I hate women.
Women have treated me like shit my whole life.
I hate men that are attractive to women.
I hate my parents for bringing me into this world.
I hate women
At least you found something to blame besides yourself. Things that are outside of your control... unlike yourself.
men should treat you like shit too.otherwise u don't really have it that bad.
Fuck off normie. Nearly everything in your life is out of your control. I know you like to think your successes at a result of your hard work, but that's only a small factor.
I approached 20 women this month and got rejected every fucking time.
you have to look good to just approach women out of nowhere, they know nothing about you at that point other than the fact you have the courage to approach them so they judge you on your looks
I love posts like this.
My life may be shit but at least I get some pussy twice a week or so.
Fucking losers.
It's funny that you linked to Jow Forums because every single person on Jow Forums is a gymcel precisely because getting Jow Forums does absolutely nothing.
Then why are IQ and work ethic strong predictors of success in education and professional life? If everything were random and out of your control then this wouldn't be the case. Sure there are faggots who have things that they didn't earn, but generally you can improve your own life through work and effort.
Or are you one of those faggots who does 10 crunches and then complains that you don't have a sixpack and that exercise is clearly a scam?
You can approach 20 girls in a few hours if you go out on a Saturday night. High volume semi-anonymous practice environment full of drunk thots who expect to have guys talk to them.
Raise your game.
No you just have to not be morbidly obese or a skeleton, and not drop your spaghetti all over the floor... which you can learn with practice.
so you watched a count dankula video and think you know every thing about incels fuck off you FUCKING SCUM BAG
>x -> y
>|- ~x -> ~y
Falsum, retard.
>correlation = causation
False, retard.
Pretty much this. Getting fit doesn't cure autism, guys.
What physical problem do you have, face? Height? Skin?
No, I lost my virginity at 26 so I was an incel myself. But dankula's video reminded me to check in on this board to see if you were all still marinading your brains in piss mist.
Stay miserable then faggot.
>every single person on Jow Forums is a gymcel
I wouldn't go that far, but I would say a large minority of them are. Maybe 30-40%
Getting fit by itself won't do anything, I am amazed at the amount of people getting into fitness solely for better results with the opposite sex
Thanks for your input Norman, im sure everything will fall into place for you because of all your hard work.
You really are retarded if you think effort garuntees to success because it doesn't
It does help. But men and women see attraction differently.
Men are all about visuals, so they conclude they must go to the gym and improve their looks.
In reality women don't care about looks as much as men do, so people who focused on that end up as musclebound autist gymcels.
Women are all about social status and confidence, so they go to school and get careers.
And men don't care about social status or confidence, so these women end up pricing themselves out of the dating market.
Who are you trying to convince exactly, roastie?
>Thanks for your input Norman, im sure everything will fall into place for you because of all your hard work.
It's been going a lot better since I actually started trying. Because just waiting for things to randomly improve didn't work for 25 years.
>You really are retarded if you think effort garuntees to success because it doesn't
I didn't say guarantee though did I? But it's your only actual option and it has a vastly higher chance of being effective than your current strategy of doing nothing.
Put effort into fixing a problem in your life. Accept that you're going to make mistakes. Learn to spot your mistakes. Make corrections. If your life problems are too big, split the problems up into smaller problems until you find one you can do something about.
Or wallow in misery and stay here until you livestream yourself blowing your brains out.
Stop projecting your own incompetence upon others. Stop assuming the way other people have lived their lives. Stop posting since you've proven you're a normalnigger. You never have and never will understand what it means to be a robot. What's more, you don't even want to try.
First thing you could do is work on letting go of your hate, and learning to forgive yourself.
Im sure your parents are asking god for a refund :)
>Women have treated me like shit my whole life.
Same lad but I love um still, I am like a moth to a flame.
Stop projecting, mongoloid. Maybe it'll give the illusion your sub-zero IQ isn't quite so frigid in some of your future posts.