Any other fat robots? Post your weight and height

>tfw 5'10 and 180 pounds
im obese i hate myself

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That's below average in America.

5'8 244 as of today
... but down from 330 from March. So, hey, we're getting there.

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Ironically im from burgerland

Good job user im proud of you!

The average American is 5'9.5" and 191 pounds. You good.

>6' 240lbs
Ordered looser pants today ;_;

i'm the sameish height and weight.
Working towards 20 bf%. It's just overweight (not obese) at our size so we should work to be healthy. Are you limiting your calories? I'm a lazy fuck so I just diet instead of exercising.
that's some nice progress

6'1 340
at least my legs are pretty strong

I exercise and limit calories (but occasionally cheat)i also eat veggies and fruits and stopped drinking soda and drink lots of water

Yeah if you're underage, 5'10, and 180 pounds that a problem. If not you're fine. Just walk on the treadmill and go on a diet if you feel you're fat.

Still i don't wanna be overweight

5'9 170.

Borderline obese I guess. I don't keep trck too much

why don't you guys just stop eating so much wtf

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Not even mad, tho

>bored and sad cause no social life
>eat to pass the time

If we don't eat the food chang will get used to eating it and get uppity, grab another plate user.

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Don't beat yourself up too much. I got Jow Forums and it didn't help my social anxiety at all. Now more people wanna talk to me.

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>400 lbs.

I am The Flesh.

5'9" and 210 lbs. i dont think i look bad, but im still trying to make my belly smaller

gj user dont give up

>have lost 4kg in the last week
>not even trying to lose weight recently

242 pounds

Month ago was 253 pounds. Trying at least

that's not bad get out of here

The flesh, you are my hero. I dream of feasting on tendies with you

Keep up that good fucking work, son.

Yes it is bad

Congrats! user progress is progress after all

Don't give up user im sure you can lose it!

Keep it up soilder

That's not obese
I me 5'9 and 193 and not obese

>5'8-5'9 and 181 pounds
feels shit man,but I'm working on losing the weight.

youve lost an entire (small) person.
well fucking done lad. well done.

i dont have any way to measure my weight, but i've went down 2 belt notches over the last couple months.

5'2 and 120 help me

>130 lbs
Weak af

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Feels like it to me

Good for you keep at it user i believe in you

Come, grab your chalice filled with soda and join me in my air conditioned room where we will feast and watch Youtube videos.

I gave up a long time ago, I completely disregard my health.

are you boy or girl?
if boy you could try adding some muscle. hit the gym and get on a lifting routine. if girl, you're already stacy tier.

Come on user don't give up you'll get cardiovascular problems in the future i just want whats the best for you

5 11 170 lbs iktf OP. Being fat ass sucks. Can not stop stuffing my mouth with food it is the only happines that left in my life.

Same i eat fruits and veggies and exercise but i still cheat and eat awful shit

5ft pushing 580
>tfw large and in charge

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I hope I die of a heart attack.

You wont right away.
Youll be sick and miserable some time before then

Aww user i love you and i want you to be happy

You can lose it im sure you can't give up!

Hello fellow skellingtons, how do you do?
>5'9" (175 cm)
>115 lbs (53 kg)

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5`8 / 175-80 here. Male.
I would class me as overweight by ~15 lbs but I don`t think people see me as fat / obese.

That's a healthy bmi ffs

>22.3% bodyfat
>used to lift a ton when in hs n 3 yrs into college
Girls dont like hulk looking manlets surprisingly

5' 9" 247

I'm un-ironically going to kill myself next week. I'm really scared but I've got the burden of the world on my shoulders, for years too so it's not bedside I'm a fat bastard but the scales have tipped (no pun intended) and I'm just done.
I'll make a post the day before to tell you guys bye

How you gunna do it user?

>tfw 5ft8 and 175 lbs.

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How fun can eating be?

SO FUN! Look how fun I look! Im having so much fun way more fun than skinnies

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Its not fun its a distraction

>130-135 lbs

I've only managed to gain 10-15 lbs in the last couple months through fast food but wanna be like 160-170 lbs. Gonna start taking protein and doing calisthenics and see where that gets me

That sofa
>definitely not from ikea

No it is from the lazy boy titan series. Holds up to 800 so I have room to grow. Dont you just love the marbling on my thighs

Used to be 5'11 and 200 lbs but now I'm 6'3 and 130 lbs.

6'1 however 300 pounds

I'm 5'9" and 240lbs. If I was 180 I would look average. yall must have no muscle or something

its not that its fun, its that it feels good to eat. i recommend fasting. just do it for as long as possible at a time if overweight. i've lost close to 50lbs so far doing that.

go hardcore keto/carnivore diet cut out all carbs and fast a lot

most fitness dudes on ig and youtube are like 6'0-6'2 and ~200 lbs some of you are delusional if you think you are fat. like those dudes that are 6'2 and think they're too short

I would kill to be 6'1

6'1 200 pounds, but slowly losing weight. Was maybe 220 at my peak. Can't stand being fat.

Im 5 8 and weigh 255 i was 220 in late May and down from 320 but then the girl of my dreams changed up on me and I havent stopped eating since

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5'4 and 200lbs
I was 180 for years, I feel extra shitty because what did I do to gain the extra 20 within this year? I've bettered my diet and have been a little more active

>hairy like a tree

for a fat fuck like you everything is a dream

go chase after it maybe you lose weighty

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im 5'4 and 119lbs

have a really shitty body and really dont know what to do

are you a girl? I could help

Your height but 170lbs

No just a king of manlets

5 10 and about 184 here. I work out and work a physical job so I'm pretty solid though. Also eat pretty well ( don't skip veggies, not too much meat, etc).

6'6" 215, still fat. another 25lbs or so should do it.

6'2" and 220lbs, tried several times to exercise but i can't find the will to

I'm 5'9 and 325 pounds I DON'T GIVE A FUCK


I hit the gym 3x a week so i got a bit more muscle but it is still not a good weight to be. At least i am benching 240x2 and overhead pressing 140x5 atm. Need to cut like 15lbs before i can even think of looking good.

I'm 5'7" at about 225Lbs and not obese. I don't get what you mean

>BMI of 35.2
>not obese

I'm MEDICALLY not obese, nor do I look obese. I get out a lot, hike, camp, swim, etc. I may be beefy but I'm not fat. Thick at most.

>178 (5'9 in burger)
>82kg (180 freedoms)
Need to lose about 12kg and then I'll be ottermode

5'11 and 198 lbs / 180cm and 90 kg. Could do better, could do worse. Down from 113kg

>t. 5"11 220lbs
Exercised for the first time 2 months ago in over 3 years. at least I can bench press 245lbs by 10 and deadlift a lot too. Still fat though, might just start running.

Yeah nice 245 bench with 1/10th rom kiddo

I pause my bench at the bottom

>5'7 and 250 lbs

I already hated myself

>nor do I look obese
i love the euphemisms fat people come up with. they're charming in a sad sort of way.

I want to fucking die. Dont even fit into my old pants

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>6'2 and 205 lbs
Down 60 lbs from last year but I'm still probably ~30% bf.

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5'11 and 190

i wouldnt call myself fat, just overweight

Late ass reply but be careful, 4kg a week is too much. I believe the safe range is somewhere between 1-2kgs.

>converting to freedom units
i like you. i like you a lot.

>1.64m (5'4")
>66kg (146lbs), down from 76kg (168lbs)
Not really obese but overweight and chubby I guess, luckily I've gotten used to 1200kcal a day now so just gotta stick to it to lose another 10kg (22lbs) or so.

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end your life you fat worthless slob

But I love eating

Great job user, keep at it.

That isn't very nice user.

Proud of you senpai

5 foot 9
Was 285lbs
Currently 177lbs

Sorry I'm just projecting. I'm 5'3 and and 170 pounds. I used to be skinny but I just gave up and stopped trying.

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You're delusional like most fatties.

Damn it's hard to eat healthy, I never crave healthy foods, I only crave meat and cheese

I did just quit smoking so I have that going for me. I could literally feel my body dying