Hunger games thread. post a name and image to enter as tribute

hunger games thread. post a name and image to enter as tribute.

Attached: 25D2109E-4A04-436E-BBFE-2B529724F3A3.jpg (603x747, 354K)

Aren't you supposed to be on /b/ user. Did you accidentally make a thread on the wrong board?

Attached: unturntancy.png (198x201, 62K)

self check

original comment

Wojack of Diamonds. Also nice trips.

Attached: 8218383D-77C5-4601-8CFA-2EDFCE9E0ECE.jpg (710x1000, 270K)

the wistful turtle

Attached: 1468035388016.jpg (375x500, 29K)

oh shit im fucking retarded

The smug face

Attached: B67A31B3-CE81-42EB-8EF5-32249B4F8B28.jpg (600x315, 66K)

Startled JC

Attached: A BOMB.jpg (243x280, 7K)

Top Lobster

Attached: 1532276632052.jpg (800x470, 39K)

cry guy

Attached: 86099396-crying-emoji-or-emoticon-vector-icon.jpg (1293x1300, 100K)


Attached: 000.png (1023x954, 582K)

Suicidal McDonald

Attached: 1530584199911.jpg (358x258, 30K)


Attached: EMGN-Full-House14.jpg (750x545, 66K)

Thomas Papillon

Attached: Thomas1.png (994x750, 877K)


Attached: FB_IMG_1517415942910.jpg (459x708, 22K)

Holy Loo

Attached: 1528545066505.jpg (672x1024, 124K)

Is District 11 supposed to be niggerland?

Attached: cure your cancer.jpg (633x598, 36K)



Attached: image.jpg (375x375, 50K)

Teutonic Pope

Attached: H-man.jpg (1200x1200, 192K)

"ls" is my name I guess

Evil Saggers

Attached: 25309-324-1-jpg.jpg (635x827, 51K)

>not "The Cure"

please and thank you

Attached: 1475384083482.jpg (533x475, 45K)

Based Fresco.

I wanna see more of him.

Attached: 9767CD61-E532-4CF3-A22E-61B30728EBC1.png (320x240, 7K)

Gorillaz boiz

Attached: Cov.jpg (480x480, 144K)

Demon days album

Attached: Cover.jpg (240x240, 16K)

Muse's 2003 Album Origin of Symmetry

Attached: Museoriginofsymemtryalbumcover.jpg (300x300, 35K)

Wtf tom

Attached: 1530311850171.jpg (500x384, 25K)


Attached: 1526258210119.jpg (480x452, 18K)

Who is fresco?

Literally a red pepe

Wus popping jimbo?

Attached: Capture 2018-03-22 23.46.15.jpg (1920x1080, 96K)

uhh is OP even here??
have we been abandoned?

tight dawg

im here theres not enough people yet

Go back to last thread

Merci-less Twingo

Attached: do not ask for merci, for i have none.jpg (674x462, 153K)

>not original comment

Attached: 1532566917275.gif (500x280, 738K)

Tf do you mean op? There are 24 images already.

alright boys i dont care that theres not enough fucking people yet

it has begun

PS i hope the fucking furfag dies

Attached: 1AF816AB-60FD-4857-92C3-555058528500.jpg (750x706, 404K)

user i don't think she will make the cut

He means not enough IPs.

Gifs work great with this program user, lurk more

Attached: lights.gif (595x366, 384K)

Op didn't say anything about gifs...

Gang Weed

>fuck r9k, this is super original

Attached: 2mayp7owmkn01.png (364x402, 199K)

It'll just grab the first frame

Catpiss Neverclean

Attached: 30080F4F-12E1-4D62-A6C6-EF961E29A214.png (1280x1280, 218K)

Only if you use the thumbnail that ends .jpg
If you use the link ending as .gif it moves.

so guys im fucking retarded theyre all named dead cunt for some reason but im still gonna keep going

Attached: 34440442-D51C-4CEB-BF22-BB5F4B9E61DC.jpg (494x940, 162K)

BASED Grug II making it in.

Attached: Grug II.png (92x98, 14K)

lazy op is lazy

Evil Sagger has reached Al Qaeda tier

Attached: C56F3A7E-F36F-4940-8407-C7D42B142EF4.jpg (416x1178, 200K)

thats good to know but dumbass OP didn't even take all the pics anyway
i'm out

Attached: 1531232314262.jpg (793x636, 116K)

Suicidal McDonald is fucking fishing

Attached: DCFB6144-86BE-4915-9ACC-7FF36B9E0E72.jpg (393x906, 181K)

>Mfw missed out to submit a fighter from my slaves to fight in the hunger games folder
Will you do round 2 OP?

OP seems to have fucked off after fucking up the names and entrants

>Will you do round 2 OP?
I hope not, this thread sucked ass.


Attached: 1532131135950.jpg (900x1080, 108K)