Why is this board obsessed with boys that look like girls?

Why is this board obsessed with boys that look like girls?

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>be male
>Cuteness and femininity make peepee hard
What's hard to understand here am I missing something?

They think traps/trannies are better than roasties when they're usually worse. It's a delusion and they only like it because of the dick attached to the feminine body

They're still male though it's gay.

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Because you get the cuteness of a chick but more fun things to do with them since they have a dick

it's not gay if both say "no homo" before making it

>Women are shallow whores
>Dicks are no where near as disgusting as vaginas

That's why I like them

So, they look cute and my pipi wants to fuck em thats why

Yeah it fucking is. But my peepee can't tell the difference.
>be in nipnog land
>fall asleep on train
>wake up to the smell of strawberries
>someone cute is sitting next to me
>wearing a cute sky blue sweater
>cute haircut and has feminine body
>pp at full mast
>brain starts kicking in
>Adam's apple, small amounts of body hair and is has a male name
>see they are learning English and start talking to him about it
>male confirmed
>pp still erect

See my dick can't make the difference between something some feminine and cute.

I wish mods would move all trap threads to /trash/.

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this is true, but cute twink boys are literally top tier, especially when they don't act gay at all. Had one who'd play games with me annd would act like a normal dude, but would become a little nervous slut when I'd talk dirty to him, fuck I miss him.

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you can't just push Jow Forums into one board and give the rest of the site to fucking Jow Forums and reddit

>extremely mentally ill girl with a penis that will most likely be abusive to you
>they think this is better

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Vaginas as better than poop tubes, tho.

My pp doesn't seem to care friend.
It just wants to be surrounded by whatever sleeve that's cute and feminine.

lmao, you are so wrong m9

its just another phase of desperation that some guys go through when they feel like they really need to stick their dick in some sort of hole but have given up on women

Would you say it's the final form?

Final form for many on Jow Forums is going >tfw no gf to becoming the gf.

nah they aren't
why do you think so many men like anal

Yeah, no. That doesn't happen to straight people. Prove me wrong. It's one thing to go prison gay, but wanting to get fucked means you were a closeted faggot.

Death to all tranny posters
Originally of course

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From my experience with fucking with people in job corps homosexuality can be a conditioned behavior through psychological suggestion. But I mean the surge of trannies on Jow Forums also proves that too right?

>tranny posters
where are they?

Wrong thread my dude your looking for the one where the tranny is talking about having a relationship with a boy.

Lots of trannies came from /lgbt/. Also, most of the trap and trannies threads are created by like 8-9 people.

>yfw fatties and uggos think they can manipulate you into fucking them by calling you prison-gay
finna be prison gay in the sense that i rape you with a broom handle and kick you in the back of the head my good nigger

That doesn't make any sense. Might want to check out if you got a brain tumor but judging by your vocabulary, you're probably just some low IQ subhuman addicted to crack.

ok so guys lets just say i see a cute girl but i didn't know they had a pp, so is it gay if i think they are cute if i wasn't aware they were a guy

pls i need to know im asking for a friend

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because girls that looks like girls suck but we're not over them

Because traps are superior in LITERALLY every way to biological women. EVERY WAY.

if you keep calling me a prison gay i am going to do physical harm to you as might a prisoner

As long as you top, fucking traps is not gay. Its actually a more masculine act and thus straighter than sex with a woman

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this is the correct answer. by asserting your dominance over a girl (male) you are not only more masculine than the average man, you are more straight. look the trap in the eye while you fuck him in missionary, roughly palming his tiny little trap cock. choke him. let him know who's in charge. you are NOT gay.

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because the mentally ill degenerate faggots from /lgbt/ invaded this place, turned it into a shithole and then never left.

>draw cute flatchested girl
>say "it has a dick tho" or shop in a bulge
the trap fetish is right up there with ponies on how inane and forced it is

imagine being this insecure.
end sentence

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yeah animefaggotry is pretty retarded and pointless, you're right

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spillover from /b/ where the trap meme was created over a decade ago, of course

Because I wish I was one or a girl

jesus fuck I miss bishies in anime
remember when you could have beautiful young men and not just girls with dicks (no Jow Forums) or los ogro del okinawa
why's everything always gotta get worse

you are a literal retard if you think this is gay

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imagine giving another man a prostate orgasm

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It's not gay if the trap is the only one taking it up the ass.

Why are asian traps always the best

asians are most predisposed to having feminine facial features. plus they've been doing it for hundreds of years.

Because I'm a cute femboy and I just want another cutie to cuddle with of course

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why are so many femboys into other femboys instead of more masculine men? :(

Because I have a fantasy of bringing one as a date to the afterhours social functions I have to go to at work, and revel in the fact no one knows. The concept makes me diamonds.

I'm into regular looking ones too.
Masculine? Less.
And I've got no idea if I could explain the things behind my thoughts and life auctions I'd be happy.. It's just like that..

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Cute girlmale user where can I find a guide on how to get like this

>Why is this board obsessed with boys that look like girls?
They're just closeted homos.

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You don't actually believe this, right?


What the fuck are you talking about it's literally the opposite