to call it off, super devastated, become friends afterwards
>for those past 2 months after we call it off
>I tried to convince her to talk about it with her parents, she doesn't want to
>she basically scared of her parents and what they gonna do/react if she told them
>me being a person who believes that every problem has its own solution, ended up keep on insisting her to do so
>i ask her if I can speak with her father about it, she says no, she won't allow me to talk to any of her family member
>still me being denial kept pushing her till we got into an argument
>didn't talk for a few days
>few days passed, finally got to talk with her
>basically had to give up on it, so we become friends again.
>convo isn't just the same anymore like back then it was from A to Z now more like A to L, become stale to like "hru", "wyd" stuff same shit everyday.
>fast forward to 2-3 weeks after the fight
>I act somewhat cold towards her, she thinks she has done something wrong that leads me to act this way
>truth is I am still hurt by the loss of her from my life, miss her, miss what we had and all that
>had to come clean so we had one final talk
>basically me saying that perhaps we should stopped talking for now till I can swallow the truth, moved on and healed from this. It's a price that I must pay.
>we didn't talk since last week's Friday.
I like her for who she is, I know she likes me too. We're so in love, but she has a low self-esteem/confidence level in her that it caused us to hit the dead end, part of me say I shouldn't blame her for that because of her parents, part of me say I should blame her for her self-esteem/confidence level and also her parents. In the end, I've tried my best to make her stay or fight for it, but I failed miserably and it left me with a permanent scar and feeling so fucking hurt.
Now I am tryna move on, again, slowly, bit of pain but what can I do, life must goes on, maybe the end is today but who knows in the future but seriously I'm not having any expectations or high hopes for that.
There's one right now. Can't do shit though.
Emily. One of my biggest regrets is never making any sort of move
never had anyone like that in my life, i really should have tried
Met one girl named almadee who was just so pretty and she seemed very friendly. I asked her out one day and she said she had a boyfriend. I have been rejected by girls before, but her rejection really fucking hurt me because she was so beautiful and nice.
I still have never had a gf up to this day, and no girl has ever expressed any interest in me. Oh well....
Her name's Jem. We got along well during Junior and senior HS, and she liked calling me big bro and some other stuff despite being just a year older than her. Slowly grew fond of her company and eventually came to love her, though I didn't make any moves at the time since I wasn't sure on how to proceed with those feelings. At one point I almost admitted to her that I liked her during a school trip (BSed my way out of it by saying she must've misheard what I said, though she pestered me about a few days later.) Planned on confessing my feelings to her on graduation, but as the months counted down, our interactions dwindled.. Later find out she's now with this guy who's decent at playing the guitar.
I wish I died two years ago on the operating table instead of having to go through this hell.