You may only post in this thread if your height starts with 5'.

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5'11 reporting

5'7 ft tall person here

Whats up my 5'ft brothern!

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5'5" reporting
>wonder how fail this thread will be

5'8 or so. Hello friendos

>see dude around my height or shoter
>think he's a cool dude on this basis alone
>find out some manlets hate other manlets

Height of the chosen

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5'2ft King of the Niggas reporting in

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5'6 reporting.

>tfw 5'3" and want to actually kill myself because no woman will ever respect me as a man for as long as I live

5'8 here.
I tell everyone im 5'5 and it spooks them out so much.


the perfect height
who else 185 pounds here? hope im not alone

5'8" masterrace niggas

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>At least I live in New Mexico with a bunch of short Mexicans

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5'5 reporting for active duty. My girlfriend is 5'7.

My mom is 5'6 and my dad is 6'1, yet I am a measly 5'3. Why lads?

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5'5 My life is full of turmoil and pain

5'9" latino here
It's not so bad when everyone around you is an even bigger (huh) manlet. Where my bros at

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You didn't eat your vegetables

>My girlfriend
go away minichad, robots only

5'6 in for this thread, it does suck but whatever, I hope this post beats the robot

What if it starts with 4?

Lol manlet gtfo my thread


I am 5'14"

surely you arent a male..if you are RIP

5'9 here friend but some say 5'10" because of my hair
do you ever feel below average? I feel like I'm short alot of times

If girl you're just fine
If boy consider becoming girl

5'6 checking in. I'm also skinnyfat as fuck.

I really shouldn't be alive

4'20 so I guess I don't qualify huh

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4' 11.5"
Almost 5 feet. Please let me stay. I swear I don't take up much room.

same bro idk how to fix it
I think I have to get swole to make me look normal but I can't motivate myself.

>tfw 5'8 pajeet
How fucked am I brobots?

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>tfw 5'4" ugly midget goblin
i want off this ride, friends

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hello me what's happenin

If I straighten out my spine I could gain 2 inches easily, is it worth it when I have the money? I'm 5'8 right now


nothing much, you? oh wait ahaha

At that height you should be a solid 200. Way to be a hungry skeleton dyel

5'2 reporting how you doing?
I am worthless as a man and women will never like me I should just be a trap

Estrogen stops growth, early puberty can cap you early

5'6 reporting in
Today I was told I was a little short by a random girl on omegle. That wasn't nice of her.

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5'6" here
I hope y'all realize most girls don't care about height. I don't care unless I'm looking down at you.

Women's preference for height is well known are you stupid?

5'11 187lbs here user

Doctor or computer science?

Graduated in computer science. But I have ADHD and can't hold a job. So I am a NEET now.

Get that weight up, be a man and lift things

so what, thats a plus where I'm at

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>tfw 4'8 master race

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5' 11
130 lbs
wtf I thought I was average or just a tiny bit below. Are you guys fat?

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A neet pajeet? Do you live in the USA?

>girl I'm talking to calls me short
>uh huh
>say to her "does that really matter? I means you're kinda fat and I don't have a problem with that."

That might be it, I did hit puberty early, but I have nothing to show for it.

t. flattie

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5'10" reporting in, glad to have you here 5'bros"

The trouble is our bone structure does not lend to muscle mass so we burn less calories. We literally have to work twice as hard as the 6ft chad cunts this comes naturally to. Keto is good for belly fat reduction.

5'6 i am literally the average of my country

t. Colombian fag

5' 9", i too feel short when everyone of my peers is like 6' 6"

Toasted the roastie, fucking kek.

Did she ghost you after?

5'5 what's up niggas

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Keto is a diet?
that what google says
maybe i'll start doing that

5"6 reporting in ready to kms

5'6 Tfw I want to be a teddy bear bf

yeah keto is a diet

>well known
It's one factor in attractiveness, just like body type, eye color, intelligence, etc. Some women have a preference, but most women dgaf just like they dgaf what eye color you have even if they find blue/brown eyes more attractive. Screenshots of a few people on tinder represent confirmation bias and are not factual evidence.
Personally I don't even notice height unless I'm looking up/down at the guy. Being close in height is a bonus since then we can share clothes.

>are you stupid?
No, I actually know a thing or two about women because I am one.

Obviously. Telling a girl she's fat is the quickest way to erase em from your life.


Those women have the same standards of Hollywood. Least the ones bitched about here.

I never got how height threads on this site were so popular. When penis size should be bitched about more. Height standards aren't nearly as bad with women compared to this.

Girls will own huge dildos but say they prefer the love/feeling of their man, nonsense. For fun try bringing this up in chats, and watch everyone devolve!

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that is the best image i've ever seen!
Oh fuck

Image if we could change OP images.

You are just one woman. You're so dismissive of the idea when you yourself are just extrapolating from your own immediate limited experience. Moreover what you say you are attracted vs what you are actually attracted to are different things.

Women in general exhibit a preference for men to be taller. As 'preferences' go there isn't that much variability. The number of women who would actually 'prefer' a man shorter than them rather than taller is relatively tiny. At best you get women who don't weigh their preference for height as much relative to other aspects.

>Being close in height is a bonus since then we can share clothes.
this is a very fringe circumstance

5'12 here can i come in?

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be my flat qt early bloomer gf

5'10" reporting in
Live in Miami with a bunch of Hispanics so people think I'm tall

>mfw 5'11"

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This is the better version of that meme

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Igual mi hermano

Yea but mine is more fitting since it's relevant to my height

5'11 3/4 here.

bow down

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No, I am in cuckanada

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5'9" masterrace reporting in. Originally, of course.

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5'10 reporting in.
>tfw no 6'5 gf

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>brother is 6' 1"
>stuck at 5' 8"
there better be a growth spurt so i at least get to 5' 10"

If you haven't hit like 21 or so, there may still be hope lad.

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5'4 here in an original fashion

hopefully it happens in 3 years

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5 foot 7 here

Yup, I'm this user and I still have some time according to my doctors. We'll all make it eventually.

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you are not cool anymore
you can't claim 5'9" if you think you're gonna grow some more!

thanks fren, i feel slightly better now

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>think I'm 5'4
>measure myself
>am actually 5'7

I'm kind of happy desu


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I'm pretty happy for you, desu.

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6'3 here
Whats going on down there MANLETS

>be 5'9
>all both of my brother's and dad are 6'2

You think this is a joke God?

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are you the oldest?
is your dad your dad

5'4 king of manlets where
it wouldnt be so bad if I didn't have a babyface and a high-pitched voice
im essentially an eternal child

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I am the oldest, and I have no reason to think my dad isn't my dad.

I'm not bothered by it except in family pictures because even if I stand on my tip toes they're still taller then me, and when we went on a trip to Italy our guide thought me and my youngest brother (older then him by 4 years) were twins.

The reason I want to be taller doesn't really involve my family, thats just an annoyance and something that makes me wish I got better genes, its mostly because girls are starting to get around my height definetly at uni 1/4 of the girls at least are my height or taller.

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Fuck yeah finally a manlet thread 5'7 reporting in, depressed as fucked cause I have to job hunt tomorrow.

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You could try becoming a twink and finding a tall muscular amazon to dominate and enslave you, and then you can live out my sex fantasies irl.